Crying Crying and MORE Crying

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by TheCohens, Mar 16, 2008.

  1. TheCohens

    TheCohens Member

    Our oldest daughter cries and cries and cries. We don't even understand how a human being can be this miserable and cry this much. You figure they'd be worn out by now!

    The only times she doesn't cry are:

    * sleep
    * during diaper change
    * a few minutes after eating/diaper change when she grudgingly gives us some smiles
    * when I'm bouncing her on my knee (my leg muscles are getting HUGE)

    She doesn't like being held or put down. She doesn't like anything - and if she pauses for a few moments (and we think she may like something) she cries after a few minutes.

    Her main thing is her butt -- she gets insanely worked up whenever she has to fart or poop -- that sets her off for 20 minutes -- super tears. I am treating her diaper rash, but I can't imagine that diaper rash would be the cause of unending misery. Or could it?

    She does not have colic. She gets a good amount of sleep. She'll wake from sleep wailing. She'll also be totally calm when eating, get to the point where she has to burp, and then WAIL while I try and get a burp out of her. She knows the drill, we've been doing this for months now, yet she STILL cries.

    We're getting to the point where we can't take it. We will do anything for our kids - ANYTHING - but she returns almost zero and appears to be miserable/uncomfortable all the time. Our other twin has insane reflux, yet loves our company, laughs continuously, and loves being held - it's the answer for everything with her.

    Has anyone else been through this with a moody baby who cries ALL THE TIME but doesn't have colic?
  2. benderboys

    benderboys Well-Known Member

    A few things come to mind..the first one being really bad gas. If she's freaking out when she needs to burp or let one rip, then the gas could be causing some serious pain. Have you tried Mylicon or Gripe Water? Will she suck on a pacifier? Sometimes sucking on something will get gas out. Babies intestines have a really tough time getting trapped air out and it will make a baby flat out miserable. It can take several months for the lower digestive area to work out the kinks.

    Second thought - she may just be a really sensitive baby. Does she get really bent out of shape when there is a lot going on i.e. tv, radio, oud conversations? I read about that in what to expect the first year...they call it the "high maintenance" baby (I really don't like that phrase), so you may want to check that out for comparison.

    I'm so sorry she's crying so can really wear you down. I hope someone else can give you some concrete advice!!!
  3. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    This was my DD also. I used to say she was never awake and happy from 3 weeks until 3 mo. She was eating(and often crying through it), sleeping, or crying. She got tons better at 3 mo. SO hopefully the end is in site. We finally found gripe water at 2 1/2 mo and it worked for her. It might be worth a try. We did lots of walking. It helped to lay her over your arm with her head by your elbow and hand between her legs. I think the pressure felt good on her stomach. Good luck.
  4. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Have you asked the pedi about reflux?
  5. Chillers

    Chillers Well-Known Member

    In addition to pp great suggestions, do you guys swaddle? My girls loved being swaddled at your babies age. Also, I second the gas could really be hurting her. If you're not already, try the mylicon drops.

    Hope you find something that works!
  6. meliz812

    meliz812 Well-Known Member

    Have you considered trying a different formula? One of our daughters was doing the same thing the first couple months and we changed formulas...what a difference! She's now on Alimentum, which is pretty pricey, but so worth it!
  7. Zabeta

    Zabeta Well-Known Member

    One of my guys was absolutely miserable most of the time until I discovered he was allergic to dairy. I quit eating it completely and he got better in a week or two.

    Curious how you ruled out colic, since that's a pretty broad catch-all diagnosis that includes a whole bunch of different sources of intestinal distress.
  8. Mum2TwinBoys

    Mum2TwinBoys Well-Known Member

    You have received some wonderful advice. It does sound like something is hurting her, the gas drops won't hurt her if it isn't gas so that is absolutely worth a shot. Give her a dose with every bottle, this is what I did when my boys were your age. They were quite fussy as well and this seemed to help them, laying them on their tummy was another as well as walking with them over my arm or sitting with them laying on my legs. Please let us know how it is going.
  9. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    No advice or anything just sending you hugs :love0028:

  10. mandyanna

    mandyanna Well-Known Member

    Okay so the pp were all about gas drops, maybe colic etc. But I am here to tell you, I have a crier, her sister had colic never cried. her sister has terrible reflux, never cries. DD Grace will cry if you look at her the wrong way. Now when she was the age of your babies we tried to minimize the outside "stuff" that would just cause her to breakdown Too many people holding her, talking to her those kinds of things made Grace worse. Also if there was just alot going on TV, dishwasher, us talking all at once, that made her worse. Her attention span is very short (like her mom) so all these things going at once makes her head spin. We use a white noise machine to keep her focused, it is on when she is playing and she plays very well We are weaning her from it a little everyday and we are learning she loves music. So this is not medical advise no MD helped us we just did what worked. Lots of luck and plenty of :hug99:
  11. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I am so sorry to hear that you are going through this. It is frustrating to hear your child cry and you don't know what to do about it. We have done Mylicon in every bottle and also tried Gripe Water, sometimes it helps and sometimes it doesn't. Right now, I am at the point where I dread the day time because I know I will be in for no napping (mine fight that hard) and screaming (we get so tired because we need a nap but yet we won't take one)...they sleep great at night.

    I am thinking of you and I hope it gets better soon!
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