Croup question

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Jaci, Feb 8, 2007.

  1. Jaci

    Jaci Well-Known Member

    I know my twins aren't the only ones fighting croup right now, so I thought you guys could help me out with the old question: to bring or not to bring the kiddos to the doctor AGAIN!?

    I had them at the doctors a couple days ago with croup. Fevers, coughing, etc. The doctor put them on a two day dosage of steroids. So, fevers & the croupy sounding cough are gone, but they are still are super congested. Puck is still having coughing fits, but it isn't a dry's super gurgly in his chest. Is this a normal progression for croup?

    I hate to bring them back if I don't have too, but I'm feeling the pressure since it's Friday & tough to get an appointment on the weekends. Thanks for any input!
  2. Jaci

    Jaci Well-Known Member

    I know my twins aren't the only ones fighting croup right now, so I thought you guys could help me out with the old question: to bring or not to bring the kiddos to the doctor AGAIN!?

    I had them at the doctors a couple days ago with croup. Fevers, coughing, etc. The doctor put them on a two day dosage of steroids. So, fevers & the croupy sounding cough are gone, but they are still are super congested. Puck is still having coughing fits, but it isn't a dry's super gurgly in his chest. Is this a normal progression for croup?

    I hate to bring them back if I don't have too, but I'm feeling the pressure since it's Friday & tough to get an appointment on the weekends. Thanks for any input!
  3. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    When mine had the croup the DR prescribed 3-4 meds... one for the cough, one for the congestion, a steriod and sometimes an antibiotic if it was a worse case.

    If they aren't getting better, yes take them back.
  4. girlsxtwo

    girlsxtwo Well-Known Member

    I would take them back. Sure don't want it to turn into something else. Better safe than sorry, that's what I always say. My daughter had croup last year and it pretty much cleared up after the meds the pedi gave her.
  5. TnTzMom

    TnTzMom Well-Known Member

    If you feel the slight urge to go back to the doc- do it.
    One of my boys gets croup often- it started at 4mos. Turns out they say he has tracheamalasia (sp?) which is a narrowing of his airway which makes him susceptible-
    anyhow, I took him to the ER this past Sat. at 11pm. They gave him breathing treatments and steriods. By Wed. he was still breathing hard and coughing a lot so I brought him back to the Er at 7am. They gave him another treatment and said it was good to come back in. He went in today for a follow up with the doc.
    Our doc has also given us a nebulizer to have at home which we use.

    It's normal for them to be congested for a few days after- but a follow up appt is a good idea. We also go in 48hrs after we've been treated. Follow your instincts!! You don't want to wind up in the ER late at night!

    I hope your kids feel better soon!!!
  6. kerrmommy

    kerrmommy Well-Known Member

    I've heard that croup can turn into phenumonia(sp) so, yeah, I would take them in. Give us an update!
  7. twin mommy of boys

    twin mommy of boys Well-Known Member

    one of my twins had croup and was put in the hospital for it he was in their for 3 days under a mist tent it was so horrible i felt helpless... I hope they get better! HUGS!
  8. JeninSF

    JeninSF Well-Known Member

    we are battling this now as well. My doctor told me that with croup it is not at all uncommon for the cold part (congestion, etc) to last up to a month. he told me I only needed to bring them back if they get a fever over 103 or if they are really having trouble breathing (i.e. wheezing on the inhale, shallow rapid breathing, etc)
    Otherwise, treat the cold (fluids). He also said that since it can take a while to recover, to keep activities mellow - he actaully said (in regards to my daughter who has it worst) "no tantrums" when I asked him how to do that he said "give in! and deal with the ramifications next month"
  9. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    he actaully said (in regards to my daughter who has it worst) "no tantrums" when I asked him how to do that he said "give in! and deal with the ramifications next month"

    Ok, I had to kind of chuckle at that...but it's true, they get so worked up over tantrums and it only makes things worse.

    I just had reagan back on Saturday b/c her fever got to 102. They gave her Zithromax in hopes of the croup not settling into her chest and causint resp problems. Told me to look for signs of fever and if it was at 101 or higher still by Mon/Tues this week to bring her back in. It was up to 100 tonight and I gave her motrin. So, we'll see.

    But, if you think you should take them in, just do it. Mother's instinct is ALWAYS better than actually waiting, IMO.
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