Crib Tents

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by imateechur, Jul 15, 2007.

  1. imateechur

    imateechur Well-Known Member

    Ok, so it happened this afternoon. The babies were up from their nap, but I left them in their cribs while I finished dusting the living room. I'm dusting away like a mad woman, trying to hurry because they are starting to get impatient, when in walks Ashley with a little grin on her face. She climbed out of her crib! :shok: I haven't even seen them TRYING to climb out, so I was shocked. I've been looking at crib tents but I'm wondering if they'll fit their cribs. They both have sleigh cribs that are solid on the sleigh side. Does that make sense? I've had problems with other things attaching to their cribs because of the sleigh. Anybody with this type of crib have luck with the tents?

    I'm totally not ready for toddler beds, but if crib tents aren't an option I'm wondering about setting the toddler beds up along with their pack n plays, so I'll at least have a place to put them if they don't stay in bed. Like I said though, that would be as a last resort.

    So, any ideas ladies? :help:

  2. annabell

    annabell Well-Known Member

    I have the tents on reg. cribs but I took a look to see if I could help you. I would say the width is tight on a reg. crib so if the sleigh aren't any wider then it should be o.k. The velcro wrap tabs that attach around the edge of the crib are extra long. I use 1/4 of the tab for our crib. Maybe call "One step ahead" mag. they have been very helpful to me when I have product questions. Good Luck!
  3. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I actually don't think you'll find that they fit the sleigh cribs. I remember someone posting about that previously.

    My DS took the plunge and it scared him SO bad that he's never done it again and I have a crib tent standing by just in case!
  4. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    I took this from the description on Amazon in regards to the Cozy II.

    The innovative wrap around end panels and tri-hook and loop locking system allows it to be attached to most standard and sleigh-style cribs. Lightweight for easy travel. Ages birth to 3 yrs. 30H x 8W x 3D.
  5. blessedby2

    blessedby2 Well-Known Member

    We have a sleigh crib and it does fit. As long as both sides are level to the ground you are ok. We also have another crib that is a convertable. With that crib the back of it has an arch, which later becomes the headboard. Looks great and all, but we can't use a crib tent on it. That was our DD's crib. We had to switch that one to DS, since he wasn't climbing yet. Now that he is climbing, we converted that one to a toddler bed. He was ready for the transistion, but DD wasn't. She is still in her crib tent.

    Let me know if you have any questions. :) I'm happy to help.
  6. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    Our cribs were sleigh-style (not solid on the ends, but with the curve) and the tents fit. I guess it can't hurt to try and return them if you can't use them.
  7. imateechur

    imateechur Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone. I just wasn't sure if the tabs were designed to weave through the slats on the bed, because that obviously won't work for us if that is the case. I forgot to mention that Ashley's bed is a actually only has the sleigh on one side. The other side is also solid, but is part of her dresser. Maybe I'll snap a picture later so I can explain myself better!

    She didn't seem to be scared at all yesterday, so I was afraid she would do it again, but she hasn't yet. Just knowing she CAN has me a little freaked out, though.

  8. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Sorry Jessica!! I answered with a vague memory and am clearly wrong!! Sorry to mis-lead you!
  9. cmharper

    cmharper Well-Known Member

    Chloe's crib is a sleigh crib and the crib tent we just got fits well. You don't need to weave anything through the slats. We have the newer version of the product on her crib (Cozy Crib Tent II).
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