Crib tents

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by silver_stardust, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. silver_stardust

    silver_stardust Well-Known Member

    I think the boys are realizing they could probably climb out of their cribs. Trying to lift their legs up and over the rail. Another couple weeks and I'm sure they'll be there ... ugh. I'm really not ready to deal with switching to toddler beds because I just don't think they would not terrorize their room or stay in the bed.

    For those that used crib tents - At what point did you put them on? Did you have any problems with them? Any concerns??
  2. koozie

    koozie Well-Known Member

    we got one for my son at age 2.5. He climbed out a LOT. They are a pain to get on, but well worth it f you ask me. After the initial shock, he LOVED it.
    It tore after a few months, but we you can get another one free by mailing in the riped one. Then it tore again in a fewmore months, and we gave up. But overall it works! BOL
  3. hezza12

    hezza12 Well-Known Member

    We used ours for about 8 months... we put one on when they were about 27 months (one son needed a tent, the other didn't), and kept it there till we switched them out of cribs when they were almost three. I LOVED the tent.. it bought us way more crib time then we would have otherwise had, and the son who had the tent found it cozy and didn't fight it at all. Ours didn't tear, but I agree, it was a bit of a pain to get on. We bought ours on Kijiji and sold it for the same price when we were finished with it.
  4. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    We put ours up right around 24 months. Neither of the kids was even trying to climb out, but I wanted to get them used to the cribs BEFORE they realized what the point actually was! (We bought ours at Walmart online - normally I am not a Walmart fan, but they were much cheaper than anywhere else.) They both loved their tents -- in fact we initially bought one just for Amy (since she seemed like the bigger escape risk) and Sarah was so envious that I had to get one for her ASAP.

    Ours never tore, though that may have been because the kids never tried to escape from (or climb on) them. The zipper pull did break off of one of them, but it was still useable. Even when the kids were old enough to unzip the tents themselves, they only did it in the morning, and then waited for us to get them out.
  5. paulacraft1

    paulacraft1 Well-Known Member

    we got them while ago, both kids love them and never fought them....
    we got them at the same time as the star light turtle so it was cooler to look at the stars than worry about the tent
    it went well and we still have them as they near 3
    :) I highly recommend them:)

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    We like ours too! I put them up very early at the advice of my cousin with older twins, and I've never had a problem with them. They keep the pacis and loveys contained, so that is a bonus. I worried they'd get so used to the tent that they wouldn't like our travel cribs that have an open top, but that hasn't been an issue either. I plan to keep mine in cribs as long as practical, probably 3.5, maybe longer.
  7. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    My ds was attempting to climb out at 20 months... I kept him in a sleep sack so that he couldn't hike his leg up and over, that worked for a bit... but closer to 22 mo. I got a good deal on 2 tents at our twin sale so bought them and they've been on for just about a year. my ds just recently figured he could jump up and grab the bars and invert it (not very safe!) and since ours are so old? the seams ripped twice. I've resewn those but didn't want to chance it again, so I took his down. he's in an open crib and can climb out at his will. UGH! I'll probably convert back to a toddler bed for him this weekend. He has been doing well staying in when he's tired.

    But I'm so worried about losing naps and bedtime... so I totally recommend the tents if you think you'll need them.

    one thing to remember is the original style tent allows more for the crib to uneven like when the back of the crib is higher for a headboaurd. the "new style" doesn't work so well with that... as the surround netting is only a certain number of inches below where you attach it, and it has to go under the mattress.

    good luck!
  8. twinsnowwhat

    twinsnowwhat Well-Known Member

    I just put ours on and wish I had done it sooner as he was trying to climb out and fell. Luckily he wasn't hurt but it could have been a lot worse.
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