crib tents

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Gimena, Jan 9, 2011.

  1. Gimena

    Gimena Well-Known Member

    Do the crib tents fit the convertible cribs where one side is higher?
    has anyone done anything to make it fit?
  2. dtomecko

    dtomecko Well-Known Member

    It fit ours. I don't remember having to do anything unusal to make it fit. I never thought of it really being an issue before we bought it, and we didn't have any problems. It bought us 3-4 more months before we tried a bed for my son again (first attempt was a disaster). Those 3-4 months it was a total sanity saver. And when we tried him in a bed again, we had no problems. I guess he matured enough in that time. We also put them in separate rooms in that time, so that may have helped too.
  3. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    It fits ours... I know some friends that had the completely flat back and they bought a strip of velcro to secure it just a bit more but they didn't "need" to.
    ahhh I miss crib tents :laughing:
  4. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    I've done a creative install on a crib with three of 4 sides being curved... and it was secure enough that they could hold the tent poles and swing from it without it budging. I just wrapped the side straps up over the top to give support for the back. Since they were the full-enclosure style, the imperfect fit wasn't a problem (they couldn't get any limbs or their heads into the gaps between the tent and the sides). I wouldn't try such a trick with the top-only model.
  5. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I just realized what the title of this folder was asking. there are 2 types of crib tents... you most likely won't be able to get the "New" crib tent style to fit... b/c it has a full surround netting and thus the height of the crib rails and mattress are supposed to be at certain heights...

    I borrowed one of those, and it didn't fit as nicely on ours as the "original" crib tent that didn't have the full surround. The original ones just attaches to the top rails, and you should be able to make it work within reason.

    there are pluses and minuses to each type.

    Original - if there is an "accident" the side surround isn't there and doesn't get dirty so you don't have to take the whole tent off to wash.

    But on the new one with the surround you have the added benefit that they can't push things/pacis etc through the rails and lose them in the night. and they can't get their legs stuck in the rails either...

    good luck! love my crib tents. we ended up with a set of the "original" ones and they work perfectly for us. We've been using almost 1 yr!
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