Crib tent or big girl bed?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by carilberry, Dec 20, 2007.

  1. carilberry

    carilberry Well-Known Member

    The twins are just shy of 23 months and Kate has learned to climb out of her crib. Should we just move her to a bed or try the crib tent?
    Our oldest was in a full size bed at 25 months b/c we needed her crib for the twins, so this was never an issue. We had (and still do) an awful time keeping her in her own bed. We already have problems with Kate wanting to come into our bed, so I don't want to put her in a big girl bed and have her in our bed every night!
    I'm also afraid if we move Kate, then Charlie will want a big boy bed.

    What did you do?
  2. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    we moved the both to big boys beds at 18m and never looked back. for the first few night we had just their mattress on the floor fo if they fell out of bed they would not get hurt. Then we put their beds together. most nights they slept in them and some they slept underthen during the first month. its was pretty funny.... Most mornings they end up in bed with me around 630am or so and I dont mind b/c dh has left for work so theres plenty of room..

    good luck
  3. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    CRIB TENT!! At 20mos Erick climbed out so I got a crib tent for him. At 23mos, Kayci climbed out. I took the crib tent from Erick for Kayci and told him that he may not climb out of his crib. He never did. At their second bday I moved Erick to a toddler bed. He occasionally gets out of bed but only at naptime when he and Aaron are playing instead of sleeping <_< Kayci is still her crib with the tent since she just doesn't understand "stay in crib!" GL!
  4. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    The consensus always seems to be a crib tent and I'm definitely in that camp. :) There are the very few lucky ones who's twins could handle the excitement of instant access to their best friend throughout the night at an early age but most can't. We tried big kid beds from 26-28 months and it ended up meaning no naps. Crib tents returned everything to normal until the girls were finally ready for big kid beds at just over 3 years old.
  5. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    We did a crib tent at that age for Jon--Marc never needed one. I would hold off as long as possible on the beds.
  6. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    Same for us...Crib Tent at 23 months when I heard my son in the hallway at 4:30am. I second keeping them in the cribs.
  7. cellomom

    cellomom Well-Known Member

    Crib tents are wonderful!

    They weren't around when my big kids were little, and I had to move them all to mattresses on the floor when they started climbing out.

    But this time around we have crib tents - the girls are now 2 1/2, and we don't plan to move them to beds until they are 3. We even have portacrib tents for Grandma and Grandpa's house, since the girls sleep there part of one night a week.

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