Crawl? Army Crawl?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by nicolepag, Mar 15, 2007.

  1. nicolepag

    nicolepag Well-Known Member

    Two questions...

    Background - Kids born 34.3 weeks - Born June 29, 2006 (8.5 months).

    Both starting rolling around 3-4 months.

    My son has been army crawling for at least two-three months now. He can also sit well up, pull himself up, sit on his knees and even push himself up on to his legs.

    My daughter still is just rolling and pivoting and hasn't made much effort to try and army crawl. You can tell she wants to go somewhere but can't. She can sit up for short periods.

    Should I be worried? Suggestions? My 9 month appt with pediatrician isn't until 4/9 now (just got moved from 4/2).

  2. team_double.trouble

    team_double.trouble Well-Known Member

    at 9 months both my girls were sitting up fine, for long periods of time, they both started crawling at 10-10.5 months and are still crawling now [​IMG]

    I dont think i would be worried yet, try and show her, get down on her hands and knee's and start crawling, put her in the position, on her hands and knee's and shee what she does? im not sure.
  3. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    Nicole, I forgot our babies were born the same day! [​IMG]

    I think they are doing fine. Pat is still sitting and thats about it. And Kevin just started crawling, but he drags his rear a bit. And they were born 38wks! So I think Analia and Antonio are going great developmentally!

  4. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    I agree, sounds like they are doing great! [​IMG]
  5. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    My daughter is almost one and still not crawling. Her sister started crawling at 9 months.

    The pedi tells me every month that crawling is not a milestone and many babies never actually crawl, they move straight to walking. Doesn't stop me from fretting over it, but it is true!
  6. nicolepag

    nicolepag Well-Known Member

    Thanks. That helps. I would have thought that seeing her brother go all over the place would motivate her more. She just gets frustrated. I guess it's kinda good - gives me a little more of a break before they are both walking! [​IMG]
  7. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    They are doing fine. They were born a few weeks early so you have to account for that. My DD started army crawling first at 10.25 months and then 2 weeks later started crawling. My DS never army crawled just started crawling at 10.5 months, mine were preemies too. Then around 11.25 months they both started pulling up on things and by 11.5 months they were both cruising. Now at 13 months my DS has taken about 6 steps and my DD just took her first step last night. My point is don't worry it will happen, and probably all at once like mine did.
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