Cow's milk intolerance or allergy

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by JessiePlus2, Aug 6, 2008.

  1. JessiePlus2

    JessiePlus2 Well-Known Member

    I am pretty much switched over to cow's milk. We've still got some formula left so we'll put a few ounces in the bedtime bottle to get rid of it.

    We made the switch gradually, and during the process, I've noticed DS's BMs have changed a lot. It's not diarrhea, but more frequent, softer and smellier.

    I also noticed that Yobaby Yogurt gives him diarrhea so they only milk product he gets is his bottle of milk.

    If your LO had a milk allergy or intolerance, what were the signs and symptoms? Had they been on milk-based formula prior to the switch? What are they drinking now instead of milk?
  2. amybizzell

    amybizzell Well-Known Member

    Both my kids have had problems with milk. They had cramping, gas, constipation, crying - they were miserable. We put Jacob on soy formula and he drinks soy milk now. Katie was put on lactose-free formula and now drinks lactaid. They both eat dairy products like cheese and yogurt without problems, so they could probably be switched to regular milk. But they are used to what they drink and I don't have a problem buying them what they like.

    Good luck!
  3. AriaGirl77

    AriaGirl77 Well-Known Member

    My girls don't have any confirmed problems with milk, but since I have such a long and strong family history of dairy intollerance on my side of the family I've decided to give them Lactaid instead of 'real' milk. I'm planning to try real milk after they turn 2 to check and see if we're really spending all that extra money for a good reason or not. :)
  4. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    Sydney has cow's milk "sensitivity". She tested very high for this sensitivity. She also had lingering reflux and pooped twice as much as Sam. I tried Rice Milk for awhile, since she's sensitive to soy too. But I was afraid they weren't getting enough calories, protein and good fats. I tried goat's milk and had so many poopy diapers, it was gross.

    i put them on Lactaid and they love it (it's a little sweeter). And there is ALOT less poop. of course, the Lactaid is even MORE expensive than the Organic!!!

    I've read that more than 50% of us are Lactose Intolerant. I use Lactaid milk for cereal. If I have regular milk, I tend to have tummy issues too. So maybe it's my genes ;-)
  5. Ericka B

    Ericka B Well-Known Member

    I never switched them to milk because the little bit that they would get here and there would give them reactions. If ate any milk product they would get big red patches on their faces and break out in little rashes. Mine are still on formula (next step) per pedi's instructions. They were breastfed for 10 months and then moved to a milk based formula. I would just talk to your pedi and see what they say.
  6. kristy horner

    kristy horner Well-Known Member

    Mine had a sensitivity to cow's milk proteins and we were using Alimentum formula but were given the ok to try regular milk at 9 months- the formula was costing 1000+/month!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, when we switched I noticed a big difference in bm,etc. I think it was because the Alimentum was already broken down and didn't really have to go through the digestion process. After about a month on the millk, their bodies adjusted and it was fine. I did notice that the yobaby made them poop a lot more!!!!!!!!! That went on forever! It wasn't runny, they just went a lot. I think the more regular table food they get, the longer it takes to digest, hence less poop- at least here in my house.
  7. annieuetz

    annieuetz Well-Known Member

    My girls were unofficially diagnosed with a milk allergy at 13 months and officially at 18 months. They were on Nutramigen formula until 15 months. At 12 months, we introduced yogurt and cheese. They quit sleeping through the night, were whiny, clingy, had runny noses, got their first ear infections (double), wheezed and pretty loose stools. We eliminated all dairy and within 3 days, they were back to normal. We reintroduced and it all started up again so eliminated completely. At 18 months, they had quit gaining weight and still had some slight sypmtoms. We did a RAST test on each of them and they were allergic to dairy, wheat, eggs, beef, squash and one was allergic to bananas. We have eliminated all of those items completely (they are now 2 1/2). It was unbelievable how much they changed once it was all out of their systems. We use rice milk, rice "cheese" slices, rice or oat ice cream, etc. They have a soy intolerance so we stay away from it as much as possible. A lot of kids who are allergic to milk are also allergic to soy. If she does have a dairy allergy, stay away from Target brand hair and body wash, Johnson and Johnson Hair and body wash, Aveeno products and Kandoo products. They all have dairy in them.
  8. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    Mine drank Alimentum from 2 months old, got the go ahead to switch to Milk at almost a year. We gradually switched by adding a few ounces at a time until they were completely on milk by 12.5months with no big problems, however, when they were about two months shy of turning two the problems they had when they were smaller (diarrhea, poop smelled like vomit, some blood in stool) started to creep up again. They were tested and found not to be allergic to milk but diagnosed at Lactose intolerant with the potential to grow "out" of it. They drink Lactaid Milk with Calcium and eat Lactaid cheese and an occasional Lactaid Ice cream cone but those three things are the only foods I see a significant difference in their bowl movements. Everything else is ok like cooking with butter, yogurt, pudding. I really have no idea how they were able to process the cow's milk for almost 10 months only to have a problem again.
  9. kristy horner

    kristy horner Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Annie @ Aug 10 2008, 03:33 AM) [snapback]922697[/snapback]
    My girls were unofficially diagnosed with a milk allergy at 13 months and officially at 18 months. They were on Nutramigen formula until 15 months. At 12 months, we introduced yogurt and cheese. They quit sleeping through the night, were whiny, clingy, had runny noses, got their first ear infections (double), wheezed and pretty loose stools. We eliminated all dairy and within 3 days, they were back to normal. We reintroduced and it all started up again so eliminated completely. At 18 months, they had quit gaining weight and still had some slight sypmtoms. We did a RAST test on each of them and they were allergic to dairy, wheat, eggs, beef, squash and one was allergic to bananas. We have eliminated all of those items completely (they are now 2 1/2). It was unbelievable how much they changed once it was all out of their systems. We use rice milk, rice "cheese" slices, rice or oat ice cream, etc. They have a soy intolerance so we stay away from it as much as possible. A lot of kids who are allergic to milk are also allergic to soy. If she does have a dairy allergy, stay away from Target brand hair and body wash, Johnson and Johnson Hair and body wash, Aveeno products and Kandoo products. They all have dairy in them.

    Wow, that's amazing about the body wash/products!!! I had no idea...makes me wonder if that is affecting Ella's eczema..hmmmm
  10. stacyann_1

    stacyann_1 Well-Known Member

    I think my daughter has an intolerance... I have no proof really. She has had mild reflux since she was about 1 year (when milk was introduced). She doesn't like it much, will drink maybe a couple of ounces a day, when I'm around she almost never drinks it (I'm still nursing)

    The topper was last night, she drank more milk than I've ever seen her drink at one sitting (about 3 ounces or so), I often by lactaid, but this time it was regular milk. Anyway, she could not fall asleep, tossing and turning, and finally at like 11pm she tells me her belly hurts, and it's very distended looking. I think I'm going to go back to lactaid for a while. I was cheaping out and buying just the regular kind thinking it must be in my mind.

    BTW - just yesterday I saw Lactaid now makes organic and they were 'giving it away' at $2/half gallon. The date on a lot of them was Aug 12th, but I bought a half gallon anyway. It's usually $3.50 around here. She also seems to take more to reduced or low fat than full fat.. Does full fat have more lactose?
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