Couple of bday party & ettiquette questions

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twoin2005, Jan 28, 2008.

  1. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    1) How long is appropriate for a 3 year olds' birthday party. We want to start at 11am and serve lunch. When should we end it? Should we include an end time on the invitation or just leave it open ended?

    2) Do you open presents in front of the guests. We always did as a kid, but I never go to parties where that happens now. It seems kind of rude not to open and appreciate the gifts in front of the guests. But at the same time, it could take an hour just to get through two kids opening presents?!! What have you all done or what do you recommend?

    3) We are renting a bounce house. Since most of the guests will be in the 3-4 year old range, should we also provide something else in addition to the bounce house? Games? Crafts? (We are doing a Little Einsteins theme, so doing arts and crafts would fit into theme quite well.)

    4) The party will be at our house. Since our house is small and one story, the kids rooms are close by for easy access to toys. Do you close the doors and make the rooms off limits? Or do you let the guests play in their rooms? I am inclined to close the doors but leave a few of the more popular toys out in our family room for kids to play with.

    5) Lastly, as I said we are doing a Little Einsteins theme. Any recommendations to add?
  2. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    1) How long is appropriate for a 3 year olds' birthday party. We want to start at 11am and serve lunch. When should we end it? Should we include an end time on the invitation or just leave it open ended?

    We always have a 4-5 hour party and I do List the end time on the invite.... This amount of times gives you just enough time for all the guests to get there, talk to everyone, eat, cake, gifts talk somemore and then everyone to be on their way.

    2) Do you open presents in front of the guests. We always did as a kid, but I never go to parties where that happens now. It seems kind of rude not to open and appreciate the gifts in front of the guests. But at the same time, it could take an hour just to get through two kids opening presents?!! What have you all done or what do you recommend?

    We always open gifts while the guests are there so each person can see the kids open their gifts and the kids can say thank you before the person leaves. it took us about 30 min to do so. ( we still send out thank you cards)

    3) We are renting a bounce house. Since most of the guests will be in the 3-4 year old range, should we also provide something else in addition to the bounce house? Games? Crafts? (We are doing a Little Einsteins theme, so doing arts and crafts would fit into theme quite well.)

    I think it would be a nice idea to have a table set up with crayons and other crafty items I think the kids would get a big kick out of it.

    4) The party will be at our house. Since our house is small and one story, the kids rooms are close by for easy access to toys. Do you close the doors and make the rooms off limits? Or do you let the guests play in their rooms? I am inclined to close the doors but leave a few of the more popular toys out in our family room for kids to play with.

    Close the doors!! to many kids playing with all the toys means some of your little ones fav toys could get broke.. I might bring out a few that they dont play with to much anymore that way if they get broken your kids wont be upset.

    5) Lastly, as I said we are doing a Little Einsteins theme. Any recommendations to add?

    go to and search.. they have LOTS of great ideas!

    Have fun!!!
  3. egoury

    egoury Well-Known Member

    We have our party this weekend. It's 1 1/2 hours (not at home though) which seems like a good amount of time for kids that age. I can't imagine the kids being engaged for much longer. We will wait until we get home to open the presents. Our family will be us so it will still be a group, but I don't think kids at that age are too interested in watching other kids open their presents. The girls will be sending thank yous to everyone afterwards. I remember when I was older that we would open our presents in front of everyone, but I don't think the attention span is there at this age yet. I definitely think that having a crafts table would be could have tons of crafts that are geared towards little einsteins. I think the more varied activities you have, the better because kids like to do something new after 20 minutes. I think you should close off the bedrooms. You don't want the rooms destroyed by everyone just looking for every toy. Do you have a garage that you could use for extra space and to put some of the toys? I guess since you are in CA, you don't have to worry about the weather too much. There's lots of things they could do outside with balls, sidewalk chalk, etc. I would look online to see what games you can find that relate to Littte Einsteins. I'm sure there are things you could definitely do on that theme. Good luck, I'm sure it will be a ton of fun.
  4. K*D*B

    K*D*B Well-Known Member

    1) How long is appropriate for a 3 year olds' birthday party. We want to start at 11am and serve lunch. When should we end it? Should we include an end time on the invitation or just leave it open ended?
    We have always had a 2 hour party. We have done all of them from 11AM-1PM. That way those children who nap can go right home and nap. Yes, I always put an ending time. Or else I would never get them out of my house.

    2) Do you open presents in front of the guests. We always did as a kid, but I never go to parties where that happens now. It seems kind of rude not to open and appreciate the gifts in front of the guests. But at the same time, it could take an hour just to get through two kids opening presents?!! What have you all done or what do you recommend?
    I am old school and think that most people want to see the birthday kids open their gift. It won't take as long as you think. My guys are very speedy when opening up their gifts.

    3) We are renting a bounce house. Since most of the guests will be in the 3-4 year old range, should we also provide something else in addition to the bounce house? Games? Crafts? (We are doing a Little Einsteins theme, so doing arts and crafts would fit into theme quite well.)
    In the past I haven't set up any planned activities. We own a bounce house and set that up. This year my oldest wants a Pinata and we may have a fire truck come.

    4) The party will be at our house. Since our house is small and one story, the kids rooms are close by for easy access to toys. Do you close the doors and make the rooms off limits? Or do you let the guests play in their rooms? I am inclined to close the doors but leave a few of the more popular toys out in our family room for kids to play with.
    I say to keep their rooms closed. Bring out some toys into the main room and outdoors. Why have to clean up more rooms then you have to.

    5) Lastly, as I said we are doing a Little Einsteins theme. Any recommendations to add?
    On the Playhouse Disney website they have a birthday idea section for their shows. HTH.

    Just make sure you keep the party going so it will make it in your scheduled time allowed. We usually put out the food when the first few guests arrive so they will start right away. Then they play. Then we do the cake. While the guest are eatting the cake we open up gifts. Then everyone leaves.
    Good Luck and have fun.
    I will be starting to plan the twins 2nd birthday party in a few weeks. Looks like a Dinosaur/Moon party.
  5. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    1. I think for a kid party just a couple hours (2-3 max) is great. As an attending parent, you really don't want to hang out at a kid party all day (I'm sure yours will be extra fun, but still). The best ones are short, move from activity to activity, have good food and then everyone goes home! I'd stipulate the end time on the invitation. 11-2 or whatever. If you have family over they stay longer, but have any planned activities done by the end time and guests will feel it is okay to go.

    2. I only have them open gifts in front of family. After the party.

    3. I think a craft project and a game are both always good.

    4. I agree, close the doors!!!

    5. Hm.
  6. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Great questions Kate!!

    I went to a 4 yr. olds bday once and it was 2 hrs. I think. She had a "scavenger hunt" type thing,that the kids had to be led through) made dragon flies out of coffee filters (she had pens out etc. for decorating the filters) and the pipe cleaners etc...( and then they went up and had lunch and cake and then presents and done.

    Some parents stayed and some dropped off. I'm not doing drop off till they are a bit older I don't think.....

    Our party will be VERY small because Martin and Ali don't like to have a ton of kids around. They will have their favorite friends and they won't be going up to their rooms, but all their stuff that playgroup sees will be out. So that's how we'll have that set up.....
  7. PumpkinPies

    PumpkinPies Well-Known Member

    Ours have been 2 hours, and I would be exhausted by 3. :p
    My DH is very good at watching the clock and keeping us on track.
    We opens presents at the party, but at the end. I always enjoy watching kids open their presents --to me it's just part of it.
    I'd pull out a few toys if you want, but leave their room closed off. A bouncy house is enough!
    At the 4 y/o party, we had coloring sheets plus some simple crafts. My mom and I made the parts ahead of time - the kids just assembled and decorated.
    This year, they had a brand new swing/fort/treehouse set in the backyard, and my friend bought her horse. I mostly did crowd control, no organized games at all.
  8. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    We've been to two 3-yr old parties recently, both were at indoor play areas, so there was a time limit. They were 2 hrs, which was about the max the kids (mine and others) could handle.

    At both parties, gifts were not opened. There was a mountain of gifts, it would have taken forever. I say don't open them, that way you can dole them out slowly. It will also save you from any "I already have that!" or other outbursts.

    I agree with a PP who said a table with crayons and paper.

    Also second closing the doors, bring a few toys out.

    Have fun!!
  9. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Kate! Check this out!! You can go on here and print coloring pages for the kids. Or even get a bunch and put them on butcher paper and cover a table with it and the kids can color etc.... I just printed some for Martin and Ali a few min. ago and they are loving them!!!

  10. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    Diane, you ROCK! I have a page bookmarked with coloring sheets and have searched for stuff online, but I have not seen that page you linked. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I may print a bunch of those up and use my book binding machine at work to make little activity books for the kids for party favors. How cheap would that be. Throw in a pack of crayons to go with it even.

    (Plus those activity sheets you linked would be great for some of our older guests!!!!!)
  11. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    YAY!!!! I'm so excited that I helped!!
  12. LLA

    LLA Well-Known Member

    1.) We have always done home parties, and have left the end time open ended. We have had 2-5 sets of twins at each party, and parents just leave when it is time for their kids to nap (whole family has stayed). This has worked well for us.

    2.) Opening presents can be a sticky situation from my experience. The boys did not open presents when they turned 2 (this was discussed with the other moms whose kids were there and decoded this was the best) but my MIL threw a hit about it. We have gone to birthday parties at 3 and 4 that have done it both ways. I really feel from my experience that at 3 the kids in attendance have a hard time sitting while the birthday child opens their presents. It has seemed better at 4.

    3.) We have a bounce house, and set it up inout front room. I have not had set things for other kids to do while some kids are in the bouncy house. We have lots of toys and I have found that the kids not in the bouncy house have found plenty of things to keep them busy. We did attend a birthday party recently that was at a rec center where they had rented a bouncy house, but did not have other things for the kids to do. Mine were not interested in thebouncy house, so it was boring for my guys. i think that if you have toys out for kids to play with, you should be fine (the toys will be nw to the kids attending the party).

    4.) I have cosed the door to our extra bedroom, but that is it. The kids pretty mich played in the TV room or the playroom. We used our room for coats and purses, etc.

    5.) We have found that pinatas are great fun.

    Good luck and have a great party!
  13. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    The last few parties we've been to have all been about 2 hours. We had a bouncy castle and a clown here for C&A's party and that kept the kids well entertained. The pretty much ignored the clown except for when he did the magic show. They LOVED that. He also painted faces and made balloon animals. We also had a pinata. We did NOT open presents at the party. The kids were having too much fun bouncing and it's too hard to keep track of what came from who that way. I just made sure to write detailed thank you notes later. I don't think anyone was offended that we didn't open them at the party. Most of the parties we attend have not opened gifts at the party. Especially if it is not at their home. I would close off the kids rooms and just bring out some toys for the kids to play with in a common area. Or better yet - you live in CA, I would make everyone stay outside! Have a fun party :) I know nothing about Little Einsteins, so I'm no help there!
  14. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    1) How long is appropriate for a 3 year olds' birthday party. We want to start at 11am and serve lunch. When should we end it? Should we include an end time on the invitation or just leave it open ended?

    Our party was from 11:30 - 2:00. For me it seemed like an appropriate amount of time. Most people were ready to leave at 2. I served lunch and then cake.

    2) Do you open presents in front of the guests. We always did as a kid, but I never go to parties where that happens now. It seems kind of rude not to open and appreciate the gifts in front of the guests. But at the same time, it could take an hour just to get through two kids opening presents?!! What have you all done or what do you recommend?

    For their 1st and 2nd birthday's we did not open gifts at the party, but for their 3rd we did. The kids totally understood the concept this year. It did not take a terrible long time to get through them all.

    3) We are renting a bounce house. Since most of the guests will be in the 3-4 year old range, should we also provide something else in addition to the bounce house? Games? Crafts? (We are doing a Little Einsteins theme, so doing arts and crafts would fit into theme quite well.)

    I think all you need is a bounce house. Don't stress yourself out with other stuff!

    4) The party will be at our house. Since our house is small and one story, the kids rooms are close by for easy access to toys. Do you close the doors and make the rooms off limits? Or do you let the guests play in their rooms? I am inclined to close the doors but leave a few of the more popular toys out in our family room for kids to play with.

    We have not done our parties at our house, but if I was to, I would close the bedroom doors and only bring select toys out.

    5) Lastly, as I said we are doing a Little Einsteins theme. Any recommendations to add?

    No, just that I think it is a super cute theme!! :)
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