Could this be? 18 months and done with naps???

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Stacy1976, Jan 9, 2007.

  1. Stacy1976

    Stacy1976 Well-Known Member

    Okay well maybe not done. But they sure arent napping the way they used to. They are fighting me tooth and nail with napping lately. Butn ot everyday. I would say right about now that it is every other day. My 3 year old didnt drop naps this early and I cant remember my older 2 but I didnt think it was at 18 months! I need that time to get things done and that is when we do a lot of our school work too with my older 2.

    What age did yours start skipping naps? With you that have kids around the same age, have you noticed anything new/different???
  2. Stacy1976

    Stacy1976 Well-Known Member

    Okay well maybe not done. But they sure arent napping the way they used to. They are fighting me tooth and nail with napping lately. Butn ot everyday. I would say right about now that it is every other day. My 3 year old didnt drop naps this early and I cant remember my older 2 but I didnt think it was at 18 months! I need that time to get things done and that is when we do a lot of our school work too with my older 2.

    What age did yours start skipping naps? With you that have kids around the same age, have you noticed anything new/different???
  3. pyjamamum

    pyjamamum Well-Known Member

    What mine did, was to keep each other AWAKE from about 18 months onward! Do you think maybe that's a factor with yours? They also went through patches where they were very reluctant to sleep in the daytime, then they'd be good as gold for a couple of weeks, particularly if they were under the weather with a cold.
    Now they're two and a half and we finally gave up pushing for naps, it just resulted in them being confined to their room for an hour and a half giggling like maniacs then crying when they became overtired and overstimulated. Now, we do a 6:30 bedtime instead. Which is great. But I do miss that hour off in the middle of the day! Good luck!

  4. Dielle

    Dielle Well-Known Member

    None of mine stopped that early. But my nephew did. And it's really too early. They need the sleep for brain development. You might talk to your pedi about it. My SIL did and they gave her melatonin for him, to help him get enough sleep.
  5. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    Mine went through a phase of not wanting to nap. I was consistant about putting them down, and after a week or so, they went back to napping. They gave up naps for good around 3 when they started PM preschool.
  6. mamaslilbears

    mamaslilbears Well-Known Member

    Mine went through a phase like that as well at that age. At this point they are ready to drop their naps and they are 2 1/2, although I'm not ready!!!!
  7. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    The boys are still napping almost everyday. I do remember there were some harder times in that time frame though. I would just keep putting them to bed everyday and if they sleep great, if they don't oh well. If it seems like one is sleepy and the other one is keeping them awake, try seperating them for naps. DD tooks naps most days of the week until this past summer (6yo). She would have continued to take them, but we needed to train her to stay awake all day for first grade (they still were required an hour rest period in all day K). On the weekends she is still required to go quietly watch tv in her room when her brothers all go down. I need my quiet time for my sanity.
  8. Mellizos

    Mellizos Well-Known Member

    We had the problem of keeping each other awake. We now separate them for naps. They take turns sleeping in mommy's bed for nap only. They are 3 years, 2 months and still nap at least an hour/day.
  9. Stacy1976

    Stacy1976 Well-Known Member

    Thank goodness! It sounds like this is just a phase. I never went through this with Lily, for sure. It isnt that one is keeping the other awake its that neither wants to go to sleep at all! I will still keep trying and I hope that it does pass. Lily hasnt taken naps for about 6 months now. She will very very rarely so when the twins started doing this I began to freak out thinking that I will never get any free time again!!! [​IMG]
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