Cost of montessori?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Sara26, Feb 20, 2007.

  1. Sara26

    Sara26 Well-Known Member

    Does anyone send their kids to a montessori school? If so, what does it cost? And do you like it?
  2. LLA

    LLA Well-Known Member

    We are going to start going to a Montessori preschool in September. There are many Montessori preschools in our area, and I looked at a few of them. We are going to pay $245 per child a month for two mornings a week. It just happens to be that the preschool the boys are going to go to was the cheapest (that is not why we are going there). There are other Montessori preschools that were up to about $300 per child a month for two mornings a week. These rates are fairly standard for our area (there are some that are a lot higher, but they are private schools).
  3. reaganslp

    reaganslp Well-Known Member

    Wow those are low prices for montessori school. Ours are much higher. 670.00 per month for preschool and 690.00 for elementary. It only gets higher for middle.

  4. JandCsMom

    JandCsMom Well-Known Member

    The thing about Montessori is that a school doesn't have to be accredited by the Montessori association to say that it is a "Montessori" school. There are specific materials and methods of teaching that true Montessori schools use, plus the teachers have been through at least a one-year training program. So, if you really want to make sure your child is getting a Montessori experience, be sure to ask if the school is accredited or not.
  5. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    3day program 270
    4 day 290
    5 day 330
    this is only for 3 hrs in the morning
  6. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Wow! That is expensive! I'm going to be paying $95/per child a month next year for 2 mornings a week. That is for an accreditted preschool here.
  7. lilpanda

    lilpanda Member

    We are considering a montessori school for our girls. We're in California and the rates for the accredited school here are:

    3 hours (8:30-11:30a)/5 days a week: $667
    6 hours (8:30-2:30p)/5 days a week: $699

    We haven't picked a preschool for the girls yet, so I'm also interested to hear what you like/don't like about the montessori schools. Thanks.

  8. Twin-kle Twin-kle little stars

    Twin-kle Twin-kle little stars Well-Known Member

    My daughter goes to Montessori 1 full day (max. 10hours) and 2 afternoons (3hours) per week and I pay $210 a month. Full time is about 600 a month, the minimum they can attend is 3 half days which is $185.

    My kids have been going for 3 years, they start as early as 18mths, and go to pre-kindegarden. I love the organization and structure.

    If you have any other questions feel free to ask, I am sure I can pull out my school calender and other information on the program.

  9. yvonneinoregon

    yvonneinoregon Well-Known Member

    Wow those are low prices for montessori school. Ours are much higher. 670.00 per month for preschool and 690.00 for elementary. It only gets higher for middle.

    DITTO! Yikes, we are paying $675 per child for 3 days pre-school then a 10% discount off of one child.
  10. BettiePage

    BettiePage Well-Known Member

    We are considering a Montessori school for when the girls turn 3 1/2. (Right now they are in FT daycare.)

    The half-day program (8:30am-12pm) is $525/month and the 3/4 day program (8:30am-3pm) is $775/month. You can also do extended day until 6pm for $1,033/month. This is all for 5 days/week; they don't offer anything less than 5 days.

    It's approx. $150/month more than what we're paying for FT daycare right now, but it's right around the high end of the going FT daycare rates, especially for daycare centers, in the area. I think it's pretty comparable to other FT preschools.
  11. HeyThere

    HeyThere Well-Known Member

    What is montessori school?
  12. NIS+1

    NIS+1 Well-Known Member

    We pay $255 a month for 2 mornings a month (8:45-12:30) for an accredited Montessori. Next year Nathaniel will go 3 mornings a week for $350. The girls will start there when they turn 3. They will get a 15% sibling discount. We would also get a 5% discount if we prepay for the entire school year.
  13. Kansas

    Kansas Member

    We have our oldest in Montessori. It's $325 a month for 4 days a week, 2.5 hrs per day (WA state). I feel like it should be a true half day. It's hard to get anything done in the time she's gone! However, the Montessori school itself has been worth every penny. She's reading and has learned WAY more than just academics. I love it - perfect for our 4 yr old.
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