Constipation - what do you do?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Andi German, Feb 1, 2009.

  1. Andi German

    Andi German Well-Known Member

    Max has not pooped for 2 days - very unlike him - his tummy seems to be a little distended also. Trying to give him lots of water - what else? Prune jiuce?
  2. Marya

    Marya Well-Known Member

    I use prune juice & add 1tsp of flax oil to the food for my one son who gets constipated.
  3. MrsBQ02

    MrsBQ02 Well-Known Member

    Yup- we're prune people here. I also try to hold back on the bananas which are one of their favorites, so they don't like that very much!

    I find mine will eat the baby food prunes or apple/prunes better than drinking the juice though.
  4. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Wheat germ in their oatmeal (a suggestion I got from Snittens) -- not instant results, but seems to keep them more regular.
    Prune juice works if you can get him to drink it -- apple juice works too (the opposite of applesauce, which is actually constipating).
    The nurse recommended 1tbs of flax oil for Sarah too -- she is 3yo, though, so it might be a different amount for a younger child.
  5. kajulie

    kajulie Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Minette @ Feb 1 2009, 12:35 PM) [snapback]1171525[/snapback]
    Wheat germ in their oatmeal (a suggestion I got from Snittens) -- not instant results, but seems to keep them more regular.
    Prune juice works if you can get him to drink it -- apple juice works too (the opposite of applesauce, which is actually constipating).
    The nurse recommended 1tbs of flax oil for Sarah too -- she is 3yo, though, so it might be a different amount for a younger child.

  6. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    I used to get the four pack of Gerber apple/prune juice and give them one a day. Usually just one was all it took! I would also sometimes get the pureed apple/prune baby food. They thought it was pudding and it would eat it up.
  7. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    Apple Juice always does the trick here.
  8. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    We use plum juice (pretty much the same as prune juice). Also, canned pears work good.
  9. Andi German

    Andi German Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the top tips ladies - have all the juices so will try him on some.
  10. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    Foods that constipate: rice, bananas, apple sauce, cheese

    Foods that get things moving: pears (pear juice is yummy !), prunes, pineapple, peaches, squash, figs, oats, raisins, paw paw, plums.

    FYI: the one hospital here said pear juice was actually better than prune juice. I drank as much as I could after the twins were born.

  11. Andi German

    Andi German Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(heathertwins @ Feb 2 2009, 07:56 AM) [snapback]1172403[/snapback]
    Foods that constipate: rice, bananas, apple sauce, cheese

    Foods that get things moving: pears (pear juice is yummy !), prunes, pineapple, peaches, squash, figs, oats, raisins, paw paw, plums.

    FYI: the one hospital here said pear juice was actually better than prune juice. I drank as much as I could after the twins were born.


    Thanks for that! Feel as though I should know these things but never had to deal with it before really!

    Dufalac for me after their birth!!!
  12. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Our doctor has Royce on daily Miralax. . .

    before that we tried everything, but the one thing we tried that I haven't seen mentioned yet is light corn syrup (Karo). We would take 1 tsp and mix it with two oz of water and have R. drink it.
  13. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We are having major issues with Reese...poor girl screams when she poops! (She even has a hemroid!)
    We are now using Miralax daily plus apple juice. Constipation sucks!
  14. Angela0580

    Angela0580 Well-Known Member

    Mine has gone 3 times (very small) in 17 days, I am in daily talks with the dr. just got off the phone with her actually. She has a complete diet change, no white processed foods AT ALL, meaning no pasta's, bread, dairy. She's on miralax 2x a day, and 2 suppository's a day. Lots of prunes, fresh fruits, veggies. Raisin bran is a good cereal! Up fluid intake, and don't dilute the juice like you normally would. We are dealing with an extreme case of constipation though. I'm supposed to call again tomorrow if her suppository and rectal stimulation dont work tonight, and we may be admitted for an enima. Diet changes can take up to 4 days to see results, so don't get worried if nothing happens for a few!
  15. kajulie

    kajulie Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Angela0580 @ Feb 2 2009, 02:50 PM) [snapback]1173083[/snapback]
    Mine has gone 3 times (very small) in 17 days, I am in daily talks with the dr. just got off the phone with her actually. She has a complete diet change, no white processed foods AT ALL, meaning no pasta's, bread, dairy. She's on miralax 2x a day, and 2 suppository's a day. Lots of prunes, fresh fruits, veggies. Raisin bran is a good cereal! Up fluid intake, and don't dilute the juice like you normally would. We are dealing with an extreme case of constipation though. I'm supposed to call again tomorrow if her suppository and rectal stimulation dont work tonight, and we may be admitted for an enima. Diet changes can take up to 4 days to see results, so don't get worried if nothing happens for a few!

    We have severe constipation here too. What we do is daily miralax and we give them this juice recommended by the pedi GI, it's called Fiber juice. It's juice boxes that have 10 grams of fiber per box. The girls love the taste and we are hoping to start weening off miralax.. It's expensive but worth it!
  16. jentwinmom

    jentwinmom Well-Known Member

    Pear juice. Carrie did not poop on her own for about 10 weeks and the pear juice finally did it.
  17. NINI H

    NINI H Well-Known Member

    I tried Miralax on my own with our twins constipation, but to no avail. The GI had us do a "cleansing" BEFORE starting doing Miralax daily. That worked so much better!!! We had to do adult retention enemas for 3 days with a day inbetween each dose(only 1/4 of the amount) followed by child saline enemas on the inbetween days. That helped clean them out. Now the Miralax is working better. They still tend to get constipated, but it's not days inbetween anymore, only maybe 1.

    Mine just discoverd raisins and LOVE them.
  18. 2plusbgtwins

    2plusbgtwins Well-Known Member

    My 2 1/2 yr old DD has constipation. She used to scream when she pooped and her whole body would be stiff as a board b/c she was tightening her butt cheeks together trying to hold it in to keep it from passing.
    I do 1/3 cap of Miralax everyday, and it has helped her. The GI Dr told me to give her more when she first started to clean her out b/c she had a lot of back up stool.
    If I forget to give it to her, she will have problems and try to hold it, but it will usually pass w/in 2 days, but it hurts her (and I feel soooo bad if I forget cuz it hurts her so much) :(

    Im going to look for that Fiber Juice. What area of the store do you find it in? With the health foods or juices?
  19. Andi German

    Andi German Well-Known Member

    Oh the poor babes with severe constipation - I hope they are all feeling better. Gave Max some apple and then apple/prune juice and he is pooping as normal now.
  20. nutty-mom

    nutty-mom Well-Known Member

    I use miralax for both 3 year old b/g twins. The ped also had us switch to soy milk and that really seems to help a lot also.
    Iam going to look for the fiber juice. Do you find it in the pharmacy area or reg juice isle???
  21. witmuch

    witmuch Well-Known Member

    We haven't had many issues of constipation with the twins but I found with my 5 year old, when she was that age, we used apple juice and bathing her in epsom salt. Epsom salt helps to incourage bowel movements when digested or bathed in. I chose to bathe her in it and it has always worked. I use it for sore muscles for myself but it is safe enough for children. I'd ask the pedi if it is safe enough for children, if you feel unconfortable using it though.

    I hope that you find something that works!
    Lots of love!
  22. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Epsom salt?? Wow! I'll have to try that. Thanks for the suggestion.
  23. witmuch

    witmuch Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(becasquared @ Feb 4 2009, 05:23 PM) [snapback]1175986[/snapback]
    Epsom salt?? Wow! I'll have to try that. Thanks for the suggestion.

    You are very welcome! I always try to do something along the natural instead of putting medication into my kids. If all else fails then I go to the meds--lol. Saves my kids from the side effects and they can have a blast in the tub while they are getting better--lol. I hope it works. The directions are on the side of the box and it costs about $2 to $5 at any of the dollar stores. But the amount you get lasts a long time. I let my daughter play for about 20 minutes or so, but there is no limit unless your pedi says otherwise. Usually within 24 hours I seen results.

    Let us know how it goes!
  24. kajulie

    kajulie Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(2plusbgtwins @ Feb 3 2009, 02:09 PM) [snapback]1174487[/snapback]
    My 2 1/2 yr old DD has constipation. She used to scream when she pooped and her whole body would be stiff as a board b/c she was tightening her butt cheeks together trying to hold it in to keep it from passing.
    I do 1/3 cap of Miralax everyday, and it has helped her. The GI Dr told me to give her more when she first started to clean her out b/c she had a lot of back up stool.
    If I forget to give it to her, she will have problems and try to hold it, but it will usually pass w/in 2 days, but it hurts her (and I feel soooo bad if I forget cuz it hurts her so much) :(

    Im going to look for that Fiber Juice. What area of the store do you find it in? With the health foods or juices?

    I get the juice at this website..

    they have free shipping on cases..
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