Constipation Update

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by abbymarie, Apr 4, 2007.

  1. abbymarie

    abbymarie Well-Known Member

    Hi All,

    It's been a while since I first posted about my girls (one specifically) having trouble moving her bowels...I wasn't sure at the time if it was more refusinsing to poop or real constipation problems. Well, I've recently switched Dr's and we had out first appt. with the New Dr. yesterday. I like him a lot. Right away he addressed the problem and prescribed a medication...which I normally wouldn't do, but this has been going on for too long to mess around anymore. I have had two other Dr's tell me to work with their diet and liquid consumption but do little else. I DID that and while it helped and got them into better drinking/eating habits, I am glad that someone is finally taking it seriously. I'll let you knw how the medication works. It's GlycoLax (generic form of Miralax). Anyone with experience with this med?

    Thanks for listening. B)
  2. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    I'm glad that you are getting somewhere with the dr. I have no experience with the medication, but I hope it works for her. :hug99:
  3. greatexpectations

    greatexpectations Well-Known Member

    We used that a couple times, but I realized it didn't help solve the actual problem as I wasn't willing to put her on meds indefinitely. Raspberries and super ripe bananas are the only things I have found to help.
  4. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Sorry you are still having trouble!! I hope the medicine works!! :(

    Good luck!!
  5. jwozy

    jwozy Well-Known Member

    No experience with the medicine but I would be interested to see how it works for you. We are in a similar situaiton. My dd for the last 2.5 months will hold her poop for up to a week and then walk like a duck and cry about pooping. We've been giving her mineral oil, and giving her lots and lots of fiber in her diet but it hasn't really help. She's really afraid or stubborn and will just hold it in. I feel so bad for her and am about to take her to her ped to make sure nothing else is going on. Hope it goes well for you.
  6. Mommyto3preciousboys

    Mommyto3preciousboys Well-Known Member

    My oldest son had/has that same problem. It started around potty trianing time 2.5 yrs. old. He would go upwards of 11 days without a BM. The dr. felt that at one time he had a hard BM and that pain caused him not to want to poop. These kids are pretty stubborn. The first dr. I went to said try MOM, and Fleet suppositories. We would do that when it was a really long time to clean out his system. It was traumatizing to everyone!! It is so awful to see your child in so much pain and know that they are doing it on purpose. We moved and our new dr. told us about myralax. The great thing about it is it is colorless, and odorless. SO, he doesn't know he is taking it. He is 4 almost 5 now and still has issues. He goes 2x a week and that is with taking myralax. Myralax doesn't make the kid go, he is still able to hold it but when he does go it makes their bm soft so that they don't have pain associated with going. At the beginning you are supposed to give them more and every day to clean them out. That is really important b/c she could end up with a blocked colon. We are hoping that one day we can have a BM every other day but until then I thank God for that medicine. Good luck to you b/c I know exactly what you are going through.
  7. Gilbert_Mommy

    Gilbert_Mommy Well-Known Member

    My DD has to use Miralax. It isn't supposed to make your body dependent on it, it is just supposed to help the poops be softer. If we dont' use it with Paige, her poops are very, very hard and painful for her. I've tried everything else, as I'm trying to wean her off of it. We use 1/2 of what the dr recommended every other day. Ok so far. I'm trying to give her prune juice and pear juice in her sippys and we'll see how that goes. The doctor even said it was because her anal opening and vaginal opening were too close together? I've never heard of that before and was considering going to a gastroenterologist but haven't yet.
  8. Crystal74

    Crystal74 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Gilbert_Mommy @ Apr 5 2007, 03:47 AM) [snapback]206641[/snapback]
    My DD has to use Miralax. It isn't supposed to make your body dependent on it, it is just supposed to help the poops be softer. If we dont' use it with Paige, her poops are very, very hard and painful for her. I've tried everything else, as I'm trying to wean her off of it. We use 1/2 of what the dr recommended every other day. Ok so far. I'm trying to give her prune juice and pear juice in her sippys and we'll see how that goes. The doctor even said it was because her anal opening and vaginal opening were too close together? I've never heard of that before and was considering going to a gastroenterologist but haven't yet.

    I'm having the same problem with DD as well. Glad to hear that I'm not alone. My ped. is very conservative and has offered no suggestions other than extra fluids and mineral oil. I've only been giving her the mineral oil for two far,nothing. She holds it on the average 7-9 days before going. It's always hard and painful to her. I'm really hoping the mineral oil helps. For those of you that use mineral oil, how much are you giving per day??? Please let me know if the Myralax helps.

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