constipation question

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by newtothis, Mar 5, 2010.

  1. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    my LO has been pooping little 'rabbit pellets' the past 2 days.
    i gave him some prune juice/water to help him go so he can NAP, lol but could it be an allergy or something?
  2. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    Have you introduced any new foods the last few day? If so, it could be there arent used to it yet.
  3. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    they have recently been enjoying a lot of puffs.
  4. maritza211

    maritza211 Well-Known Member

    one of my girls started to poop very little and when she did it was hard. juices didn't work for me either. What did work was celery water. Take some celery, cut it up, put it in pot, put just enough water to cover however much celery you have.... then bring to boil. then lower heat down to a simmer. Simmer for like 20 mins... or until celery is very, very soft. Strain and
    Use ths celery water in your bottles. I did like 5oz celery water and 3oz regular at first... then worked my way up till I felt like it worked.

    My doctor thinks it the iron in the formula. So we just switched to a low iron formula. Just started a few days ago. Still waitin to see if it will work for her.
  5. carlylafont

    carlylafont Well-Known Member

    I give them prunes from the baby jar food. (the only jared stuff they eat). It helps my girls within a few hours.
  6. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    New foods do that to babies. They should get better soon. Pears work well as well with constipation
  7. foppa2102

    foppa2102 Well-Known Member

    one of my girls dealt with horrible constipation and the only thing that worked for us was adding about a tablespoon of white karo syrup to each bottle til she pooped.
  8. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    We use dark karo syrup when the boys get good and backed up too, heh. I remember Brandon being so constipated one day and I fed him a whole jar of prunes the night that DH would be on "baby duty", figuring he would have to deal with the explosion and not me, LOL. But by the next afternoon still no poop. Brandon saved it for me the following morning, the little stinker, but it was still a little firm. So we still occasionally go back to the karo syrup when they are really constipated.
  9. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    New foods can do that, but unless it's bothering him, it's not an issue, some kids just have firmer poops.

    With my older dd and the twins, they had such constipation problems that I used dark karo syrup in several bottles every single day the entire time they were on formula. Even now, I have to use benefiber in one cup of water/juice for all 3 of them every day to keep them "regular". My kids just have issues with constipation.
  10. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    Foods that cause constipation: RICE (likely in the puffs), bananas, carrots, apples (yes apples but surprisingly NOT apple juice due to more pectin) cheese, cream.

    Foods that move things along: "p" fruit pears, pruines, pineapple, peaches, plums, raisins, oats, wheet-bix, paw paw, squash, corn.

    I try to balance the above foods. If they are sick I often go for the "BRAT foods - bananas, rice, apples, toast)

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