
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by LB, Feb 6, 2008.

  1. LB

    LB Well-Known Member

    I have no idea what else to do for Noah. He hasn't pooped since Sunday and that was a a few round small balls of poop. I have give him prune and strawberry/banana juice since Sunday...he gets about as much fruit as he wants. His appetite is not so good. He stands there and cries and pushes and nothing comes out. He's been crying and miserable all day since Sunday..sometimes he's ok when playing but it doesn't last long.
    I feel so bad for him..the other things is the area right around his anus is so red. he cries when you change him too. I've been putting nystatin on it and it's still there.
    any suggestions? I had them to the pedi last Fri for a wellness visit and told him about the constipation..he checked his belly and never said anything and we started talking about other things and never got back to it. I wish I knew what to do...
  2. kimj

    kimj Well-Known Member

    Sorry - not alot of advice - just hugs. Maybe try just straight prune juice mixed with a little water? Hpe your little guys feels better soon!
  3. dtlyme

    dtlyme Well-Known Member

    Have him drink a lot of water and I give my 2 some drops by Little Tummys, they are laxative drops. If it gets really bad you will have to get some suppositories, ask your ped or the pharmicist. Those work quicker than the drops.

    Good luck. It's awful. Archer had an awful bout with it back in October. We ended up having to do the suppositories. Or rather I should say my DH did it! :blush:
  4. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    We've had lots of problems with constipation at our house. :( These are some of the things we try:

    make sure he gets lots of fluids.....maybe even pedialyte
    no bananas, apples or starchy foods
    apple juice, on the other hand, is good
    baby suppositories
    no cheese

    Then when the time comes to "go" & it seems painful sometimes I have to just hold her & talk her though's hard, b/c I know it hurts. :(
  5. Hillybean

    Hillybean Well-Known Member

    Stay away from bananas for one thing. One of our girls has major problems with this. We put FiberSure in her oatmeal every morning. It really seems to help her a lot.
  6. mnellson

    mnellson Well-Known Member

    We have been through this many times- it's horrible! It got to the point that it was beyond giving juice, adding fiber. When my girls were very young our ped. recommended mineral oil.. It worked great! I suggeest you call your ped. and ask them what you can give him/ dosage. It's so hard to see them in such pain! And all of the crying can be so stressful!

    One problem with constipation is that it's a vicious cycle. He is uncomfortable from being constipated, but it hurts to poop. SO, basically, they hold it in, which makes them more uncomfortable and harder to poop. It's on and on from there. The other thing that can happen is when they finally do poop, it hurts so bad that they will often hold it the next time they have to go, causing the cycle to start all over again.

    I think the red ring that you are talking about is actually from pressure on that area from the poop inside + strainig. It's almost like a bruise, shich is why the ointment isn't really helping.

    Other things you can do to help: Have him drink lots of water (even better if it's very warm water), very warm bath, lay him on his back and bend legs, holding them against his belly

    Poor baby...hope he goes soon!
  7. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    I would try a pediatric glycerin suppository. They work fast!
  8. annieuetz

    annieuetz Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(melissao @ Feb 6 2008, 10:01 PM) [snapback]610040[/snapback]
    I would try a pediatric glycerin suppository. They work fast!

    I agree. This is what we used. Just be prepared for the poo to go squirting out. It flew across the changing table and hit the wall before I could get the diaper on. You will also need to hold your babies bottom cheeks together because the suppository can come flying back out before it works.
  9. SuzanneTX

    SuzanneTX Well-Known Member

    Just to add to what other people have said. Canned pumpkin works really well for my girls. It's probably better used like prune or pear juice, since just like them it takes a little while to work through their systems. Mine used to eat it straight, but lately I've had to add just a little brown sugar to it.

    Just a thought.

  10. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Ditto what others said, no bananas, apples, or cheese until it clears up. You also might want to cut out milk for a couple days, as a lot of milk can be constipating. When we first switched to milk from formula, I was giving them too much milk and they got constipated. Keep it under 16 oz a day.

    Anyway, I mix a couple spoonfuls of wheat germ into their yogurt in the morning. This really keeps them regular. Bea has a tendency to get constipated, and if we don't have the wheat germ for a couple days, she will get backed up. If it's really bad, you might need to do the suppository to get things moving. If there is a really hard, dry poop blocking the way, that needs to get pushed out. Sorry to be gross! Hope he's feeling better soon.
  11. Cindy H

    Cindy H Well-Known Member

    As a mom of 2 who were constipated frequently, there comes a point when the diet is not enough. You need to do the suppository to get what is stuck out...then the diet will help the next poos be easier. It seems like when mine are sick or try new foods one can get constipated.

  12. hot2trottt4u

    hot2trottt4u Well-Known Member

    My DD had that same problem and boy was she misserable. Try letting him sit in a warm tub a couple times a day, it has a way of relaxing them and they are able to go.
    has worked both time when DD was stuck. Good Luck
  13. MEARA

    MEARA Well-Known Member

    Another thing; make sure they haven't found anyone's bubble gum stash!
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