constant whining

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by carlylafont, Dec 4, 2010.

  1. carlylafont

    carlylafont Well-Known Member

    My girls seem to be whinining all the time. Mostly because they don't get their way (one wants what the other has). I redirect often for this situation, and I have also been using time outs too. (Of course they still whine and scream...) I think I am immune to it, my husband is not. What do you do? or is this just typical 20 month old behavior since they are still learning to communicate........
  2. sistersbeall

    sistersbeall Well-Known Member

    I think it is pretty typical. At least it is around my house. My dad and his girlfriend actually get results by just saying "no whining". I have tried that and they look at me like I am crazy. I am not sure how many words your kids have or what their language skills are like, but the whining here has decreases since they started speech therapy and can say things like eat, snack, juice, up, bath etc. I basically ignore most of the whining, but sometimes I give in to it out of desperation for them to be quiet. I have not started time out yet because I jsut don't think I would get any results out of my two (stubborn doesn;t begin to describe them). Good luck, and I will be checking back on this post to see if anyone has any solutions.
  3. ainsleyr

    ainsleyr Well-Known Member

    :wine: !

    Or at least I would, if I wasn't pregnant again! Take a deep breath & hang in DD's turned 2 on Nov 8th & if anything, the whine has intensified. My girls have been speaking in full sentences since they were about 21 months, so I know it isn't because they cannot be understood - they just whine! Just recently they have started testing both my DH & I by whining to me for a while over something, then when I say a very final, firm "no" they run to their Daddy & ask for the same thing. <_< Crafty little monkeys.

    I generally find distracting/redirecting them works the best. Also, if the whining is about a particular object e.g. a toy, I will do a "toy time out". I try only to put my girls in a time out when it is something really serious (like biting, hitting - and food throwing. I can't STAND the food throwing! :gah: ) When I used time outs a little more frequently I found that they were less I just keep them for what I consider the serious behavioral stuff, & remove the object they were whining over.

    Good luck!
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It's typical...mine still do it at almost 3 :faint: I did redirection when they were little and now I tell them, "Mommy needs you to speak in your normal voice. I can't understand whining."
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