Constant tantrums after virus

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by cmharper, Sep 16, 2007.

  1. cmharper

    cmharper Well-Known Member

    Bryce just got over a virus that put him in the ER Wednesday a.m. for a 106.2 fever. The fever lasted 4 days and peaked at that temp. It was not fun - I was so stressed out, but the bug is all gone and he had no fever Friday on. However, ever since Friday, he's been throwing non-stop tantrums. Bad ones. He flails on the floor like a fish, bangs his head on the floor and wall, and screams, screams, screams. His voice is hoarse from screaming so much. He has never done anything like this before. We did have a bout of tantrums with him when he turned one year old, but since then, they are very rare. This has been going all day every day since Friday unless he's sleeping, napping or the first half hour after either of those activities. The rest of the day - NO FUN. Is there a corolation between getting well and these tantrums? He is also cutting a 2 year molar, and it's edges are like daggers and it looks like it hurts, but I've been trying to give him Tylenol and cold things to chew on for that, but that doesn't seem to help. Any ideas as to what this might be? Maybe just a phase? I hope it ends soon! :)
  2. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry, I wish I had some answers -- but it sounds like it's probably related -- too much of a coincidence otherwise. My first thought would be ear infection, just because that's always my first thought when a child is having more tantrums than usual.... It may be hurting him enough that Tylenol isn't doing the trick. It sounds absolutely awful -- I would get him to the doctor and get him thoroughly checked out.

    Just curious -- when he's awake and not tantruming (which you say is only for about 1/2 hr after waking up), does he seem to be his normal self? Or does he seem lethargic, grumpy, out of it, etc.? That would probably be an important clue for the doctor.

    Good luck -- let us know how it goes.
  3. cmharper

    cmharper Well-Known Member

    Sorry I'm so late responding back - the last few days have been so busy. I took him to the ER lthe morning his temp spiked at 106.2 (last Wednesday) and they checked his ears and there was no sign of infection. I took him to his pedi later that day and same thing. I did take them to their 15 mo. well baby visit on Monday, and everything checked out ok for both. Our pedi did say that even though the fever was gone totally by Friday morning, he probably still just felt yucky. He was much better by Monday and he is totally back to his usual happy self now :). He does still have a hoarse voice though poor baby.
  4. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Glad to hear he is better now! :)
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