Considering a Long distance trip

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by KimsTwins, Feb 10, 2009.

  1. KimsTwins

    KimsTwins Well-Known Member

    My parents are going to Boston this summer, which is one of my FAVORITE places in the world. My step mom has family back there and it is always a good time. So I am contimplating on going... with my kids. I am excited about taking our first big trip but I just need to cover all of the basis before I buy our plane tickets. My twins will be 18 months at the time and I think my biggest concern is the plane trip. My boyfriend and I are both planning on going so I can book them as lap babies. Would this be wise or would it be smarter to get an extra seat? How the heck do you keep two 18 month olds entertained for six hours???

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated. TIA! :D
  2. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Oh my gosh!! I'm just west of Boston!! :woohoo: I'm so excited for you!!

    We took the girls from MA to OH when they were 15 months old. It was just over 2 hours on the plane and to do it again, I would have booked at least one extra seat. IMO, if you have the funds, get a seat for each of them. To have them on our laps for 2 hours was tough, I can't imagine for 5-6.

    I would pack a few new very portable toys, lots of snacks, and a change of clothes. We're flying tomorrow I just bought my girls a few new things to play with.

    Do you have a portable DVD player? That would be a great thing to bring so they could watch something that catches their interest.
  3. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    We recently flew to Seattle. We booked one extra seat (for them to share). For 2 reasons, (1) Only one lap child is allowed per row unless the third seat is not booked by some one else. (Only 4 people per row because of the gas masks) (2) We wanted to be able to sit together and we figured we could use the extra room. We debated whether or not to take their carseats and keep them strapped in (for safety and hoping they might sleep better). However, we opted against it thinking that it would be really hard to keep them entertained and in their seats for that long. PLUS with 2 kids, 2 strollers and all the other gear it would have been next to impossible to lug both carseats.

    As far as what to take for the plane ride......
    portable dvd player (with headphones), coloring books, etch a sketch, any small toy that doesn't make alot of noise. I would also suggest getting a couple of new toys that they don't know about and pulling one out every so often through the flight. New toys are always exciting and keep their attention for awhile.

    Take plenty of snacks, juice boxes or the milk in boxes that do not require refrigeration. Take a change of clothes, blankets and/or comfort item (lovies, fav. stuffed animal, etc...) Take double the diapers and wipes that you think you will need (just in case flight is delayed).

    Good Luck and Have Fun!!
  4. KimsTwins

    KimsTwins Well-Known Member

    Thank you so much for the advice ladies! I appreciate it!
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