considering a family trip from australia to i crazy?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by natasha163, Apr 5, 2009.

  1. natasha163

    natasha163 Well-Known Member

    My dh and i are considering a 3 week trip to the states, :D travelling from australia. When i came to the states 10 years ago it took like 14 hours. :( Has anyone travelled in a plane this far with their twins and how did it go for you. We have the 13 month old twins, :huh: a five year old and a 3 year old, and are thinking of travelling around for 3 weeks, with a hire car and staying in hotels.

    They are good travellers in the car, we have travelled 10 hours to the gold coast b4, but i'm a little worried about the sleeping on a plane etc, jet lag. etc. =@

    We'd really like to take an os holiday for a change, but do you think the kids especially the twins , <_< are just too young? and am i just crazy. :eek:

    I'd love to hear your experiences.
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have not done a trip that far with my twins, I wish you all the best if you do make the trip! Hopefully others with experience will have some wise advice for you!
  3. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I haven't travelled that far with my kids yet either. But have your older kids done a long trip like this? I think its smart to plan to be here for awhile so that they can adjust and you can actually have some time to have fun. As for staying in hotels, see if you can stay in places that have suites so that way once all the kids go to bed you can actually relax in another room. Where are you thinking about going? east coast? west coast? etc? GL with your travel plans!
  4. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    One of the girls in my twins group took her 11 month olds to see the family in Australia and said that she had no real issues.
  5. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    I have done the trip Oz to U.S. and it took me 5 days to feel "real" plus I couldn't imagine driving right away. Likely both of you would have to be awake for the entire flight. It would seem like alot of work with 4 kids and only the 5 yr old would even start to get something out of it. I'm guessing Disney World/ Disneyland ?? Again only the 5 yr old would start to appreciate it. If you head to Disney too early in the trip the kids would just be still jet lagged.

    I just couldn't imagine babyproofing each time I entered a new hotel and trying to get all 4 onto some sort of schedule for naps. Plus of the places to see in the U.S. I couldn't imagine doing it with 4 unless there was other family support like grandparents to watch the kids. (Washington D.c, Grand canyon, New York, Aspen....I can't imagine seeing with 4 kids in tow. Maybe one of them. )

    I couldn't imagine "travelling around" but possibly staying in one or two places would be easier. We have thought of renting a villa in France or Italy as a way to travel os with kids.

    Sorry I wasn't more positive. It wasn't that long ago I was in U.S. and I remember how fast 3 weeks can go, I know how difficult it was travelling without kids (subways, etc.) and driving on the other side of the road, etc. There is an adjustment.

  6. sonali33

    sonali33 Well-Known Member

    My sort of similar experience:
    We took our at-that-time 13-month old twins to India from the US back in February. From Ohio to New Delhi India it was over a 20 hour trip. We took a nonstop flight from NY to India, which was about 14 hours long. The twins slept about 11 of the 14 hours on and off, so it wasn't too too bad. The key is to be very organized in terns of snacks, toys, blankets, etc.
    Once we reached India, it took my kiddos almost 10 days (out of a 3 week trip) to fully adjust to the time difference and change of scenery. They wouldn't nap, didn't eat, were very clingy.
    Overall it was a good trip, but very exhausting! And we didn't even sight-see, just visited family.
    I'd say, wait till they're a little older....or just have low expectations :)
  7. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    We have a terrible history of miserable travels with our boys so I am always gunshy about going anywhere with them. I would probably not do it, but you sound like you might be up for the challenge. I applaud you!!!

    We traveled 4 hours to Michigan from Arizona by plane last summer and my boys screamed hysterically the entire way there, and the entire way back.

    However, we have friends who took their singleton to Israel from the US (a loooong trip) and he was a total angel on the plane. I guess it just depends on the kids and how they react to traveling.

    If you do decide to do it, be sure to fill us in and let us know how it goes! Good luck!! :)
  8. natasha163

    natasha163 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all your advice...the jetlagged part for 5 days scares me!! We would be intending to stay for 2 or 3 weeks, so five days is alot to be miserable and adjusting. Seriously considering putting it off atleast til next july, the girls would be 2 and a half then, plus a five yearold, plus a six and a half year old, thats sounds a little better doesn't it.

    we were just trying to take advantage of cheap flights at the moment, but it sounds as though i would need to do some serious planning and , like pp said not have high expectations. thanks for your advice!

    QUOTE(heathertwins @ Apr 5 2009, 07:07 PM) [snapback]1260167[/snapback]
    I have done the trip Oz to U.S. and it took me 5 days to feel "real" plus I couldn't imagine driving right away. Likely both of you would have to be awake for the entire flight. It would seem like alot of work with 4 kids and only the 5 yr old would even start to get something out of it. I'm guessing Disney World/ Disneyland ?? Again only the 5 yr old would start to appreciate it. If you head to Disney too early in the trip the kids would just be still jet lagged.

    I just couldn't imagine babyproofing each time I entered a new hotel and trying to get all 4 onto some sort of schedule for naps. Plus of the places to see in the U.S. I couldn't imagine doing it with 4 unless there was other family support like grandparents to watch the kids. (Washington D.c, Grand canyon, New York, Aspen....I can't imagine seeing with 4 kids in tow. Maybe one of them. )

    I couldn't imagine "travelling around" but possibly staying in one or two places would be easier. We have thought of renting a villa in France or Italy as a way to travel os with kids.

    Sorry I wasn't more positive. It wasn't that long ago I was in U.S. and I remember how fast 3 weeks can go, I know how difficult it was travelling without kids (subways, etc.) and driving on the other side of the road, etc. There is an adjustment.


    hi, if you don't mind me asking where about in australia are u? I am near DUBBO, NSW.
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