Confused little girl today

Discussion in 'Childhood and Beyond (4+)' started by angelsmom2001, May 31, 2010.

  1. angelsmom2001

    angelsmom2001 Well-Known Member

    Today as we were leaving the hotel where we were staying while enjoying a weekend with twin family friends, Holly had a little meltdown. I went to the desk to check out and turn in our keys, the girls were in the car (remember they are 9, the car was under the hotel, and I had parked one space from the door, due to my foot problems). I came back out and she was in tears. I had her come see me, while I asked Cassie to run inside to the desk to give some burn ointment to the person at the desk. Holly couldn't tell me why she was crying. She used her stock excuse "I miss Andrea' Okay, Andrea just left the country for study abroad, but I think the girls saw her for about 2 hours in the week she was home. I comforted her, told her it was okay to tell me why she was upset, but if she didn't I couldn't help much. She still said she didn't know what was wrong. I got her settled in and then privately asked Cassie what happened before she broke down. Cassie said Holly was sad the weekend was over and we were having to leave, and sad that everyone else was gone already. Okay, that made more sense. We had a nice quiet ride home for the most part. It was uneventful, and when we got home the girls got to go for a swim, and had a wonderful time.

    Now its time to go to bed....Cassie says to me, Mom Holly says she is glad to be home, but still wishes we were at the hotel with our friends. Poor kid, she's happy to be in her own bed, but wants to go back to the hotel and play with her new and old friends. Maybe we should try and make this trip more often. LOL!
  2. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Awwww!!! :( :hug: Maybe she was a little tired too? At that age, exhaustion used to bring on the tears easily for me.

    (Sorry to poke in, I just wanted to make sure all was okay. :hug: )
  3. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    Aww, we still have those types of meltdowns here. Marcus has already asked if we could go to MA this summer to see Kyle and Kayla. :)
  4. momotwinsmom

    momotwinsmom Well-Known Member

    Poor thing. I bet a good nights sleep will really help. Hope she is better today!
  5. CCJN

    CCJN Well-Known Member

    Awwwwwwww it was hard saying goodbye to everyone for another year :( Jacob gets like this too. He cries almost whole ride home whenever we drop Carissa back off at college after she has been home a bit. He also gets like this with his twin friends when Kayla and Kyle came to visit last summer he was so sad the whole day and next day missing Kayla. They called eachother and sent text messages (using us mom's phones) which seemed to help, could she call any of them??
  6. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Meghan was like that today when we were leaving the Cape. We have been there for over a week. She also was upset that Nolan got to drive up with Daddy in "the silver car" while she had to stay in the stinky old van with me and Liam.
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