Confused about what our pedi told us

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by melissak, Feb 9, 2009.

  1. melissak

    melissak Well-Known Member

    SO, I thought that children under 4 (I think) aren't suppose to have ANY cough/cold medications?!

    My guys were coughing all night last night and they have terrible runny noses but no fever. I called the pedi this morning and the nnurse told me to give them 1/2 tsp of Triaminic (the purple one) every 4 hours, elevate, humidifier, liquids...etc....
    I don't have the Traiminic so I have to wait until this evening to go get it but.....should I just skip it or go ahead? I'm confused because I thought it wasn't ok? My dr office is closed now for the day so I can't call back and ask them.
  2. mar66rus2

    mar66rus2 Well-Known Member

    I have been told by my pedi that I could give Claire either 1/2 tsp. of Robitussin or Delsym. I think it is the cold remedies that are no longer available.
  3. Lisa R

    Lisa R Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't do it. I gave my kids OTC cold medicine a few weeks ago and when it didn't help, I finally went to the pedi. He told me that it wasn't a good idea to give it to them until they're 6. I thought it was also 4 and felt comfortable since my kids weigh as much as a 4 year old. He said there is no proof that it will help kids that young. The best advice he gave me was to put a humidifier in their room and if the cough is really bad, sit in the bathroom with a steamy shower running.

    I'd call back when possible and get a second opinion. Your kids are so young, I'd hesitate giving them anything but Tylenol or Motrin.
  4. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    My ped always says nothing but tylenol and motrin. Jack has a terrible cold right now also so I just use the sucky thing (which he hates), the humidifier, and if there is a fever I use motrin.

    I also do stand in the steamy bathroom with them and that seems to help out!

    I hope everyone feels better soon...
  5. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    I can say when I gave my boys Triamenic when they were around 2, it never helped--the recommendation for over 6 wasn't out yet. But, when I gave it to them again recently, it worked very well. I think that the dose you give them when they are younger than 6, doesn't contain enough medicine to be effective.
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