Confused about jogging strollers

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by AmberG, Jul 2, 2010.

  1. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    My twins are 18 months old and we have just one stroller, a double umbrella. We just moved to an area with a nice lake that we like to walk around. I love taking long walks, taking the kids to the park, etc. The umbrella stroller works fine, but sometimes I think it would be nice to have a jogger, too. (I have no experience with twin jogging strollers, though).

    We are expecting baby #3 in Sept, when the twins will be 21 months old. I don't think I want to get a triple jogger because they are so wide. I've been considering the following:

    -Getting a used inexpensive double jogging stroller. However, I am wondering if only having 2 seats will be a problem when baby #3 comes. I will wear the new baby for awhile, but I don't think I'll want to do that long-term. Is it possible to take 3 kids on a 2-3 mile walk without a stroller that fits everyone?

    -Getting the Valco twin tri-mode with the toddler seat. There are a couple of used ones on the local Craigslist (one is going for $250 and one for $350, does not include toddler seat). Would this work well for 2 toddlers and a baby? It seems like it would work better for 2 babies and 1 toddler. I would only get the Valco twin if I plan to use the toddler seat since they are pricey.

    Any thoughts or better options that I am overlooking?

    Also, how long can I expect that my twins will need to be in a stroller?
  2. betha

    betha Well-Known Member

    Hi, I can't help with all of the questions. I just bought a used jogging stroller on craigslist for 200. I just want to caution you....DON"T buy a fixed wheel running stroller. It won't meet your needs.
    I bought the fixed wheel running stroller. It's great for running, jogging, but not great for taking walks. I have to lean on the stroller or lift up the wheel to make it turn. It has great handling for running, but would be a pain if taking a walk is your primary purpose.

    The lake sounds lovely!
  3. calimom

    calimom Member

    I am in a similar situation with the strollers and needing 3 seats. I have twins that are 8 months old and a 2 1/2 yr old. We ended up getting on craigslist and finding a used "Runabout" triple stroller for 1/2 the price. I LOVE it!! It has inlline stadium seating so it is only as wide as a single, but it is very long. The front wheel is pretty much commpletely under the front seat though and so I do like that they have made it as short as it could possibly go. It has plastic seats that are able to recline a bit and I have been running with it as soon as the twins could sit in it with an added head-helo pillow. These are the strollers you see most people with more than 2 little kids using. If you want more information about them just google "Runabout triple stroller" or something like that and I am sure you will find the website to learn more about it.
    Also, as far as the stationary front wheel goes, the triple does have that and there is not an option for a turning wheel. I have no problems with it though b/c I am almost always running at a pretty good pace with them and don't mind having to slightly push down on back to get it to turn. I am not sure how it would be for lots of turns but it would be awesome on trails for the simple fact that it has special wheels that can't puncture adn will never go flat.
    Hope that helps
  4. Natalochka

    Natalochka Well-Known Member

    I will also have 2 toddlers and a newborn soon. I am considering either a Joovy Caboose (single) and having the kids take turns standing/sitting on the back part (or squish together), and/or getting a double jogger that I can attach a toddler board to (so they can stand on the back). I just started considering the latter option, and have yet to figure out what brand make this. I am not getting the Valco...I don't think the toddlers would agree as to who sits where, plus its expensive! I love my jogger (bought used, but new is under $200). So I know I want to keep a jogger around - highly recommended for longer walks! I will post again if I come up with any new ideas!! I wish there were more options for strollers for having toddler twins and a newborn....
  5. shj52429

    shj52429 Active Member

    I'm not sure if this would work right away for you but would work next year for sure but we just bought a double jogging stroller from One Step Ahead that is awesome and fairly inexpensive (compared to some). It is the one that you can use your infant carseats on one or both spots and there are 2 front wheels. There is a large footrest on the front so we put our 3 year old on there and the twins in the seat and it is awesome. That wouldn't work as well for you but it is better than a triple stroller. Also with One Step Ahead, you can get a 10% discount but you have to order it over the phone. I would highly recommend it!
  6. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    I ended up getting a used Valco for $300. I also bought a toddler seat. We have been using the Valco for about a month and like it so far. We'll see how it goes once we add the toddler seat.
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