Concerned About Milestones

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Magdel, Dec 14, 2010.

  1. Magdel

    Magdel Member

    My fraternal twins are 10 months but were born 5 weeks early. My daughter is trying to crawl and is very interactive and plays with lots of toys. My son is still working on sitting up and can hold objects in his hand but really doesn't like to. He likes to put his hands in his mouth and watches objects but isn't interested in grabbing them. The doctor said he wasn't concerned. Has anyone had a similar experience or concern. Did anyone call early intervention and what was your experience?
  2. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    One of the problems us mom of twins have is that there are two babies...which essentially means, two babies to compare. It's really, really hard not to. Even at three, we still compare my two. But we have to remember that they are individuals and they will hit milestones at different times.

    That said, if you, the parent, are at all doesn't hurt to call up EI and get a meeting set up. They will come to the house, fill out paperwork, and set up a date/time to evaluate the kids(or just one). Two things can happen-he can qualify, or he won't. I know it's now at a 30% delay vs 25% I think it was. So it's a bit more stringent. If he doesn't qualify, then they can certainly give you ideas, etc to help him reach these milestones and ways to work with them. And if he does qualify, they will set up a time that is convenient for you to come out to the house and work with him based on how much help they think he may require. Both of my boys went through EI-twice. It's a wonderful program and I only have great things to say about them(provided the therapist is a good one!).
  3. elhardy26

    elhardy26 Well-Known Member

    At nine months (adjusted age), and not sitting up well, I would ask your pediatrician for a physical therapy evaluation. I would suggest using your INS company at a pediatric outpatient clinic. They can let you know if you should have an EI evaluation. The downside of having an EI eval now, is that if he doesn't qualify, you usually have to wait to have another eval (3 months in NY i think). He might be right on the boarder of qualifing. The fact that he was a premi and a twin, I suggest it's better to have him evaluated, rather than wait. The sooner children get intervention, the faster they progress. out-patient therapy can help him progress and help teach you strategies to advance is fine and gross motor development.

  4. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It doesn't hurt to have them evaluated if you're concerned. I just wanted to add though that my kids didn't sit up on their own until 9.5 months.. but in one week they learned to crawl, sit up and pull themselves up to motor around. I think some kids just do things in spurts whereas others do things one at a time. But it never hurts to get a professional opinion and if he does need intervention it's better to get it sooner than later!
  5. babyhopes09

    babyhopes09 Well-Known Member

    I agree with all PP's! Speaking from an early intervention therapist's perspective, it is much better to err on the side of doing an early evaluation and not needing one than to wait it out and figure out later that your little one would've benefited from some therapy.
  6. bbyboo1323

    bbyboo1323 Well-Known Member

    It doesnt hurt to have EI come in. I did it around 7 months and was told all was great and not to be concerned until later on when their speech developed and then we may have to look into speech therapy since "twins are commonly in there for speech"- i was told that
  7. 2xjoy

    2xjoy Well-Known Member

    I am curious too.
    My 8month olds can sit unassisted, but only one is trying to crawl, the other goes on her belly and whinges after awhile, sometimes rolling around.
    I did get told once that twins can be a bit late in their milestones due to things like parents lack of time (!), relying on each other more etc.
  8. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :woah: Who told you that? Whoever it was, way to pile on the mommy guilt! Sheesh. I don't buy the lack of parental input though because that would imply that only your first child would hit their milestones on time. And plenty of twins hit their milestones on time or early. I do buy that twins can just be on their own schedule though. Mine seem to only get interested in something when their brother discovers it.
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