Compiling Data: Please post your 8 mo schedules!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by dfaut, Nov 27, 2006.

  1. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    We are working towards getting some scheduling info together as a resource addition to our "sleep sticky" and would like to know what you 8 mo. olds schedules look like/looked like (roughly) Thank you!!!


    7:00 wake/bottle or bf
    8:00 cereal
    9:00 nap
    12:00 bottle
    1:00 nap
    3:00 wake
    3:30 solids

    etc. etc. you get the idea. Thank you for your participation!!
  2. K*D*B

    K*D*B Well-Known Member

    Our schedule looks something like this:

    8:30 wake up, drink bottle(BM), cereal, and fruit
    10:30 nap for 2 hours
    12:30 wake up, drink bottle(BM), cereal, and veg
    2:30 nap for 2.5 hours
    5:00 wake up, drink bottle(BM), fruit,veg,meat
    8:30 bottle(BM), bedtime

    Hope that helps
  3. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    7 bottle
    8 solids
    9-11 nap
    11 bottle
    12 solids
    2 bottle
    2-4 nap
    4 snack bottle
    5:30 solids
    7:30 bath, bottle, bed
  4. steph-andy

    steph-andy Well-Known Member

    Our feedings and bedtime are the only things 'scheduled' right now:

    7:00 Bottle
    8:00 Solids
    9:00 Nap (sleep diff. lenths, so from first nap on - 2 hrs of awake time for each) Ugh!
    11:00 Bottle
    1:00 Solids
    3:00 Bottle
    5-5:30 Solids
    6:30-7 Bottle & bed
  5. MerMommy

    MerMommy Well-Known Member

    6:30 bottle
    7:30 breakfast (they won't cereal anymore, so cheerios, pancake, etc)
    8 or 8:30 to 9:30 or 10
    10:30 bottle
    sometimes a nap around 12, otherwise
    12:30 lunch
    2:30 bottle
    3 or 3:30 nap to 4 or 4:30
    5 supper
    6:30 bath, bottle bed
  6. party*of*five

    party*of*five Well-Known Member

    7-8 am:bottle
    between 9-10 cereal and fruit
    between 10-11 nap for about 45 mins
    12:30 bottle
    2:00 dinner jar and vegetable jar shared
    2:30 nap for about an hour
    3:30 bottle
    6:30 cereal and fruit
    7:00 bath
    7:30 bottle
    8:00 BED!![​IMG]
    1 person likes this.
  7. li li

    li li Well-Known Member

    4.30 am nurse and go back to sleep (fingers crossed)
    6.00 am wake
    7.30 am nurse
    8.00 am nap (30 mins to 1 1/2 hours)
    9.30 am nurse
    11.00 am nap (30 mins)
    12.30 pm nurse
    1.00 pm solids (shared 4 cubes of veggies which they usually don't finish)
    2.00 pm nap (30 mins to 2 hours)
    4.00 pm nurse
    4.30 pm solids (shared 3 cubes of fruit usually with homemade cereal)
    6.30 pm nurse to sleep

    usually they also wake to feed at roughly 10.30 pm, 1.00 am and 4.30 am (each)
  8. Beth33

    Beth33 Well-Known Member

    6:30 - 7 : wake up and bottle
    8 - 8:30 : cereal and one jar fruit shared
    9 - 9:30 : down for nap
    10:30 - 11: up and bottle
    Noon: one jar veggie each
    1 - 1:30 : down for nap
    3 - 3:30 : up and bottle
    5:30: dinner (usually one dinner, one veggie and one fruit split - we use Earth's Best food and LOVE them!)
    6:30: start nighttime routine, bath, bottle, bed....I start with whoever is crankiest and have dh entertain the other until her sister is asleep and then I start her bath. They are usually both asleep by 7:30.
    Middle of the night: usually one or the other will wake up once during the night (between 3 - 5). I try the paci thing first and if that doesn't work, I'll give a bottle. Then that baby is usally last to get up and sometimes won't get a morning bottle and will go straight to breakfast.
    Hope that helps!
  9. 2peasNApod

    2peasNApod Well-Known Member

    6:00-7:00 Bottle
    8:00 Cereal
    9:00 Nap (30 min. to an hour)
    10:00 Bottle, Fruit (shared)
    12:00 Nap (sometimes 30 min. sometimes 2.5 hours!!)
    3:00 Bottle
    5:00 Veggie (shared)- sometimes a 30 minute nap if 2nd nap was short
    6:00 Bath (shared LOL)
    7:00 Bottle and Nite Nite!!
  10. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    LOOKIN' GOOD!! Keep em' coming!!
  11. Twinnylou

    Twinnylou Well-Known Member

    Here is our schedule:

    7am- Wake bottle and cereal.

    9am- Nap (1-2 hours)

    11am -bottle and two jars of baby food and fruit

    1-2.30pm - nap

    3/3.30- bottle

    5pm - nap if fussy

    5.30pm -up

    6/6.30pm - two big bottles and 2 baby jars

    7/7.30pm- bed
  12. JennaPa

    JennaPa Well-Known Member

    6:30-8am wake and bottle
    8-9am cereal, fruit, yogurt
    10am nap for 1.5 to 2 hours
    12 bottle
    12:30 cereal, veggies
    1:30-2pm nap for 1.5 to 2 hours
    4pm bottle
    5pm cereal, veggie, fruit
    7pm bottle
    7:30-8pm bedtime

    We take a bath every other day in the morning.

    Both babies still wake between 3 and 5 for a small bottle - we try soothing, rocking but so far it just prolongs the inevitable. We can't justify CIO when they're sick [​IMG]
  13. megginmj

    megginmj Well-Known Member

    6:00-6:30 Wake Up, Nurse
    7:00 Fruit & Cereal
    9-11 Nap
    11:00 Nurse
    12:00 Meat & Veggies
    1-3 Nap
    3:00 Nurse
    5:30 Nurse
    6:00 Fruit, Cereal & Yogurt
    6:30 Bath, Story
    7:00 Sleep

    They still wake up 1-2 times in the night to nurse, sometimes at midnight (though this is getting rarer) and again around 3:00.

    Their naps aren't always 2 hours long - on average they nap a total of about 3 hours a day.
  14. first_second_and_last

    first_second_and_last Well-Known Member

    7am wake/diaper change
    7:15 6 oz bottle
    7:45-9:00 play/get dressed
    9-10:30ish nap
    11 7 oz bottle
    11:15 fruit/oatmeal
    11:30-1pm play
    1-2:30ish nap
    3 7 oz bottle
    3:30 snack (puffs/water in a sippy)
    3:45-6 play/short nap if cranky
    6-6:30 bath/jammies
    6:30 6 oz bottle
    6:45 veggie/oatmeal
    7 baby einstein
    7:30 bed
  15. my2littlebubbas

    my2littlebubbas Well-Known Member

    7:00am or so wake
    7:30am 8 oz. bottle
    8:30am fruit and cereal
    9:30-11:00 nap
    11:30am veggie, yogurt, crackers or starting finger food
    1:00pm 8 oz. bottle
    1:30-3:30 nap
    5:15 or so baby food meal, puffs, crackers
    7:15ish 8 oz. bottle
    8:00 pm bed
  16. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    7am wake/bottle
    830 fruit and cereal
    930 nap
    11 bottle
    12 fruit and veggie
    1230 nap
    2 snack, usually puffs
    3 bottle
    330 nap
    5 fruit, veggie, cereal
    530 bath
    7 bottle/bed

    I pick up my older kids from school at 2, which is why we are still on a 3 nap schedule. The middle nap is a very short one. They are starting to be able to eat some table foods, soft pasta, very cooked fruits, and veggies. [​IMG]
  17. Natalie81

    Natalie81 Well-Known Member

    We finally have a real schedule to post, yeah!!!

    8:00am Wake
    9:00am Cereal&Fruit
    10:00am Nap
    12:00 Wake
    Eat(8oz) Bottle
    1:00pm Fruit&Veggie
    3:00pm Nap
    5:00pm Wake
    7:00pm Cereal & Veggie
    8:00pm Bottle(8oz)& Bed
  18. nicolepag

    nicolepag Well-Known Member

    6:30 - wake, nurse
    8:00 - oatmeal, fruit
    8:30/9 - nap with 4oz bottle. Sometimes they finish, sometimes they don't.
    12:00 - nurse
    12:30 - veggie
    1:00/1:30 - nap with 4oz bottle. Sometimes they finish, sometimes they don't.
    3:30/4 - bottle (4-6oz)
    5:30 - dinner : veggie, rice cereal, fruit and if request 2oz bottle
    7:30 - nurse, bed
  19. Monika2006Twins

    Monika2006Twins Well-Known Member

    6:30 - wake up/nurse
    8:00 - yogurt & fruit snack
    8:45 - nurse/nap
    10:00 - wake up
    11:00 - grain meal with fruit & veg
    12:45 - nurse/nap
    2:30 - wake up
    3:00 - yogurt & tofu meal with fruit & veg
    4:30 - protein snack (chicken or cheese) with fruit
    5:45 - nurse
    6:00 - sleep

    they sleep through the night now :)
  20. Frantwins

    Frantwins Member

    At almost 8 months this is what we do....

    Between 6.30 and 7.30 am - Bottle (when they wake!)
    8am - Breakfast (cereal)
    9.15 am Sleep 1 (for anywhere from 30 mins to 90 mins - love it when they BOTH sleep longer!)
    11am Bottle
    11.45 Lunch (veggies)
    12.15 Sleep 2 (for anywhere from 30 mins to 90 mins)
    3pm - Bottle
    4.30 pm Sleep 3 (only 30 minutes)
    5.30pm - Dinner
    6.30pm - Bottle
    7pm - Bed
    (Between 11pm and 1am Charlie will wake for a bottle. Lucy, the little champion, sleeps through)
  21. EmmaKay

    EmmaKay Well-Known Member

    Here's ours:

    0615ish wake up, if a weekday, get dressed and head to daycare
    0715ish 6 oz bottle
    0900-1015 nap
    1030 one jar each mixed oatmeal/fruit
    1130 6oz bottle
    1300-1500 nap
    1515 6 oz bottle
    ...sometimes a little water and cheerio snack...
    1800 4 oz EBM bottle
    1830 shared one meat/veggie jar, oatmeal mixed with one jar fruit
    1845 bath (every other day), or sponge bath and pjs
    1915 7 oz bottle and bed

    They wake a few times during the night, although Ronan sleeps through sometimes. We do the paci thing until about 0300 with Declan, then he gets a 6oz bottle. Ronan often will wake around 0500 briefly, and will get a small bottle.
  22. LB

    LB Well-Known Member

    here's our schedule:
    6 wake
    7 bottle
    8 breakfast- stage 2 fruit with cereal
    830 nap
    11 bottle
    12 lunch- stage 2 meat, stage 2 veggie and stage 2 fruit split between them
    1230 nap
    3 bottle
    5 dinner- 2 stage 2 veggies and 2 stage 2 fruits split between them
    6-630 bath- bottle then bed.
  23. kendraplus2

    kendraplus2 Well-Known Member

    Here is where we are at:

    630 wake-up (this is an average, sometimes 615, sometimes 7, usually around 630)
    6:45 Nurse
    7:45 Breakfast (we do Cheerios, toast, oatmeal, Stage 2 fruits, steamed fruits, YoBaby, etc.)
    9:00 Nap (put them down around 9, sometimes they take 15 minutes or so to fall asleep)(usually sleep about an hour and 15 minutes, sometimes more)
    10:45 Nurse
    12:00 Lunch (cheese, egg yolk, toast, steamed veggies, Stage 2 veggies and a meat, fruit, yogurt, etc)
    1:00 Nap (maybe, sometimes they catnap in the car and that's thier nap, or if morning nap was long, they take a longer later nap)
    2:45 Nurse
    3:30ish Snack (Puffs, Zwieback, juice, etc)
    4:00ish Nap
    5:15 Dinner (Stage 2 Dinner, steamed veggies, pureed stuff we eat, etc., and Stage 2 dessert (they love Dutch Apple)
    6:15 Tubtime
    Nurse and off to bed!

    Still no set schedule for naps and things - sometimes 3 shorter naps a day, sometimes 2 longer ones. Sometimes they think it's fun to wake at 5am and stand in their crib and scream at me. I refuse to get them up before 6 so if they do this and can't fall back asleep then they scream for an hour (after I've gone in a few times to pat and soothe). They still wake once a night to nurse but I am debating CIO to end that. They have slept through the night before so Iknow they can do it, and I know the nighttime feeding is no longer a necessity. We'll see, I just keep hoping they phase it out themselves.
    They can both army crawl, stand in thier cribs, they pull up on everything, Chase is starting to cruise on the furniture, and they are turning into little daredevils!
  24. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Here is ours. I have twin boys that were born at 32 weeks that are just about to turn 9 mo and 7 mo adjusted.

    7-wake up
    7:30 bottle 8oz
    8:15 solids (1 jar stage 2 fruit mixed with cereal each)
    9:15 nap (1.5-2 hours)
    11:15 bottle -4-6 ozs.
    12 solids (1.5 jars stage 2 veggies and finger foods each)
    1:30 nap (1.5-2 hours)
    3:30 bottle 6 oz
    4:30 solids (meat, veggies, stage 2 up to 2 jars each and finger food)
    6 tubby
    6:30 bottle (4-8 ozs), books, bed by 7

    They just started sleeping through the night and sometimes they wake at 5am and babble and go back to sleep and sometimes they sleep until 6:30 or 7a.

  25. Shannon123

    Shannon123 Well-Known Member

    7:00 Bottle
    8:00 Solids Cereal & Fruit
    9:00 Nap (depends but awake around 2 hours)
    11:00 Bottle
    12:00 Solids Meat, Veggie, Fruit or yogurt
    3:00 Bottle
    5-5:30 Solids Meat, Veggie, Fruit or yogurt
    6:30-7 Bottle & bed (bath time)
  26. SassyLittleDevil

    SassyLittleDevil Active Member

    Here's are schedule:

    8 am: Wake and 7oz bottle

    9 am: Nap for Hour and half

    10:30-11 am: Cereal w/fruit and cookie

    12-12:30 pm: 6oz bottle

    12:30 pm: Nap 2 hours

    2:30- 3 pm: Veggies and yougart or fruit

    4:40-5 pm: 6 oz bottle

    5 pm: Nap 45 mins

    6:30-7 pm: Veggies w/meat, fruit, cookie/puffs

    8 pm: Bath

    8:30-9 pm: 7oz bottle and bed.

    Both girls sleep through the night so there are no night feedings...thank god!!!!
  27. 2boysforus

    2boysforus Well-Known Member

    6:30 a.m. wake up
    7:00 a.m. breakfast -oatmeal or yogurt w/ fruit and bottle
    7:30 - 8:30/8:45ish - playtime
    8:30-10:00 ish - naps
    10:00-11:00 playtime
    11:00 a.m. lunch - veggie, fruit and bottle
    11:30-12:30/12:45 ish - playtime
    12:30 - 2:30 nap
    2:30-3:00 playtime
    3:00 bottle
    3:30-6:30 waketime playtime (a.k.a fussy time)! :)
    6:30 dinner - meat, veggie, fruit and bottle (my boys eat a lot)!
    7:00 bath
    7:30 bed
  28. takeluck

    takeluck Well-Known Member

    Schedule A (if they awaken happy between 6 am and 7)
    Somewhere between 5 and 6 am, nurse
    Play and try not to wake older child!
    8:00 quick nursing and breakfast (baby cereal w/ formula mixed in)
    9:00-11:00 nap
    11:00 nurse
    11:30 lunch (veggies and/or fruits)
    12:00-2:00 do something fun with babies and older child
    2:00-3/4:00 nap
    3~4 nursing
    4:30 dinner (veggies and/or fruits)
    4:30~6:30 leave house, random nursings
    6:30 bottle (they take somewhere between 2 oz and 6 oz)

    Schedule B (if they wake up cranky around 6 am)
    6-7 am and wake up cranky, put back in crib
    Mom goes back to bed and wakes up when they wake up again, usually around 8:30 (love it!)
    Schedule is as before, but the times all shift
    First nap is usually between 11:00 and noon, depending on what's going on that day
    Afternoon nap is usually around 3

    P.S. This is all a loose schedule based on their moods and the needs of the day.
  29. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    Here's our routine at 8.5 months (on a good day)

    6:30 Wake
    7:00 Bottle (8 oz.)
    8:45 Nap (1 hr 20 min on a lucky day, with Evan often needing to be soothed back to sleep after 30 minutes)
    10:30 "Brunch" - oatmeal with blueberries OR whole grain waffle (cut up as finger food with bits of banana), plus natural yogurt with peaches and/or mango puree, usually some other fruit like prunes with bananas, water in sippies
    11:00 Get dressed, take a walk
    12:30 Bottle (8 oz.)
    1:30ish Nap (Anywhere from 30 minutes on a bad day to 1.5 or 2 hours on a lucky day)
    3:30 Bottle (8 oz.)
    5:00 "Dinner" - usually 6-7 cubes of veggies divided by two babies plus finger food on their tray: mini pasta, grated cheese, egg yoke scramble, peas, etc., sippies of water
    6:00 Bath, pajamas, snuggle, "quiet play" (ha ha)
    6:30 Bottle, Bed

    Both babies used to sleep 11 to 12 hours at night but over the last several months James, our formerly excellent sleeper, has developed a horrible night waking problem...I have been up since 4 a.m. this morning!!
  30. flopsy

    flopsy Member

    6:00 wake/bottle
    7:30-8:30 katnap (only when needed)
    8:30 breakfast cereal/fruit
    10:00 bottle
    10:30 nap (1.5 to 2 hours)
    12:00 or 12:30 lunch (veggie/fruit)
    2:00 bottle
    2:30 nap (1.5 to 2 hours)
    5:30 dinner veggie/grain/meat
    6:30 bath
    7:00 bottle and bed
  31. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    This is during the week...they usually sleep until about 6 on the weekends.

    5:15 wake up/5-6 oz bottle
    5:45 cereal/fruit
    9:00 nap
    10:00 8oz bottle
    12:00 cereal/veggie/fruit/finger snacks (cheerios/puffs/toast)
    1:00 nap
    2:00 8 oz bottle
    4:30 short nap
    5:45 6-8 oz bottle
    6:30 dinner (cereal/meat/veggie combo/yogurt/finger snacks)
    7:00 bath
    7:30 bedtime
  32. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    6am wake up and play in crib with sister!!!
    7am get out of bed, have 7oz bottle, and then play
    8-10am (ish) nap
    10-11am play
    11am cereal and fruit or veggie
    12pm 6-7oz bottle
    12:30-2:30 (ish) nap
    2:30-4 play
    4pm 6-7oz bottle
    4:30-5:30 (ish) nap
    5:30-7 play
    7pm cereal and fruit or veggie
    7:30pm bath every other night (on off nights, we play quietly, read books, listen to music)
    8 pm 6-7oz bottle, and bed
  33. momlissa

    momlissa Well-Known Member

    This has been their schedule since about 6 months, minus the 3 solid meals (it was only one solid meal for breakfast until about 7 mo)

    6:30-7 a.m. Wake, feed 8-10 oz bottle

    8 a.m. Breakfast - Earth's best Stage 2 food with fruit and grain

    8:30-9:30 Play

    9:30 First nap (usually 1-1.5 hr)

    11:00 a.m. Wake from nap, feed 8 oz bottle

    11:30 - 12:30 Play

    12:30 Lunch- Earth's best stage 2 food with meat and veggie

    1sh Second nap (usually 2 hrs)

    3:00 p.m. Wake from nap, feed 8 oz bottle

    3:00 - 5:00 Play

    5:30 p.m. Dinner - Earth's best stage 2 food with meat and veggie

    6:00 p.m. Bath

    6:30 p.m. Feed 8 oz Bottle and bed
  34. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    We do everything on demand, but the demands are pretty predictable by now. Here's an average day for us. It's all give or take (nap length varies, though they always need 3 naps/day; anytime they want a snack at mom's milk bar or a bite of something I'm eating they can have it), but this is pretty much what most days are like:

    7 - wake up, get dressed, play
    8 - nurse
    8:30 - nap
    9:30 - wake, nurse, play and/or go running in jogging stroller
    11:30 - nap
    12:30 - wake, nurse, play
    sometime before next nap - solids
    2 - nurse, nap
    3:30 - wake, nurse, play
    4:30ish - solids
    5/5:30ish - nurse
    6 - baths, last feeding (nurse and/or bottles)
    7 - bedtime

    Don't ask about nights, though! They're up anywhere from 1-3x/night, and times vary a lot.
  35. ksugal

    ksugal Well-Known Member

    7 AM Wake (ok, honestly, they wake before this but I do not go in until 7 am)
    730 7 oz bottle
    915 Nap (down for an hour or sometimes I get an 1 hour and 20 minutes!!)
    1130 Sippy with water and splash of juice, sometimes they have a little formula
    1230 Split about 10 oz of baby food/yogurt...very random on what it might be to eat!
    115 Nap (1 hour up to 2 hours, if I am really lucky)
    330 7 oz bottle
    530 Each have 2 jars of baby food, Stage 2
    630 Baby Einstein
    700 Bathtime
    720 8 oz bottle
    730 Bed

    ***We are just trying Stage boys are HIGHLY dramatic about trying teeny bites of food.
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