Compiling Data: Please post your 7 mo schedules!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by dfaut, Nov 27, 2006.

  1. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    We are working towards getting some scheduling info together as a resource addition to our "sleep sticky" and would like to know what you 7 mo. olds schedules look like/looked like (roughly) Thank you!!!


    7:00 wake/bottle or bf
    8:00 cereal
    9:00 nap
    12:00 bottle
    1:00 nap
    3:00 wake
    3:30 solids

    etc. etc. you get the idea. Thank you for your participation!!
  2. duranjt

    duranjt Well-Known Member

    I'll start with breakfast since that's the first time we have a common time!!

    7:30 nurse
    8:30ish cereal and 1 jar fruit shared
    9:30 nurse
    10:00 nap (about 45-60min)
    11:00 nurse
    12:30 1 jar veggie, 1 jar fruit shared
    1:00 nap (about 2 hours)
    3:00 nurse
    6:30 nurse
    6:45 1 jar "dinner" 1 jar veggie, 1 jar fruit shared
    8:00 bath
    8:45 bottle
    9:00ish try to put down for bed!
    9:20ish David finally goes down!
    10:00 Owen finally goes down!
    1:00 Owen up to nurse
    4:00 Owen up to nurse

    We're still trying to figure out how to get the overnight more regular and get the boys down at a decent hour...any suggestions would help!
    [​IMG] Nicole
  3. mariz

    mariz Well-Known Member

    6:00am wake up and 7oz bottle
    8:00am cereal then nap (45min)
    10:00am 7oz bottle
    11:00am nap (1 hr)
    1:00pm 7oz bottle
    2:00pm nap (this one varies)
    4:00pm veggie dinner
    5:00pm a little catnap
    6:30pm bath / 7oz bottle
    7:30pm off to bed.
  4. Twinnylou

    Twinnylou Well-Known Member

    7am - wake
    7.30am - bottle and cereal/porridge
    8.15am- play
    9.15 - 10.30 - nap
    11.30- 2 baby jars and bottle
    12.15 - play
    1.30 - 2.30 - nap
    3.30 - bottle
    4.15 - 5.15 - play
    5.15- 5.45 - nap
    6.15 bottle and solids
    6.45 - bath
    7.15/7.30 - bed

    I am trying to get rid of the 30 min nap b4 bed to see if they will sleep better.x
  5. nanhancan

    nanhancan Well-Known Member

    Here's our schedule:
    7am bf, eat yogurt mixed with oatmeal & tofu
    9 nap
    10:30 bf & snack (cheerios)
    1 bf, nap
    4 bf & dinner: vitamin A veggie & vitamin C fruit with cereal
    7 bf & off to bed
  6. amazedits2

    amazedits2 Well-Known Member

    Hi there. Here's ours:

    6:30 am - 8oz bottle
    7:30 am - catnap (1 hr exactly!)
    9:00 am - 2 cubes fruit or mashed banana and cereal
    10:15ish - nap (around 2 hours)
    12:30 - bottle (usually about 5 oz) and 5 shared cubes veg and some ground chicken or turkey
    1:30 - nap (only 45 min! [​IMG])
    4:00 - 7 oz bottle
    5:00 - 4 cubes fruit and meat
    5:15 - nap (sometimes)
    6:15 - 7 oz bottle
    6:45 - bed
  7. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    This is what we aim for on most days!

    8am bottle
    8:15 solids
    9:30 nap
    11 bottle
    11:15 solids
    12:30 nap
    2 bottle
    3 snack...puffs, teething biscuit, or something in the mesh feeder
    3:30 nap
    5 bottle
    5:15 solids and bath
    7:15 bottle and bed

    Their naps are usually about an hour, sometimes longer, sometimes shorter! In between, they are on the floor playing a lot, or in jumpers, the exersaucer, or walker. [​IMG]
  8. my2littlebubbas

    my2littlebubbas Well-Known Member

    7:30- wake and 8 oz. bottle
    8:30ish- cereal and fruit
    9:30-11:00ish- nap
    11:30- veggies, cheerios or puffs, yogurt, experimenting with other foods
    1:45-3:45- nap
    3:45- 8 oz. bottle
    6:00- baby food meal (experimenting)
    7:45 or so: 8-9 oz. bottle
    Stories and bedtime
  9. Rose524

    Rose524 Well-Known Member

    8:00 Wake
    8:30 Breakfast - 3 tbs cereal and one jar Stage 2 fruit shared, 8 oz bottle
    9:00 - 11:00 Play time
    11:00 till 12:00 Nap
    12:00 Lunch - 1 Jar Stage 2 veg, and one jar Stage 2 fruit each, 6 oz bottle
    1:00 to 3:00 Play
    3:00 try to sneak in a nap here - mine are cat-nappers...
    4:00-4:30 Dinner - Same as Lunch
    5:00 - 6:30 Play
    Start baths, etc.
    7:00-7:30 Last bottle - 8 oz
    Bedtime right after bottle.
    They sleep through the night.
  10. rheamay

    rheamay Well-Known Member

    let me just preface this by saying that I am really bad at scheduales and ours can vary a LOT during the day [​IMG] but this is the general idea.

    6am wake up - if they have slept all night, then they want a bottle right away. if they have woken up to eat, then they wont take a bottle for about an hour. they are very inconsistent sleepers.
    8am - breakfast in the form of cereal/yogurt/cottage cheese. whatever sounds good
    9-9:30ish - 7 oz bottle
    10am - nap (Nate is a cat napper and will only sleep about 30 mins, Gabe might sleep 1-2 hours)
    12pm - lunch. Cereal, applesauce, cottage cheese w/7oz bottle
    1-2pm go down for another nap
    4pm - 7oz bottle
    6pm - dinner
    6:30 - bathtime
    7pm - 7oz bottle & nate goes to sleep
    8pm - gabe goes to sleep

    how the heck are you getting all these late wake up calls?? this 530-6am wake up is killing me!! [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  11. LanieK

    LanieK Well-Known Member

    530-630 wake and 7-8oz. bottle
    830 nap (30 min to 1.5 hours)
    10-1030 4-6 oz fruit or oatmeal/fruit and 6-7 oz bottle
    1230 nap (30 min to 2 hours)
    2-300 (depends on nap...) 7-8 oz bottle
    430 catnap (30 min)
    530-630 4 oz. veggie each and 2 oz. fruit each and 4-8 oz bottle
    630-7 bed

    would love the wake up to be a bit later- but night time is so good- I won't push it!!
  12. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    We are gathering!! Excellent!!
  13. xCandacex

    xCandacex Well-Known Member

    8:30am - one baby is fed a bottle (formula 7oz, takes approx 15mins)
    8:45am - same baby gets 1/2 cup of cereal
    9:00am - other baby is fed a bottle (formula 7oz, takes approx 15mins)
    9:15am - same baby gets 1/2 cup of cereal
    9:30am - both go down for 1st nap
    11:30am - both babies up One baby for a bottle (again 7oz and 15 mins to feed)
    11:45am - same baby, gets half a jar of veggies (or veggies with meat) and half a jar of fruit
    12:00pm - other baby has a bottle (again 7oz takes approx 15mins)
    12:15pm - same baby has half a jar of veggies (or veggies with meat) and half a jar of fruit
    2:30pm - one baby gets a bottle (7oz and 15 mins to feed)
    3:00pm - other baby gets a bottle (7oz and 15 mins to feed)
    3:30pm - both go down for a nap
    5:30pm - both up
    6:30pm - both get a bath
    7:00pm - Both get a bottle (7oz)
    7:30pm - both go to bed

    8:30am - REPEAT
  14. xCandacex

    xCandacex Well-Known Member

    Mine also varies. We like to see them go to bed at about 8pm but so that schedule I posted seems to be what they've been doing for the last 3 days.

    Sometimes they will have 4 to 5 feedings in the day or take a little more then 7oz at a feeding [​IMG] They have a mind of their own.
  15. doubledownmom

    doubledownmom Well-Known Member

    7:30am - 4tablespoons cereal & 7oz. bottle each
    9am-10am - nap
    11:30am - 1 jar Stage 2 fruit split & 6oz. bottle each
    1pm-2or2:30pm - nap
    3pm - 1 jar Stage 2 veggies split & 6oz. bottle each
    5:45pm - baths
    6:15pm - bottles
    6:30pm - bed (for the night)
  16. Gilbert_Mommy

    Gilbert_Mommy Well-Known Member

    7:30am wake, 6oz bottle
    8am cereal/fruit
    9:15 nap
    10:45 wake, bottle 6 oz
    12:00 lunch, veg, fruit
    12:30 nap
    1:45 wake, bottle 6oz
    3:15 nap
    4:30 wake, 6oz bottle
    5:30 dinner, veg, cereal
    6:00 to 6:30 bottle, 6oz
    6:30 to 7:30 bed

    I'm trying to transition them to the following 2 nap schedule:
    7:30 wake, bottle 6oz
    8:00 cereal/fruit
    9:30 nap
    11:00 to 11:30 wake, bottle 6 oz
    12:00 lunch, veg, fruit
    1:00 nap
    3:00 wake, bottle 6oz
    5:30 dinner, veg, cereal
    6:00 to 6:30 bottle, 6oz
    6:30 to 7:30 bed
  17. AmyD

    AmyD Well-Known Member

    6:00 or 6:30am wake
    7:00am bottle
    7:30am cereal and fruit
    8:45 nap (usually 1 1/2 - 2 hrs)
    11:00am bottle
    11:30am veggie
    1:00pm nap (varies 45 min - 1 1/2 hrs)
    3:00pm bottle
    4pm nap (usually only 30-45 min)
    5:30pm veggie and fruit
    6:45pm bath
    7:00pm bottle
    7:15pm bed
  18. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    6:30 or 7:00am- Wake
    7:00 or 7:30- Bottle
    8:00- Oatmeal (3 tbs each) with 1 jar split fruit(Stage 2).
    7:30-9:00- Play
    9:00- Morning Nap (usually 1 ½ hours)
    10:30- Wake and Play
    11:00- Bottle
    11:15- Play
    1:00- Nap (usually a shorter nap)
    2:00- Play
    3:00- Bottle
    3:15- Play
    5:00- 3 TBS Oatmeal each with1 jar each of stage 2 veg.
    6:00 Bath
    7:15- Bottle and Bed
  19. auzigal

    auzigal Well-Known Member goes....

    6am-wake and 8 oz bottle each
    7am-split 2 cubes of fruit and 2tbs of one of the cereals
    8am-nap (except they are trying to play through this in their rooms this morning!)
    9am-wake and play
    10am-8 oz bottle each
    play play play
    11 ish-nap for about 1 hr
    12ish-split 2 cubes of vegies and 2 tbs cereal
    play play play
    2pm-8 oz bottle each
    play play
    3.30ish-nap for about 1.5 hrs
    5.30pm - split 2 cubes of vegies, 2 tbs of a cereal, if still hungry give fruit for dessert
    play play play
    7.45-bedtime and lullabies/story time
    sleep sleep sleep
  20. Orestia

    Orestia Well-Known Member

    7:30 a.m. - Auburn wakes up and gets changed
    7:40 - feed Auburn (bottle)
    8:00 - Nicole wakes up and gets changed
    8:10 - feed Nicole (bottle)
    8:30 - 10:00 - play time
    10:00 - nap time
    11:00 - bottle lunch! (I feed them simultaneously)
    11:30 - 2:30 - play time
    2:30 - feed Auburn (bottle)
    - Auburn takes a nap
    3:00 - feed Nicole (bottle)
    - Nicole takes a nap
    5:30 - wake up from nap and play
    6:30 - feed Auburn solids
    6:50 - feed Nicole solids
    7:15 - 9:00 - play time
    8:30 - 9:00 - bed time
  21. noahandjacobsmom

    noahandjacobsmom Well-Known Member

    I am new to this site and have been having difficulty with the boys sleeping through the night. I thought if someone looked at their schedule they might see something that could be modified.

    6:30a.m. wake up/ morning milk
    8:30-9:00 breakfast
    9:00-10:00 playtime
    10:00-11:00/11:30ish nap (length can vary)with milk before nap
    12:30 lunch
    1:30-3:00 or so: nap with milk before nap
    5:30 milk
    5:45-6:30 playtime
    6:30-7:00 dinner
    7:30ish bath
    8:00 bottle and bed

    nightime varies with them getting up 4-8 times....(have been through a cold, shots and bottom front teeth recently) I am trying the CIO method....HARD!!!
  22. Monika2006Twins

    Monika2006Twins Well-Known Member

    We finally have a solid schedule I can count on!

    6:30 wake up/nurse
    8:15 nurse
    8:30 - 10:00 nap
    10:30 grain based meal + fruit & veg
    12:00 nurse
    12:30 - 2:00 nap
    2:30 yogurt based meal + fruit & veg
    4:00 - nurse
    6:15 - nurse
    6:30 - bed

    They both sleep in their own cribs in their own bedrooms, no pacifier, no swaddle. S sleeps through the night every night without a peep. C wakes up 2-3 times a week at 4:30AM to nurse.
  23. sagertwins

    sagertwins Well-Known Member

    as far as I know thursday is good
  24. veggiehead

    veggiehead Well-Known Member

    6am - bottle
    8-10am - nap
    10am - bottle/fruit
    11am - nap
    2pm - bottle
    3/4pm - sometimes a nap for at least one of them!?
    5:30ish - bottle/veggies
    6:30pm - bedtime
  25. jllswmn

    jllswmn New Member

    7:00 - Wake
    7:30 - Breakfast (fruit and oatmeal), followed with bottle
    9:00 - Nap
    11:00 - Wake/Bottle
    12:30 - Nap
    2:00 - Wake/Bottle
    3:30 - Nap
    5:00 - Wake/Bottle
    6:00 - Dinner (veggie and rice cereal), followed with bottle
    7:00 - Bedtime (might take awhile before they actually sleep though!)
  26. geaemama

    geaemama Well-Known Member

    1am - nurse
    5am - nurse
    7am - awake for the day
    8am - nurse
    10am - cereal and fruit
    11am- nurse
    12pm try to get them to nap
    1pm- nurse
    4pm-jar of mixed meal and jar of fruit
    7pm- nurse
    8Pm - nurse
    9:30pm- nurse and sleep

    Our girls are nurse-aholics. They expecially nurse in the evening. There have been nights where they start nursing at 6 and are latched on until 9:30 (YES- nursing the entire time). Our girls really don't nap unless we are in the car.

    That is our schedule
  27. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    Wake around 6.45-7.00 am
    Solids at 8 am
    Nap at 9 am (1 1/4 - 1 1/2 hours)
    Bottle 5 oz
    Solids at 12.30 pm
    Small bottle at 12.45 pm
    Nap at 1 pm (1 1/2 - 2 hours)
    Bottle 5 oz
    Solids at 5 pm
    Bath at 5.15 pm
    Bottle 6 oz at 5.30 pm
    Bed 6.00 pm
    Wake around 5.30 - 6.00 am (7 oz bottle) and back to bed / sleep until 7-ish.
  28. TeeandGee

    TeeandGee Well-Known Member

    6am - wake up
    7am - bottle
    Playtime *
    8am - solids
    Playtime *
    9am - nap (30mins for one, 1hr for the other) - yup, they don't nap the same
    10am - bottle
    Playtime *
    12noon - nap (30mins for one, 45min-1hr for the other)
    1pm - bottle
    Playtime *
    2pm - solids
    3:30pm - nap
    4pm - bottle
    Playtime *
    6:30pm - bottle
    7pm - bedtime

    We will be adding a 3rd solids meal in their day pretty soon (probably around 5:30pm)? Not sure.

    * Playtime covers every activity other than eating or sleeping :)
  29. kendraplus2

    kendraplus2 Well-Known Member

    I always try to post their schedule halfway into the month to get the best overall picture. I think they are in the middle of switching from 3 naps to 2 but we'll see. Anyways, this is how things are going:

    630ish Wake (usually 630-645, sometimes 7)
    7:00 Nurse
    8:00 Cereal and fruit (jarred or homemade puree)
    8:30ish Nap (this will go from 1 to 2 hours)
    10:00 Nurse
    11:30ish Vegetable
    12:30 Nap (length all depends)
    1:30ish Nurse
    If needed, 3:45 or 4:00 Nap
    4:45 Nurse
    5:30 Vegetable, sometimes with meat (stage 2 food), fruit for dessert, usually applesauce
    6:00 Tubtime
    6:30 Nurse
    Off to bed!

    They still wake up to nurse around 230-430 in the morning, and lately have been waking up more often. Not sure what to do about that. If the morning nap is a longer one, and the afternoon nap is longer, where they end up waking up about 3, then I don't do any more naps for the day. If the morning and early afternoon naps are shorter, they can't go until bedtime without a 3rd nap in there but I don't let them sleep past 4:45. Nursing is vaguely every 3 hours, sometimes goes to 4 hours depending on naps and solids. Solids are a mix of fresh steamed and pureed fruits and veggies, and jarred Stage 2, and cereals. They love squash, sweet potatoes, and sweet stuff, like applesauce and pears.
    Playtime, they still love the exersaucer and Jumperoos. They can both sit up very well now and are attempting to crawl - Chase can combat crawl and Con I think would be crawling already if it weren't for his cast, but he pulls himself around. They love to play outside, love "roughhouse" playing, and gum on absolutely everything. No teeth yet!!! They also have renewed interest in their activity mats as they try to pull up on the toys. They love PeekaBoo and still love to be held, carried, danced with, lots of love and kisses!!!!!!!
  30. sottovoce

    sottovoce Well-Known Member

    Well Schedule is something I aspire to. Thought I'd put our "schedule" into the hopper so that one day some other mother aspiring to a schedule will know she's not alone!

    6:30AM -- Wake Up (can vary from 5:00AM to 7:00 AM depending on the constellation of moon and stars...)
    Immediately BF and change each child
    Play in exersaucer/jumperoo
    Drink coffee (that's for me)
    8:00 AM - eat -- strive for 3 jars (Earth's Best stage 2 size) split between the two
    Change clothes into day clothes
    8:30 AM - 9:00 AM -- Nap
    --Nap lasts anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours.
    --Things get out of sync because they don't nap for the same lengths of time, despite going down within 20 minutes of each other usually.
    --Then repeat the play-eat-nap scenario while keeping an eye on the wakefulness clock.
    --Both kids get pretty tired at 2 hour mark so I put them back down for a nap. This may mean 4 naps in one day, depending on the duration of the nap.
    5:00 EAT -- 3 jars split between two children -- homemade apples, pears, and sweet potatoes were tonight's offering
    5:30 bathe
    6:00 sleep
    Wake up 2-4 times during the night (trying not to respond between 11P and 3A)

    Everyday is a new adventure!


    Edited to add that I BF the children throughout the day, on demand. On rare occasion they get a bottle of EBF, usually when I am not at home.
  31. knorts

    knorts Well-Known Member

    Things are just starting to fall into place at our house, but it certainly isn't perfect! Here is what some days look like (and what I hope for EVERY day)!

    7:00 - Wake for the day
    7:15 - Fruits (two Stage 2 between them)
    7:30 - Play time
    9:00 - Bottles (7-8 ounces each)
    9:15 - Nap time (1-2 hours)
    10:00/11:00 - Play time
    12:00 - Bottles (7-8 ounces)
    12:00/1:00 - Nap time (1-2 hours)
    2:00 - Play time
    3:00 - Bottles (7-8 ounces)
    4:00 - Nap time (short cat nap)
    5:00 - Veggies (two Stage 2 between them)
    5:15 - Play time (help mom make dinner in kitchen)
    6:30 - Bath
    7:00 - Bottle (7-8 ounces) and bed!
  32. TwinsInOkinawa

    TwinsInOkinawa Well-Known Member

    Here's what we try to do, TRY is the operative word!

    0700 - wake up, nurse tandem
    0800- solids, share a stage 2 fruit or veggie, or something I've mashed up
    0900 - nap (nurse prior, but each on their own, the other is in the swing while I"m nursing one)
    1000-1030 - wake up, sometimes nurse again, sometimes not
    1030-1230, 1300- play, usually on the floor, read books, watch out the window
    1230-1300 - go down for another nap (nurse again before)
    1400-1430 -- wake up, play, go for a walk if we're feeling like it, errands, nurse
    1700 - solids again, share a stage 2 or again something I've mashed
    (there might be another nap between the second nap and solids, sometimes is, sometimes isn't, sometimes it needs to be while I'm driving around!)
    1800-1900 - bath, play with Daddy, nurse, to bed not much later than 1900

    Up two to three times at night to nurse (sometimes tandem, sometimes alone).

    So, that's the ideal goal, doesn't always work, but that's what we aspire to..

  33. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    700 Get up, diapers, snuggles, nurse, play
    830 Breakfast (oatmeal & fruit)
    900 Wash up, diapers/get dressed, nurse
    930 Nap (usually 1.5-2hrs)
    1130 Get up, diapers, play, nurse, play
    100 Lunch (oatmeal/barley & veggie)
    130 Wash up, diapers, nurse
    200 Nap (usually 1-1.5hrs)
    330 Get up, diapers, play, nurse, play
    500 Dinner (oatmeal/barley, fruit & veggie)
    530 Bath/lotion/jammies, snuggles, nurse
    630-7 Bed

    They are still getting up anywhere between 0-2x a night.
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