Compiling Data: Please post your 10 mo schedules!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by dfaut, Nov 27, 2006.

  1. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    We are working towards getting some scheduling info together as a resource addition to our "sleep sticky" and would like to know what you 10 mo. olds schedules look like/looked like (roughly) Thank you!!!


    7:00 wake/bottle or bf
    8:00 cereal
    9:00 nap
    12:00 bottle
    1:00 nap
    3:00 wake
    3:30 solids

    etc. etc. you get the idea. Thank you for your participation!!
  2. MSB1203

    MSB1203 Well-Known Member

    Here is our tentative schedule [​IMG]

    5:30 Wakes for a morning bottle and goes right back to sleep.
    7:00 Wakes up
    8:00 Eats some cut up fruit
    9:45 Morning Nap and small bottle
    10:30 Wakes up and eats some mini pancakes and another type of fruit
    12:00 Eats lunch; 2 veggies (finger foods like cubed carrots, and green beans) and some cheese cubes
    1:15 Afternoon nap
    3:00-3:30 Wakes up
    4:00 Snack of puffs, fruit, crackers, etc. (more for entertainment purposes)
    5:45 Dinner; 2 veggies and a fruit
    6:15 Bath on bath nights
    6:30 Small Bottle
    6:45 Bed
  3. kcole

    kcole Well-Known Member

    Here's ours:

    6:30 - wake
    7:00 - bottle
    8:00 - breakfast (solids)
    9:30 - nap
    11:00 - bottle
    11:30 - lunch (solids)
    1:00 - nap
    3:00 - snack w/ bottle (about to eliminate bottle and sub water/juice)
    5:30 - bottle
    6:00 - dinner (solids)
    6:30 - bath (every other night)
    7:00 - bed
  4. BethCiv

    BethCiv Well-Known Member

    Their schedules are a bit different as Ali gets extra bottles during the day but this is an approximation:

    6:00 wake and bottle
    7:00 breakfast
    8:30 nap
    11:00 bottle
    12:00 lunch
    12:30 nap
    3:00 bottle
    4:00 dinner
    6:00 bath (on alternating days)
    6:15 bottle
    6:30 bed

    Charlotte doesn't have the 3:00 bottle, so only three bottles per day total. Ali has four bottles per day and usually one, maybe two per night. But she only weighs 14.5 lbs. at 10 months so I'm always trying to get as many calories in her as possible [​IMG]
  5. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I couldn't remember the 7-month sched, but hopefully I can do this one!

    All bottles 7 oz., except bedtime 8 oz.

    6:30-7 wake, first bottle
    8:30-9:30 nap
    10:30 bottle
    11:30 lunch
    12-2 nap
    2:30 bottle
    3:30 snack/"dinner"
    6:00 bedtime bottle (8 oz)
    7:00 in bed

    Plus Amy had a 4-oz bottle anytime between 2:00 and 4:00 a.m.

    We were probably a little unusual (for this board at least) in that we didn't start 3 meals a day until 11 months or so.
  6. firsttimer

    firsttimer Well-Known Member

    7 - Wake
    7:45 bottle
    8:30 - breakfast (solids)
    9:15 nap
    11:45 bottle
    1:00 lunch (solids)
    2:00 nap
    3:45 bottle (or whenever they wake)
    5:30 dinner
    7:15 bottle
    7:30 bed
  7. LisaJB

    LisaJB Well-Known Member

    6/6:30 -- official "wake up" (they often wake earlier but are generally content to babble to each other; I try not to go in until as close to 6:30 as possible)

    7am -- bottle (6.5 oz)
    8am -- breakfast (usually cereal mixed with any formula they didn't finish from their bottle, and/or prune juice, plus fruit)
    9ish -- nap (generally for 1 1/2 hours)
    noon -- lunch of yogurt, fruit, veggies, finger food
    1/1:30 -- bottle (just reduced to 6.5 ounces from 8 ounces...they're losing interest in it anyway)
    2:30ish -- nap...hopefully (the afternoon nap is a real crapshoot)
    5:00 -- dinner (fruit, veggies, protein, finger food, etc.)
    6:00 -- get ready for bed
    6:30 -- bottle (9 oz)

    They generally fall asleep sometime between 7 and 8, with DS on the earlier side and DD on the later lately.
  8. threebecamefive

    threebecamefive Well-Known Member

    My boys just turned 10 months a few days ago. I work in the mornings, so their wake time is dictated by me. On weekends and summers (I teach), they get up about an hour later.

    6:30 wake up and nurse
    8:00 breakfast
    9:00 supplemental bottle (4 ounces) - may be taking this out soon
    10-12 nap
    12:00 nurse
    1:00 lunch
    2-4 nap
    4:00 nurse
    6:00 dinner
    7:00 nurse and down for bed
  9. lv2bmommy

    lv2bmommy Well-Known Member

    My little ones will be 10 mo in a few days, so I figured it would be better to post here.

    8:00 wake and nurse
    9:00 cereal
    10:00 nap
    12:00 wake and nurse
    1:00 fruit or meat
    2:30-3:00 down for nap
    5:30 wake and nurse
    6:30 veggies
    7:30 bath
    8:30-9:00 nurse and down for bed
  10. Gabe+2more

    Gabe+2more Well-Known Member

    Here's ours roughly:

    6am wakeup - bottle
    8:30-9ish, breakfast (oatmeal and fruit)
    10:00 nap, getting shorter and shorter all the time
    11:30 lunch, meatsticks/veggie/fruit
    1:00 nap
    3:00 wakeup - bottle/snack
    5:30 supper - table food
    6:30 bottle
    7:00 bed

    It's been this way for a long time now. I think before long, they will finish transitioning to all table foods and will give up the morning nap.
  11. kcprochazka

    kcprochazka Well-Known Member

    They are 10 months "real" age but 7.5 months "corrected" age so feel free to use this wherever you want!

    6:30am - wake & nurse 5-10 minutes
    8:00am - breakfast (cereal)
    8:30am - nap
    11:00am - nurse 5 minutes
    12:00pm - lunch
    12:30pm - nap
    4:00pm - nurse
    6:00pm dinner
    6:30pm - bath
    7:00pm - nurse & bedtime
  12. Sara26

    Sara26 Well-Known Member

    Here's our schedule at about 10 1/2 months.

    6-6:30 wake, breakfast (table food), sippy/bottle formula
    9-10:30 nap
    11:30 lunch (table food), formula sippy
    12:30 or 1 to 2 or 2:30 nap
    2:30 snack, juice/water sippy
    5 dinner (table food), formula sippy
    6:30 bed
  13. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Here's ours:

    7:30-wake and 5-6oz. bottle
    9:00-breakfast (oatmeal/fruit, pancake, toast)
    11:30-5 oz. bottle
    12:30-lunch (meat sticks, yogurt, fruit, veggie)
    3:45- 5oz. bottle
    5:30-dinner (3rd food, meat sticks, veggie, fruit, table food depending on what we are having for dinner)
    7:30- 6oz. bottle and bed

    I don't give them all those things for their meals, those are just samples of what they may get. We are working towards more table food.
  14. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Good work gang!!! Let's keep adding on!!! [​IMG]
  15. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    Anymore 10 month schedules to share?
  16. littletwinstars

    littletwinstars Well-Known Member

    Wake 5:30-7:00am
    Breakfast snack (water & fruit & practice finger foods/Cheerios)9:00am
    1st nap 10:00am
    Lunch (bottle & cereal)
    2nd nap 1:30pm
    Snack (bottle only)
    3rd nap 5:00pm
    Dinner (bottle, protein, vegetable, & cereal)
    Bed 7:30pm
    **each nap ranges from 20-60 minutes on average**
  17. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Let me see if I remember mine.

    7:00 up - Breastfeed
    9:00 nurse & nap
    10:00 up & nurse
    12:00 Nurse & nap
    1:00 Up & nurse
    1:30 cereal & veggie
    3:30 Nurse & nap
    4:30 Up & nurse
    5:00 Solid meal of cereal & fruit
    7:00 breastfeed & bedtime
  18. LanieK

    LanieK Well-Known Member

    My little guys are 10 months next week...
    6:30 or 7 -up and a 8 oz bottle
    830 -snack and water
    10 or so -nap (1.5 hours)
    12- lunch and 8 oz bottle
    2 or 230 -sometimes a snack and water
    330 or 4 -nap (1.5 hours)
    5- small snack
    6- dinner
    7- 8 oz bottle and bed 730 or 8 (was 7 sharp until daylight saving time)

  19. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    6:30-7:30 wake and bottle
    9:30-10:00 cereal
    nap afterward (approx 1.5-2 hours)
    lunch - veggie and yogurt usually or another jar - whatever makes up 8 oz of food plus some cheerios/puffs/graham crackers
    approx 2:30-3:00 bottle
    possibly afternoon nap
    5 ish dinner - 2 jars of food or table food
    7:30-8 ish bottle and bed
  20. JennaPa

    JennaPa Well-Known Member

    6:30-7 wake up and bottle (4-6oz)
    8:00 breakfast (cereal,fruit,yogurt,juice in a cup)
    9:30 1.5 to 2 hour nap
    11:30 bottle (4-6oz)
    12:30 lunch (cereal,fruit,veggie,juice in a cup)
    2:00 1.5 to 2 hour nap
    4:00 bottle (4-6oz)
    5:00 dinner (3rd dinner,fruit,veggie,juice in a cup)
    7:00 bottle and bed (6-7oz)

    We're working on more chunky/finger foods but they're having trouble with gagging. I've decided not to rush them and go slow on the table food. They'll get there soon.
  21. my2littlebubbas

    my2littlebubbas Well-Known Member

    7:15 Wake Up
    7:30 8 oz. bottle
    8:30 fruit, cereal and finger food (toast,waffle,pancakes)
    9:30-11:00 nap
    11:00 lunch (finger food, veggie, yogurt,etc.)
    1:30-3:30 nap
    3:30 snack of crackers, cheese stick, etc.
    5:30 supper- meal and fruit or veggie
    7:00 bath
    7:30 8 oz. bottle
    8:00 bedtime
  22. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    7/7:30am wake
    8am nurse
    8:30am solids (cereal+breastmilk, or fruit)
    9:30-11am nap
    11am nurse
    1:30-3:30pm nap
    4pm nurse
    4:30pm solids (finger foods, meats, vegies)
    6:30 bath every other night
    7pm nurse and bed

    They still wake 2-3 times from 7pm-7am :rolleyes:
  23. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Here is our 10 month, I just modified it today, dropping down to 3 bottles. Hopefully it will work!

    7 wake and bottle(8oz)
    830 breakfast(usually waffles, pancakes or toast, with some type of fruit)
    930 nap
    12 lunch(veggie, and whatever I can think of to go with)
    1 bottle(8oz) and nap
    330 snack(puffs, crackers)
    5 dinner(fruit, veggie, and some of what we are eating for dinner)
    530 bath
    630 bottle(8oz) and bed

    I give them cereal and puffs throughout the day and also milk in their sippies.
  24. i4get

    i4get Well-Known Member

    My boys will be 10 months next week...
    6:30 or 7 - Wake and 8 oz bottle
    830 -Breakfast (cereal and fruit) and sippy of water
    ~ 9am to 11am - Nap (1.5 to 2 hours)
    11am Wake and 8 oz bottle
    1pm - Lunch (veggie x2 sometimes plus a fruit) and sippy of water
    2pm to 4pm - Nap (1.5 to 2 hours)
    5 - small snack with 8 oz sippy/bottle
    6 - Dinner (homemade veggie/meat casserole and fruit)
    7- Bath and Bed

    Working to cut out some bottles and get more table food.

  25. swp0525

    swp0525 Well-Known Member

    At ten months we were doing...

    7am--wake-up and 8oz bottle of formula
    followed by oatmeal or cream of wheat mixed with fruit

    playtime until 9am and then down for 2hr nap

    11am--8oz formula bottle (started to introduce sippy cup around this age too) followed by veggie and fruit (we had some gagging issues so we stuck with purees for a while)

    playtime until 2 and then down for an hour to an hour and half nap

    3:30--juice and water in a sippy with some cheerios and Gerber fruit puffs

    4-5:00 playtime

    5:00--8-oz bottle followed by meat and veggie and a fruit

    playtime until 6:30 then baths, Goodnight Moon, and in bed at 7...
  26. SJV

    SJV Well-Known Member

    7:30 wake
    8:00 bottle and oatmeal
    9:00 playtime
    10:00 nap
    12:00 bottle and lunch(yogurt,cottage chesse,fruit,etc.)
    1:00 playtime
    2:00 nap
    4:00 bottle
    5:30 dinner (tablefood,veggies,etc.)
    7:00 bath
    7:30 bottle and bed

    Wer're trying to eat more and more tablefood!
  27. DanaLynn100

    DanaLynn100 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(~* dfaut *~ @ Nov 27 2006, 04:34 AM) [snapback]33811[/snapback]
    We are working towards getting some scheduling info together as a resource addition to our "sleep sticky" and would like to know what you 10 mo. olds schedules look like/looked like (roughly) Thank you!!!<BR><BR>example:<BR><BR>7:00 wake/bottle or bf<BR>8:00 cereal<BR>9:00 nap<BR>12:00 bottle<BR>1:00 nap<BR>3:00 wake<BR>3:30 solids<BR><BR><BR>etc. etc. you get the idea. Thank you for your participation!!

    Ok, so our boys are almost a year, but they've been on the same schedule since we moved to our new house in April.

    7-7:30 AM - Wake up and have 8 oz bottle
    7:30 AM - Go downstairs to have fruit and cereal (Banana and Cheerios are their favorite)
    8-11 AM - Play time
    11-12 PM - Morning nap (sometimes they go down a little before 11 but they are always up around noon)
    12 PM - Go downstairs for lunch (tofu, mixed veggies, toast are staples in the lunch menu)
    12:30 PM - Midday 8 oz bottle
    12:30-4 PM - Play time
    4-5 PM - Afternoon nap
    5 PM - Go downstairs for dinner (usually a slightly modified version of what we eat)
    5:30-8 PM - Play time
    8 PM - Bedtime 8 oz bottle
    8:30 PM - Bedtime (They sleep through the night until 7-7:30 AM)

    We give them sippy cups with water or watered down juice during play time as needed. Baths we do during one of the play time blocks every other day (unless we have a major diaper blowout), but we aren't consistent about what time of day that is. It just depends on what else has to be done during the day. We've been fortunate that the boys work well on the same schedule.
  28. Monika2006Twins

    Monika2006Twins Well-Known Member

    Our schedule at 10 months
    6:30 - 7:00 AM - wake up/nurse
    8:00 - Solids (all finger foods with grain/veg/protein & fruit + home made yogurt smoothie)
    9:00 AM - nurse then nap
    10:30 - 11:00 AM - wake up
    12:00 - Solids (all finger foods with grain/veg/protein & fruit + home made yogurt smoothie)
    1:00 PM - nurse then nap
    2:00 - 3:00 PM - wake up
    4:30 - Solids (all finger foods with grain/veg/protein & fruit + home made yogurt smoothie)
    6:30 - nurse then bed

    They sleep through the night.
  29. LB

    LB Well-Known Member

    Mine will be 10 months next week:
    6-7 wake
    between 630 and 7- 7 oz bottle
    8- breakfast- baby cereal mixed with baby food fruit, pancake or waffle and diced fruit- sippy with water
    9 nap
    10 wake
    11 lunch- table food
    between 12 and 1 down for nap
    1 hour later wake
    2 bottle- 7 oz
    4 dinner- table food
    6- bath, bottle (7 oz) bed by 630-7
  30. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    No changes expected in the near future until they drop their morning nap.

    - wake up / start day 7.00 am
    - breakfast 8.00 am
    - nap at 9.00/9.15 am
    - wake up at 10.00/10.30 am
    - bottle
    - lunch at 12.30 pm
    - nap at 1.00/1.15 pm
    - wake up at 2.30/3.00 pm
    - bottle
    - dinner at 5.00/5.15 pm
    - bath at 5.30/5.45 pm
    - bottle at 6.00 pm
    - in bed at 6.30 pm
    - wake around 5.30/6.00 am (bottle and back to sleep) ... early risers ...
  31. kendraplus2

    kendraplus2 Well-Known Member

    Here is our 10-month schedule:

    6:30 Wake
    6:45 Nurse
    7:45 Breakfast
    9:30 Naps (usually nap for around an hour and a half)
    11:00 Nurse
    Noon - Lunch
    1:30 Snack (juice, graham crackers, puffs, fruit and yogurt, something)
    2ish - Nap (this one is usually around 45 minutes to an hour)
    3:00 Nurse
    4:00 Snack
    5:00 Dinner
    6:00 Tubtime
    6:30ish Bottles and Bed!

    We are on about 75 percent table food for them now. They get mostly what we eat, minus any added salt, but I keep the spices/herbs/garlic, etc., and they love it all! They are off baby cereal and onto oatmeal, and they love ravioli with tomato sauce, cheese, macaroni and cheese, chicken, this mix I make of black beans, chicken, avocado, cilantro, tomato, and cheese, soup, they are great eaters. And they are Puffs and Crackers addicts.
  32. Twinlillies

    Twinlillies Well-Known Member

    8:00 - Wake and bottle
    9:00 - Cereal and 1/2 jar fruit or yoghurt
    10:00 - Nap
    12:00 - 1 jar veggies and 1/2 jar fruit
    1:30/2:00 - nap
    3:00 - bottle
    4:00 - 1 jar meat dinner, 1/2-1 jar fruit
    6:00 - every other night, bath
    6:30 - bottle
    7:00 - bed

    We do table food when able. Both girls will pretty much eat anything, but only have 1 tooth between them LOL.
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