Collecting Poo.....

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by jdandson, Sep 24, 2007.

  1. jdandson

    jdandson Well-Known Member

    So the boys have had diarrhea for 16 days now, 5-7 times per day at least, they have horrible diaper rash. I called the Pedi again after speaking to her last week and following her instructions to no avail. I now have to collect samples, from 2 16 month olds, how the heck is that possible!?!?!?!
    Has anyone had experience doing this? I was thinking of putting plastic rap in their diaper to try and "catch" some of it :blink:
    It took 2 phone calls and blistered behinds to finally get an ointment for their poor butts!!!
  2. rachel123

    rachel123 Well-Known Member

    all you have to do is use plastic spoons and get it out of the diapers you may also want to see if they have cups to collect it in because that is what I have used with my kids were cups that looked like the urine sample cups but had liquid in them and little spoons to collect the sample with.
  3. jdandson

    jdandson Well-Known Member

    That is what i have to pick up, i believe. I just was baffled at how this works. It sounds pretty harsh, but if it can help figure the mystery out as to what is causing the diarrhea i will do it!!
  4. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    I had to do this last week with Emma. The little sample cups have spoons attached to the lids and I just scooped it right out of the diaper. :bad:
  5. newfiefreckle

    newfiefreckle Well-Known Member

    I have had to do it with my kids last winter. The drs office gave me scoopers and urine cups to put the stool in. Make sure to keep it refridgerated also after you collect it, while you wait to bring in it.
  6. jdandson

    jdandson Well-Known Member

    So i went to the lab and picked up the sample cups, 9 of them each :eek:. Yup i said 9 each, w/no spoons and i have to fill several of them at the same time!!! and they can't be contaminated w/urine or diaper cream.
    I am taking a day of work to complete the mission!!! how i am going to do i am not sure, i just keep thinking it is for their good and will help them!!!
  7. betseeee

    betseeee Well-Known Member

    Whee! Sounds like you've got a fun day ahead!
  8. mom of one plus two

    mom of one plus two Well-Known Member

    They gave me a clean paint can to collect poo for a different reason than you. I had to meticulusly collect poo for a whole weekend. Then I proudly handed it in and they lost it! I refused to do it again! Make sure they label it well and make sure it gets where its going!

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