
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MommyofThreeBoys, Apr 23, 2007.

  1. MommyofThreeBoys

    MommyofThreeBoys Well-Known Member

    Brady & Aidan have had what I thought to be colds since Wednesday. They have light green runny noses but i have been told in the past that the color doens't mean something is wrong. They also have yucky broken up coughs. Should I bring them to the doctor? I feel like more often than not when I bring them to the doctor...nothing is wrong. I just hate wasting a trip.
  2. MommyofThreeBoys

    MommyofThreeBoys Well-Known Member

    They haven't been real fussy or anything...they still go to bed at night.
  3. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    are they eating okay?
    Any fever?

    If they aren't eating well, their throats may be sore.
    If they aren't eating well and feel warm, I'd take them in.
  4. MommyofThreeBoys

    MommyofThreeBoys Well-Known Member

    I took them in at 2:10 today and sure enough, both had double ear infection and broncitis. I was told they could have a sinus infection but the medicine...augmentum will help with all three of those problems.
    The doctor also told me to use the nebulizer/abuterol with both boys 3 times a day for a few days.

    Gald I brought them!

  5. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    Wow, this is exactly what we are going through. I thought Arwen's runny nose was just teething then it turned into congestion then a cough so on Sunday, I brought her in and she has a double ear infection. Last night and this am her breathing seemed too rapid and she was wheazing so I brought her in and sure enough we are also using a nebulizer now. Her sister is starting to show similar beginning symptoms but I'm just praying that it doesn't turn out to be the same thing. Hope your little guys feel better soon!! It's just the saddest thing to see them so miserable. :cray:
  6. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    We have runny noses here as well. I've been thinking allergies or cold -- they have no fever, and are eating well -- but your post has me worried.

    Hope they get well soon!
  7. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    Wow, poor little boys. I'm glad you decided to take them in. Mommy's instinct is always the best! My nephew just got out of the hospital (2 night stay) for pneumonia...crazy stuff going around right now.
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