
Discussion in 'The First Year' started by annahs, Jan 10, 2011.

  1. annahs

    annahs Well-Known Member

    So my husband has come down with a nasty cold, which stinks. Our place is very small so he can't really be isolated and I've also lost my pair of extra hands. I'm a bit paranoid that I'll also catch this and so will the twins. Does anyone know how susceptible very young babies are? They are just 1 month old, but I'm breastfeeding which I know helps. Also, will the symptoms of a cold be the same in very young babies as in an adult?

  2. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Babies do get colds and it sucks, but it's usually not a big deal. The symptoms are the same, they're just a bit tougher to manage because they can't sit up to clear the congestion out of their heads. Chances are it would be fine if they even get the cold! However, you want to watch out to make sure that they get enough fluids when they're sick, as it's tougher to suck when they have stuffy noses and sore throats. Also keep an eye on their breathing and make sure that it's not laboured as sometimes those small airways get swollen with respiratory infections and look out for ear tugging and other symptoms of ear infections which can sometimes happen after colds.

    Good luck! My boys didn't end up getting colds until they were 9 months, and everyone in the house had multiple colds before then. Handwashing and making sure you cover when you cough or sneeze. You'll definitely know when they're not feeling well.. I remember being so scared that I would miss it if something was going wrong, but you know when it's off.
  3. momof6

    momof6 Well-Known Member

    Lots of hand washing and sanitizing. My DH had a cough right after the babies came home and we bought masks for him to wear. The thing is that you and your babies have already been exposed. My Ped says that you are usually contagious 24 hours before you start with symptoms and during any period of a fever. The BM helps for sure because you are giving the babies antibodies. I got sick with my last DD had a fever and everything and was nursing and she never got it. I am scared of the twins getting sick too especially since we have 5 other kids, 4 in school. Keep yourself hydrated and keep taking your vitamins. Sleep when you can to keep your immune system up. Take care!!
  4. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    What Jen said. :)

    I don't think newborns are any more susceptible to colds than anyone -- as long as your DH washes his hands obsessively and is careful not to cough or sneeze on them (or on anything they use, like burp cloths), they'll probably be fine. The nice thing about newborns, in this regard, is that they aren't mobile and they don't really touch anything!
  5. annahs

    annahs Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the very helpful replies. We'll keep an eye on them and keep up the hand washing.
  6. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    I would agree become obsessive about hand washing for a few days. Way more than you normally would. We have had success with this. We had the flu at 4 months. I have no idea if they are more susceptible, but since they do have a brand new immune system they may have a tougher time with things that seem minor to us. Still, our sicknesses are already shorter and less severe in the second year. It is relieving. Good luck - I hope none of you catch it.
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