Cold weather and getting out of the house

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by chicagomama, Jan 4, 2010.

  1. chicagomama

    chicagomama Well-Known Member

    Temps are really low these days in chicago--single digits at times--so I have been laying low inside. That would probably be OK w/just the twins, but my toddler is so busy and our place is small, she is literally climbing the walls--or at least everything else in sight--by the end of the day. On occasion I have bundled her up and played a bit w/her in the backyard while the boys were napping, but I really would like us all to get out and am struggling with feeling cooped up. I have a snap&go stroller and I keep the carseats inside and I have a valco double w/toddler seat in the garage. My questions related to this are 1) is there a temp that is too cold to take babies (4 months) out say for a walk in period? Both are healthy, no colds at present. 2) Is it better to bundle them up in the carseats prior to going out vs. using the valco which is then cold b/c it sits in the garage? I feel bad at the thought of them sitting in the cold valco even though that is my preferred stroller w/the toddler seat, other wise my 2 y.o. is walking and/or being carried by me and the double SNG are tricky to manuever, let alone w/one hand!
  2. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    I would think as long as they are bundled up that you can get out. I dont have any experience with temps that low. But if you want your toddler to get exercise, then have her walk and use the snap and go. If not, take the Valco and just do some extra bundling.
  3. Kateryna

    Kateryna Well-Known Member

    I would use Valco but would buy Bundle Me Arctic which is just bought. It has very warm fleece lining and is wind and water proof. Under that they wer snowsuits and hats. Over the stroller wind cover. Works great and my stroller in the garage too but it's ok since they are in snowsuits. Also I sold my snap and go since it was way hard to steer once they got bigger and over the snow.
  4. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    Is there a mall with an indoor play area you could go to? This past summer we went there a lot when it was too hot. I'm guessing it's pretty crowded now that it's cold too. It would be nice to let your DD play and climb in an area where you can still see her and the babies.
  5. ChaoticMum

    ChaoticMum Well-Known Member

    ditto Kateryna.....As long as they're bundled and the windchill isn't an issue they will stay toasty warm in the valco with the wind cover on it and bundle me's inside it.

    I took the babes when they were 3mths old to the Santa Claus parade and it was -13C on the walk back which would be 9F and they were TOASTY warm when we got back to the truck. I had a fleece bundle me under them (I only had one so I put the bottom under one and the top under the other) then I put them in snowsuits, covered them with a fleece blanket and put the wind cover on.

    Does the wind cover work with the toddler seat?

    And as for it being cold, you could get some of those heat sacks - the flax filled bags that you heat in the microwave - warm them up, then toss them into the stroller seats while you're bundling them. By the time you get them out to it the chill will be off! :)
  6. chicagomama

    chicagomama Well-Known Member

    Do you know what they are called so I can search on amazon? That would be ideal!
  7. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree with Megan, I was going to suggest an indoor play area somewhere. Kind of germy this time of year but at least they're warm!
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