Co-Sleeper or 2 Mini Co-Sleeper?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by REBECCABARBIER, Feb 1, 2009.

    We plan on keeping the babies in our room for only the first couple of months. After that we want to transition them into their cribs. I spoke to another mother of twins who swears by 2 mini co-sleepers. She said she likd them because they were mobile and she would wheel them into the living room during the day and back into the bedroom at night? All this time I have been thinking about just getting one regular co-sleeper and putting them together, but the regular co-sleepers don't have wheels. So now I am confused again. What did you (or do you plan to) use?

  1. aandja79

    aandja79 Well-Known Member

    We lived in a small apartment when ours were born. We didn't use any co-sleepers, we just swaddled them and put them in the same crib in our room. Worked out well, as they were close by for us, they slept well and got used to their crib, and we didn't have to buy any extra equipment. Co-sleepers are probably great, but one thing to keep in mind is that babies grow very quickly :)
  2. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    Small house here, and even smaller master bedroom. We borrowed two bassinets and that worked wonderfully. Like the cosleepers, they have wheels so you can move them around the house. We put one on each side of the bed and we each got to be "in charge" of that baby during the night. It was a great system. After a month or so, we just kept them together in a mini-crib (also borrowed, the size of a PNP) at the foot of our bed. By then they were sleeping well at night and didn't need the constant attention and soothing to get to sleep.
  3. elhardy26

    elhardy26 Well-Known Member

    we used the regular size co-sleeper for both together and they did outgrow it within a few months. it depends on whether you are okay with them touching eachother, we didn't want them to scratch eachother's eyes and faces so we didn't like keeping them together... we swaddled but they would always get an arm out and go right for the other one's eyes :)
  4. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    I had one regular sized crib in the Master, and the PacknPlay set up in the living room.
  5. Callen

    Callen Well-Known Member

    I used a regular sized co-sleeper in our room for 6mths, but also had a cradle out in our dining room.
  6. Thanks ladies for the suggestions. That is what I was thinking I'd do. A full size co sleeper in our room and a PNP in the living room. Maybe I can borrow one? We want to transition the twins into the nursery and their own cribs after two months or so. We were also thinking of keeping them together in one crib for a while, but I have also considered a crib spacer... Has anyone used one of those?
  7. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    We swaddled them and put them in those "positioners" inside a regular crib at the foot of our bed. With the crib in the highest setting and the railing down -- it was perfect. We used a regular pnp in the livingroom which had a change area attachment and a bassinet attachment. I also used a Moses basket for a second nap area and to transport them up and down the stairs. Worked out great !!!
  8. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    I originally bought a co-sleeper for our room and a pack n' play for downstairs. If I had it to do again, I would have bought the mini co-sleepers or travel lite cribs. I ended up going out and buying a travel lite crib and have used it so much more. We take them when we go away and I use one downstairs for naps now because it takes up less room. I have to have the girls separated for naps and this is great. I sold my co-sleeper because I never used it once they were in their cribs (6 weeks).
  9. hilly

    hilly Well-Known Member

    We used the regular Co-sleeper in the bedroom for the first couple of months, we also had a travelite for the living room, then they moved to one crib in their room, then to separate cribs at around 6 months. Each transition went surprisingly smooth but I would highly recommend the regular cosleeper. It was really nice because you could have them right next to you without having them in bed with you.
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