Co-rooming sleep issues....

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by BDFDGirl (Heather), Dec 25, 2008.

  1. BDFDGirl (Heather)

    BDFDGirl (Heather) Well-Known Member

    I haven't posted on here for a while. I've been pretty busy with my son and the twins. ;) I need some help now. My girls are developing sleep issues now. They either don't want to sleep at night or they both hate me, I haven't quite figured it out you. ;) I put them to bed and some times they go straight to sleep. BUT most of the time now one screams bloody murder for as many as 2 hrs straight. I feel like I can't leave them in there crying because she will keep the other twin up or wake up their brother in the next room. And I wouldn't mind holding them until they were sleepy if that's what they wanted, but no they want to play. Is this just a phase? My son never did this. I'm sure that they are feeding off of each other but there isn't enough room to give them their own rooms. They are on opposite sides of the room and have always been that way since they stopped cobedding. I go back & check on them but have refused to get them out of their cribs. (It's only one that cries, but they take turns each night.) If I do give in and take the crying one out of the room, the other one starts screaming. I know I need to let them figure out how to self sooth, but they have been doing that since they were born why stop now? We thought it was a teething issue but tylenol/motrin doesn't help and again they just want to play when I do get them up. Please any suggestions would be appreciated!!!!

  2. jdio33

    jdio33 Well-Known Member

    Hi! What time are they going to bed, and do you have a solid nightly schedule you follow? I found with my boys (who still hardly ever STTN but go to sleep at 7pm every night prefectly) that the schedule helped.
    We were rocking them to sleep everynight until about 9 months and then did CIO. I know a lot of people aren't fans of CIO, and trust me it IS hard. changed everything. It took a few weeks of just letting them cry. I did go in if it got out of hand or went on to long, but after a few weeks it was worth every minute of crying.
    Now we do our thing at night and don't hear a peep from them unless something is wrong (same with naps). So that might be worth trying although I know it would be hard with your older son?
    Good luck.... :blush:
  3. BDFDGirl (Heather)

    BDFDGirl (Heather) Well-Known Member

    We normally have a pretty solid schedule. I think because they are constantly running to keep up with their older brother they held on to their second nap longer than any other child I know! We have been trying to cut that out since this started but it seems to have made no difference. I know when they are over tired they go straight to sleep then wake up in a screaming fit a few hours later but are easy to settle down. This is different, they just aren't going to sleep at all. Hopefullly it's just a phase and we will figure it out soon enough! Thanks for the help!
  4. Cindy H

    Cindy H Well-Known Member

    I also would looke at your schedule. See if bedtime is too early ot too soon after naptime. See if you are expecting more sleep (nap+overnight) than is expected for their age or not.

    Other than that I would offer a book or other quiet activity or security object. That way if one does not want to sleep they have something that would hopefully stop them from screaming. Mine would take books to bed with them for the longest would look at the book and the other would lay it on the bed and pretty much go right to sleep. But it gave them an option. Play cannot be an option at bedtime but reading (or looking at the pictures in a book )can for us.

  5. LanieK

    LanieK Well-Known Member

    Around that age we moved our boys cribs from opposite walls to right next to each other along one wall. It gave them a bit of a change and they liked it! If it isn't a scheduling thing, maybe just a change of scenery would work??
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