clumsy or developmental delay

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by lio&ella, Aug 5, 2010.

  1. lio&ella

    lio&ella Active Member

    I have boy/girl twins, they are 14 months old. I know that girls usually reach milestones first, at least this has always been the case in this household! I hate to say it but our baby girl is far more advanced than our baby boy. She rolled over first, crawled first, walked first . . . you get the idea. I dont compare them, but it is just so obvious. She just seems to "understand" a lot more of whats going on around her and what we are communicating to her. Our boy, some days I wonder. He is soooo darn clumsy! Seriously! He trips and falls over everything, including his own feet! He has so many little bumps and bruises, I feel horrible. I walk behind him most of the time trying to move objects so he wont fall on them and get seriously hurt and I try to catch him before he falls. I just blew it off as being a boy and maybe a little more clumsy than most. (my husband isnt exactly the most coordinated person either!) But a friend of mine who is an occupational therapist is concerned, and now I am starting to be concerned as well. He has met all the milestones appropriate for his age. Is he a typical "boy"? For example . . . we have a baby gate that has a bar accross the bottom that you have to step over. Our girl tripped over it maybe twice, now she steps over it carefully and has no problems. Our boy trips over it every single time! He still hasnt learned to step over it! I have let him fall and try to figure it out on his own, I have showed him and helped him several times as well.
    Any thoughts?
  2. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    i can help but i couldn't have written this better myself!
    my LO with low muscle tone can not fall and trips over everything, landing always on his head.
    i dont know what to make of it either and was just about to post something about it.
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I know that my DS met his milestones later then DD...he would be the first one to try but she was always the first one to master all milestones. I do notice that my DS is very easily distracted and a lot of times he will trip and fall because he is busy looking at something else. Not sure if this is the case with your DS but I would say if you remain concerned, it cannot hurt to bring it up at your 15 month appointment and see what your pedi says.
  4. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    it can't hurt to ask your ped about it. i was wondering if maybe it's a vision issue? like he can't always see peripheral things clearly? because you do say he's meeting milestones on time. :unknw:
  5. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    I think you should probably ask your ped; it certainly can't hurt. That being said, I have 1 boy who could find something to trip over in an empty room. Jack is super coordinated, but Nate is really clumsy. I think he's just more impetuous than Jack, and doesn't look before he leaps. :pardon:
  6. lio&ella

    lio&ella Active Member

    Thanks guys, I am definitely going to discuss it with our peds on our next appt. But our peds really seems to "blow everything off" unless I am really adimate about it. I just dont know if I should make a huge deal out of it, because Im sure our peds will say "lets just watch him and see how he does".
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