clumsy - fell this am - doc says to rest at home

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by BabyMakes5, Feb 27, 2007.

  1. BabyMakes5

    BabyMakes5 Member

    Tomorrow I will be 24 weeks along. I was so excited when I woke up this morning...everything is going so smoothly with the pregnancy, and just one more day to celebrate the big 24 week milestone.

    Well, around 10a I was getting something out of the fridge, and while standing up, I lost my balance and fell onto my butt. It wasn't too hard, but scared me enough. Haven't had any contractions or bleeding. Both babies seem to be moving like normal. Called my OB, and they said that it sounds like things are ok. They want me to rest at home, and then just call them if I have bleeding or contractions, or changes in the babies' movements.

    I am so freaked out now. It's hard to rest because I have a 20 month old, but am trying to keep her occupied with toys while I lay down as much as possible.

    Anyone else have a fall and have everything turn out OK?
  2. MrsBQ02

    MrsBQ02 Well-Known Member

    Last week (29 weeks along) of all things, I passed out on the potty and fell onto the floor, onto my side- so not directly on my belly, but it did take a small hit. (Thankfully DH was nearby and quickly came to the rescue! [​IMG]) but we went in to the hospital- and the dr said babies are really well padded in there, and there's a very small chance anything happened to hurt them. They did go ahead and monitor me for a few hours, and the babies seemed A-ok. So if you just fell on your bottom, and the kiddos seem to be moving around ok- I wouldn't worry too too much! [​IMG] THings like that can be scary though!!!
  3. Kateyes2022

    Kateyes2022 Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] I fell out of bed when I was about 30 weeks pregnant. It was a pretty hard fall but thankfully I landed on my side. Dh woke up and helped me back to bed. I called my ob the next morning and she told me I should be okay. She said only to go to the hospital if I was bleeding or having contractions. I took it easy the rest of the day and never had any problems. Unfortunately, your balance gets worse the bigger you get [​IMG]
  4. Aurie

    Aurie Well-Known Member

    I fell hard during my first pregnancy. Our 100 lb GSD tripped me up and I took quite a tumble. But everything turned out okay. Those babies are pretty well padded in there.
  5. miraclemama

    miraclemama Active Member

    I've had two big spills in the past month, both on pavement out in public [​IMG] . Both times I just monitored myself - made sure I wasn't having any bleeding or contractions and made sure both babies were still moving. Everything is still OK [​IMG] other than a badly sprained ankle from the first fall. I have had to retire my Dansko clogs for the remainder of my pregnancy though, which sucks because they were so easy to get on!

    I agree - your balance just gets worse!
  6. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    I was stupid enough to stand on a stool to get something out of a cabinet (I thought I was being smart as usually I would actually get up on the counter to reach, we have cabinets all the way to the ceiling that are over a counter and impossible to reach). On the way down I 'raked' my entire stomach along the edge of the counter. I was mortified! I was reassured that the babies are extremely protected in their little 'pool' and to just be alert for bleeding and contractions but it would take a pretty harsh event to cause any harm to the babies.
  7. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    I'm sure your munchkins will be just fine...

    A few weeks ago, I stepped awkwardly onto a stool and it tipped over, spilling me onto the ground. Unfortunately, I half landed on the corner of the stool, directly on my crotch.

    OMG, it hurt so badly! I was freaked out, and I bled a tiny bit -- but figured out quickly that this was from an external cut. Man, it is not fun to have bruised private parts, LOL.

    But, the babies were totally okay -- lots of padding in there, as others have said!
  8. BabyMakes5

    BabyMakes5 Member

    Thanks everyone for your reassurance. I am feeling fine today. No contractions to speak of, and no pain. I am actually less achey after all that forced rest. Babies are still very active, so I guess that they are fine.

    Ultrasound next Tuesday to measure growth, so I am looking forward to that!

    24 weeks today with b/g twins!
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