Clueless about preschool

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Buttercup1, Feb 18, 2009.

  1. Buttercup1

    Buttercup1 Well-Known Member

    Can someone tell me what I need to know about preschool? When should my twins start going? How many days a week? Will I have to pay for it or is it sponsored by my town/state? I have really no idea where to begin looking. Does anyone know of any good resources about preschools?

    Sorry for all the questions, I just recently started thinking about this and now it's beginning to stress me out.

  2. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    Me too! Well, I am following what we did with my SD (11). She went to the neighborhood Recreation Center until she was old enough for K. I have one directly around the corner from my house and one down the street. They are called "Tot programs" for 3-5 yr olds not preschool but are the same thing and are from 9-11:30 Mon. thru Fri. Not sure of the specifics just yet but they cover the basics..ABC's, 123's, writing your name, art projects using fine motor skills etc. I know it's $20 a piece to register but not sure of the weekly cost yet. I think I remember my SD's being $18 a week. Although it was years ago it's probably relatively the same price since it is a neighborhood rec center verses an actual preschool. Which, by the way, we have around the corner and the cost for that is $135 a week per child! I guess that's what you pay if you want your child to learn a foreign language at this one teaches German!?! GL!
  3. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    There are many options. I looks like your girls' birthday is around the same time as my boys. We did a "traditional" preschool schedule with Marcus (Jonathan started out there, but qualified for the Preschool Disabled program, so he ended up going 5 days a week for free :) ). Marcus went for 1 year to the 3 year old program, which was 2 days a week for 2 1/2 hours. Then he went to the 4 year old program, which was 3 days a week for 2 1/2 hours. The year he was there they piloted an enrichment program which ran 1 day a week for 2 hours, it started in January, so from then on, he went 4 days a week.

    There are many types of programs, Marcus' school was housed in a Church, but had no ties to the church other than sharing the space for the past 30 years--it is also non-profit, and would give any profits at the end of the year to the church to pay for using the space. I think the cost came to around $110 per month per child. Some public schools offer preschool, the one here is something like $350 a month for 5 days a week, but some schools offer it for free--it changes from district to district.

    Hope this helps.
  4. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    Lots of options. Some preschools are church-based, some aren't. Some are operated year-round (mostly in combination with daycare centers, I think), and some follow a traditional school year with summers off.

    Someone once told me that a good rule of thumb was two mornings a week for 2-year-olds, three mornings for 3-year-olds, and four mornings for 4-year-olds. So, that's exactly what we ended up doing with Nadia, and it's worked out well.

    I looked for a NAEYC-accredited school, and I asked around a lot. The school we chose did have an application deadline of mid-February for the following fall -- although they've since changed that to rolling applications. Kevan and Karina will be starting two mornings a week this fall at the same place. (Well, depending on whether Kevan is ready or not...he's got some challenges.)

    For the 2-year-old class at this school, the kids are not required to be potty-trained, so they change diapers. They must be trained before starting 3's, however.

    Ask around, and start visiting places, and you'll get a gut feeling. A NAEYC accreditation is a great thing to look for, but lots of great places don't have it, because the paperwork to get it is really cumbersome.

    We pay about $2,500 per child for two mornings a week for the school year, late August through late May.
  5. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    There are tons of options and no "right" answers. Do whatever works for YOUR family and YOUR kids.

    Do you have a local moms group? They can be a great resource. Ours has a local preschool night every year. And the msg board is always filled w/ questions and recommendations about most of the preschools.

    Our girls are going 3 full days per week to a wonderful preschool. We started at 2.5 and we'll be there for 3 yrs (if all goes as planned). we LOVE our program, teachers, facilities, etc. It's $$$, but it's the best solution for our family's needs.

    I've toured MANY schools. Go with your gut/mommy's instinct. There are several places that felt dark, dirty, bored teachers, poor facilities, overcrowded, understaffed, too academic, too play based, etc, etc, etc.

    If you are SAHM, there may be Coops in your area which are alot less expensive, but more time consuming for you. And many areas have LONG wait lists.
  6. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It depends where you live. Most preschools here start at age 3. And it goes with the school year. Here you have to be 3 by Sept. 1 to start (you don't start when you turn 3 if you turn 3 before, but start that Sept. like the school year goes). So my twins will start this Sept. I have already registered them as registration was the beginning of Feb. They will go 2 days a week (there are also 3 days a week for 3's ) T/Th 9-11:30am. I will pay $125/month for each of them, so $250/month total. Plus this preschool gives a 10% off each twins tuition each month. :good: But they are the only one around here that does.

    I don't think we have any preschools that are funded by the state/town here, unless it's a special needs, Head's Start, but you have to qualify for that.

    You will need to look in the phone book for your local preschools and call them and get the exact info.
  7. Sullyirishtwins

    Sullyirishtwins Well-Known Member

    All of the preschools here they have to be 3 before or on Sept 1st. My twins birthdate is 09/30 so we missed the cut off date. Thus, they won't be going to preschool until they are 4 yrs old. I will have to sign them up either at YMCA or Park District after they turn '3' for varies of activities.

    A friend of mine is a former teacher, quit because she has twins boys. She love teaching so she decided to do it out of her home. She also have assistant to help on those days that have 6 toddlers in her home. My twins goes twice a week for 2-1/2 hours for drop/pick up. It made my life easier so I can go grocery shopping, go to my DR's and do some errands. They both LOVE going to their preschool. This is extra help as my son is receving speech theapry once a week with EI. They won't be able to go this Fall. Their teacher found out she is expecting baby #3 but told all of us that she will teach 2nd semester (Jan-May) 2010. My twins' will go 3 days a week by the meantime I have to find something for them to do this Fall.

    I also learned that most registration take place in Jan-Feb if your child start preschool in the Fall. Also, tuition fees are paid upon those payment plans break down as well when you registered. I found 1 preschool that I like for them to attend but I have to wait until December 2009 to start putting their names on the waiting list and then they'll call us for registration opening. All of their preschool is on lottery as this part of the town is a growing community.

    Best of luck with learning to nagivate 'Preschool'. I find the earlier you start questioning, word of mouth, learn from your community, and etc. will give you some relief and what to expect the coming days of your choice with preschool.

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