clothes from last winter still fitting?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by naomi02, Sep 21, 2008.

  1. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    my kids have always been on the small side, but they always tell me their growth chart looks ok. Since the weather's been getting a little colder, I've pulled out some jeans & long sleeved stuff.......some of which was too small, but there was still plenty that still fit! And these are clothes from last winter. Should I be concerned??
  2. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    not at all. We always have some clothes that make it across the summer- What you will find is that while they fit now, in a month or two they will be way too small!
  3. kirstenanch

    kirstenanch Well-Known Member

    My daughter was sill wearing 12 month winter coats and some sweaters as well as plenty of 12-18 month stuff well after her second birthday. Some stuff just runs big, definitely not a reason to worry.
  4. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    Nope. Mine always have some that follow to the next warm/cold season.
  5. Rose524

    Rose524 Well-Known Member

    This happened to us just the other day. I pulled out some sweats and a long sleeved shirt for DS from last winter and they still fit. He is on the slim side but I think that is okay, and I wouldn't worry.

    Look at it this way - you can save a few dollars and not buy new clothes for him right away! :)
  6. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    Be concerned? No. Count your blessings? Yes! LOL Any chance they can reuse clothes is chance for celebration around here!
  7. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    If you should be concerned then I REALLY need to be concerned b/c this summer my boys wore bathing suits that they were 2 summers ago. 3-6m suits when they were 30 months old :unknw: ... Some clothes are just made differently and will fit better.

    I just bought the boys a TON of 2t jeans for this winter a few weeks ago and last night they were to short on both of them.

    DONT WORRY!!!!!!
  8. korie99

    korie99 Well-Known Member

    The same thing has happened to us this year - THANK GOD!! :D I originally thought I had NO warm PJ's for Alex but then realized a handful of his sleepers from last year were a little roomy and now they still fit. Also last winter he was in diapers, and now the diapers are no more, so I'm sure a little less "bulk" helps too!
  9. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    ah, thanks!! Sometimes you just worry about the weirdest things, you know? :)
  10. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    I found that alot of my boys pants from last late winter/spring definitely still fit. I'm just appreciative that I don't have to run out and buy just yet. That way I can watch the sales and get a few things here and there as needed. KWIM.
  11. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    My girls can generally get through at least a year and a half in the same size clothes, since about 12 months when they stopped growing so fast. We had some summer things that they wore the whole summer when they were 1.5, and then again the whole summer (this year) when they were 2.5. It seemed that they barely grew at all from about 18 to 30 months -- then they had some kind of a growth spurt, so that now some of their pants that were too long in April are a bit too short now.
  12. thetaphi_62

    thetaphi_62 Well-Known Member

    I am half in your boat...

    I have one that is will still wear the same clothes from last year 18-24 mos (he doesn't eat much of anything), and one will definately not fit into any of that (he eats everything put in front of him, plus his brothers). Is wearing 2-3T!! So we have clothes in our closet/drawers ranging from 18 mos to 3T!! I am so thankful that I get most of my clothes from neighbors, because I never know what to buy these days.

    I agree with previous people, that we should be thankful that we don't have to be worrying about the next size, but I never expected this!! Some clothes that he (the smaller) wore last year are actually slightly big on him.
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