Clothes - do you go by height or weight?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by dezmitch, Jun 2, 2009.

  1. dezmitch

    dezmitch Well-Known Member

    My LOs are 10 months old and according to the size charts on the clothes they should be in 12 month clothing for height, but their weight isn't in line with the clothes. Basically they fit the clothes for length, but not for weight so clothes just look to big on them..and then if I put a size smaller the top pulls on them because they are taller.

    Do you go by height or weight when you buy clothes for your little ones?
  2. debfitz

    debfitz Well-Known Member

    My dd is in some 3-6month and some 9month clothes. Depends on the brand. She is a peanut only 16lbs. Ds on the other hand is 20lbs and about 32". He wears 12 month and some 18month clothes b/c he is soo tall. Each brand runs differently. Some clothes look like they are made for Sumo wrestler babies. I just try to eyeball it. Ds is growing so fast, I get them a little big for him. So far it's working well for us.
  3. Halseyse

    Halseyse Well-Known Member

    My girls are tall and skinny. Most of their clothes I decided didn't fit [usually with the onsies] by shoulder to crotch. If I had a difficult time buttoning them = they didn't fit ;)

    Now, I'm faced with the challenge that they can't fit into ANY 12 mo shirts [hard to get their arms in the sleeves and their belly doesn't wanna stay inside :p ALSO they've got short legs so their 12 mo pants work fine for them [some I still need to roll up cause they'll step on them while trying to walk. So they wear 18 mo [starting to get small] or [small] 24 mo shirts and then 9-12 mo pants. :lol:

    So to answer your question, I'd say it goes both ways.. sizes also run different depending on the brand. I'd rather have the clothes a little loose on them rather than being tight and uncomfortable.
  4. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    For me it really depends on what I'm buying. My guys are long and skinny, but mostly in the torso. So their 9 month sleepers and onesies are starting to get short, but the 9 month pants are dragging behind them when they crawl, and Jack stands on the hems. All of their clothes are loose on them width-wise.
  5. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(dezmitch @ Jun 2 2009, 10:07 AM) [snapback]1337779[/snapback]
    My LOs are 10 months old and according to the size charts on the clothes they should be in 12 month clothing for height, but their weight isn't in line with the clothes. Basically they fit the clothes for length, but not for weight so clothes just look to big on them..and then if I put a size smaller the top pulls on them because they are taller.

    Do you go by height or weight when you buy clothes for your little ones?

    For separates...if they fit 12 months for height, get yourself to the nearest Target and find some adjustable waist pants/shorts...they have them starting at 12 months. These were a lifesaver because my boys have finally getting taller but they are still very slim. For onesies, I always went with height because they can get hard to snap if they are past the height requirement.
  6. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    In your situation since they are tall Id go by height, who cares if they are a little baggy?
    We have the opoposite problem, my babies are chubby (well at least one of them) and short so in order for pants to fit his waist he wears 18-24 months (hes 15 months) and I roll the cuffs about 4 inches! LOL
  7. piccologirl

    piccologirl Well-Known Member

    our guys are long so we go by length. rompers always look too big, and by the time they look like they're fitting through the torso these guys are busting out the feet! so we go by length for rompers and onesies and try to find a happy medium for pants so they don't look like they're wearing shorts instead.
  8. lola5

    lola5 Well-Known Member

    It can be a bit of a puzzle! Typically, height is a more reliable guide for finding clothes that fit well, especially for pants and dresses. Weight can be useful for items like onesies or jackets where you need a snug fit. If you need a variety of sizes and styles, m and m direct is a great place to browse. They have a wide choice that can cater to different height and weight combinations, making it easier to find something just right for your child.
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