Cloth Diapers vs Disposable Diapers with Triplets

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by HamiltonMom, Jul 21, 2009.

  1. HamiltonMom

    HamiltonMom New Member


    This is my first pregnancy and we found out that we are having triplets. We are very excited yet do not know what to anticipate when it comes to diapers, as we will need and change a lot of them. Many people have suggested that we hire a diaper service and use cloth diapers instead of disposable diapers (with the exception of disposable diapers when being out).

    Your feedback would be greatly appreciated as I'm sure a lot of you have a preference or have experienced using both kinds of diapers. Thank you!
  2. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :welcome: i used a diaper service for the girls for about 6 months, then i switched to our own cloth diapers. i wanted to do cloth for a number of reasons but was concerned that i would be overwhelmed trying to figure out my own in the beginning - i think we made the right choice. i could barely keep up with the laundry i did have to do let alone an extra load every 2 days for diapers. once things had settled down more & we were into a good routine, i felt ready to switch to our own. i'm so glad i did! the cost savings is astronomical (and i'm doing something nice for the enviroment too). also, there are so many options these days with cloth diapers that it can be almost as easy as disposable. as for using cloth diapers when out & about that's not that difficult either - i always just carried some extra safeway bags in my diaper bag & put the wet diapers in, tied it up & then put them in the diaper pail when i got home. since then i've upgraded to a travel size wet bag (same idea, just prettier & more water proof ;) ). i don't know if you guys have Happy Nappy out your way, but that's the company we used here in Calgary & i was pretty happy with them. HTH.
  3. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I always did disposable. I just didn't know where I would find the time to wash my own diapers and the cost of a diaper service around here was quite high (more than disposables).
  4. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I also did disposables, I have enough trouble keeping up with the laundry for 6 people I can't imagine adding in diapers to that mix. And there are no diaper services around here but the ones I priced nearest to us (about an hour away) was going to cost me a fortune to have them come all the way out to us.

    If you look real close that they've found it may not be as "good for the environment" using cloth as everyone originally thought, because you generally have to use hotter water to clean them and the cleaning agents that diaper services use aren't environmentally friendly.

    That's just what I found when I looked into it....
  5. slr814

    slr814 Well-Known Member

    I wanted to do cloth with my twins, but after a few weeks of cloth, eventhough it wasn't all that much more work, anything extra was too much. I know triplets will be even more so (big huge congratulations by the way:) so if I had to give my advice, I'd say go with disposables. I think the cheaper brands work out to the same as cloth, and probably cheaper if you use a diaper service.
  6. JenCE

    JenCE Active Member

    Congratulations on the triplets!!

    I used disposables for my 2yo but we are using a diaper service for the twins. This service uses fitted diapers and I bought some one-size diaper covers (they fit from "birth through potty training").. There were a few reasons for us and honestly the whole "environmental debate" wasn't really a deciding factor.
    - We're rural and on a well and septic (a very high water table with risk of spring flooding) so laundering my own was quickly shot down by DH

    -If we run out of diapers it's not just a quick trip to the store to get more.

    -Garbage; we pay per bag.

    - Our service has a discount for multiples; 22/week for 1 baby $5+ for a second. :good:

    I do use disposables when we go out (unless it's to my mom's etc) and I put them in disposables at night; they keep them drier and so they sleep longer.

    I am really pleased with our service, and I have found that doing a combination of cloth and disposables works well for us. Even with using some disposables cloth diapering is saving us money for sure. If you can find a service that gives a discount for multiples you'd definitely save money with 3.
  7. faerieprncs

    faerieprncs Well-Known Member

    I just had my twins, but we are using disposables right now in the beginning...I thought that starting with cloth was just failure waiting to happen because of all the chaos...but in about a month or two, we are going to go cloth. Maybe that's a good way for you to go too? That way, you aren't completely overwhelmed in those early days, but you can still save some money eventually! :) Congrats on your TRIPLETS!!!
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