Cloth Diapering

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by orangeyaglad, Mar 2, 2010.

  1. orangeyaglad

    orangeyaglad Well-Known Member

    We finally made the switch to cloth diapers after the girls were breaking out in a series of severe and random rashes. We tried so many diapers and the ones that helped heal the severe rashes were the natural babycare disposables. The only downside to them is that they are extremely expensive and we just can't afford the extra expense. We are now trying gdiapers with prefold insert, which I love, but they are digging into their sides and leaving big red marks. They aren't complaining about them, but it can't be that comfortable. I'm now looking into bum genius and fuzzi bunz. I'm just confused and wondering how much it will cost us initially.

    How many do I need to buy? I understand that they are pocket inserts, so does this mean that every time they poop I have to change them into a completely new diaper? With the gdiapers you just need to change the liner because it's not tucked in the diaper. I'm so confused! lol
  2. ECUBitzy

    ECUBitzy Well-Known Member

    I have no experience with cloth diapering, but I was contacted by a group who is very involved in natural parenting. The website is, but they are much more active on their Facebook page. I highly recommend getting in touch with these ladies, you may be able to get your hands on some samples second hand before you commit to anything! Good luck!
  3. genagoodrow

    genagoodrow Well-Known Member

    Great to hear you're making the switch to CDs! We love ours, but use prefolds and some fitted under PUL covers. I love our covers - Mothersease AirFlow. So no help on pockets, inserts or gDiapers.

    Depending on how often you want to launder, you'll need somewhere between 30 - 48 diapers. The more the better.
  4. orangeyaglad

    orangeyaglad Well-Known Member

    I do laundry every night, so I'm thinking 20 will be okay for now. They get changed maybe 8 times a day...they aren't heavy wetters and poop 1-2 times a day.
  5. leighkdavis

    leighkdavis Member

    We are also considering switching over to cloth diapers. Someone recommended to us that we try a cloth diaper trial program (we used the one at Jillian's Drawers) before you make a full decision on which brand/style to use. The initial cost is around $150 and you get a box of all new cloth diapers to try for 21 days. At the end of the trial, you just wash them all and return them to the company and they will refund your money (all except a $10 program fee). I have to say that this has been a really great experience for us. You get to try every kind of cloth diaper--prefolds/covers/fitteds/AIO/pockets, etc--and then send back the ones that you don't like. It has really helped us to make a decision as to which brand and style we want to go with. Good luck! :wavey:
  6. dowlinal

    dowlinal Well-Known Member

    I tried CDing briefly with my first, but then I got pregnant with my second and it was too much for me to keep up with. I really liked FB. I don't know how many you'll need, but I had to change the whole diaper each time.
  7. orangeyaglad

    orangeyaglad Well-Known Member

    I just ordered 20 bumgenius. I think that should be enough. Since they're toddlers and not "going" as much. Plus, they'll almost ready for potty training.
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  8. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I have mostly BG and those are the ones we love the most! yes, with the pockets you have to change the whole thing... I do have some microfleece 'liners' that we use b/c our babies seem to get rashes easily, and I use the liners so that I can use petroleum jelly and/or diaper creams. sometimes if they just got the diaper and its not wet... and just a nice firm poop on the liner, I'll just take the liner out and put a new one in. but truthfully that sequence doesn't happen too often...

    20 will be fine for doing laundry every night... I haven't counted lately but I think I have close to 35 and that seems to work for us for a little over 2 days which is perfect for us now.

    keep your receipts in case the velcro or something wears out. I didn't and wish I had... I believe BG will replace if its under a year old. good luck to you!
  9. orangeyaglad

    orangeyaglad Well-Known Member

    I ordered 8 more just to be safe because there are those days when accidents happen more than normal. Plus, I received horrible customer service from and they are sending me two free BG for my troubles! Also, I ordered the liners and extra microfiber inserts. I'm so excited to be done with sposies forever! Thanks all for your help!
  10. pamallhoney

    pamallhoney Well-Known Member

    I just switched my twins and my 7 month old baby to cloth. It took a few diapers but I finally came up with what I like the best. I do Bummis Organic prefolds with a Bummis Super Whisper Wrap with snaps, we also love Bottombumpers AIO side snaps(again organic material). And the baby likes GroBaby which is another organic brand. But I refuse to make that the bulk of my stash because they are Made in China. Whereas Bummis is Canadian (although the organic diapers are made in Pakistan) and Bottombumpers is Made in the USA. Oh and with the prefolds, I found the infant size is better than the Baby/Toddler size for prefolding.

    I would love to try the organic BumGenius. And don't forget to become fans of some of your favorites on facebook. They have alot of giveaways and let you know when someone has a sale.
  11. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    one other thing... you'll want to do cloth wipes too. i'm pretty handy w/a sewing/serger machine so I just made my own out of flannel fabric from the fabric store. pretty each. I have not made most of mine into 2 layer ones, basically just the pretty side on both sides and serged or zig zagged around the edges.

    if you do disposable wipes, most of the ones we used in the beginning do just fine in the wash, they come out great and you can re-use them too!

    good luck and hope you enjoy it! I love it. though I wish I wouldn't love it so much, that I would find time to potty train!
  12. Sisrea

    Sisrea Well-Known Member

    I switched to cloth when my girls were 10months old. I used mostly homemade fitteds at home and then I have 16 BumGenius diapers for all going out and about. We switched because the girls were getting diaper rashes as well, and i love it. both of my girls are sick and have had dihhrea due to antibodics and i am sick with bronchitis and i have them in disposables right now and i hate it... i can't wait to get back in my cloth. It is addicting too so watch out!! :D
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