Cloth Diaper Questions

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by aquickworld, Apr 15, 2011.

  1. aquickworld

    aquickworld Well-Known Member

    Hello ladies~ Kinda new to this side of the forum. My twin girls are 3 months old and I am goignt o switch to cloth diapers soon(spending way to much on disposables). Any of you that has done cloth with twins, how many did you buy for your stock?

  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I wanted to do it for my twins, but my hubby vetoed the idea. I had 20 dipes for my singleton and at first I was washing them every other day. Towards the end I was washing them about once every 5/6 days. I made myself some homemade wipes with flannel & terrycloth. It worked wonderfully! I used Happy Heiney's. Good luck. Oh, I started when my youngest was 4 months.
  3. KeriU

    KeriU Well-Known Member

    I cloth diaper my twins and have 48 diapers. I try and do a load of diapers once a day otherwise I end up doing two loads of diapers if I go longer. I can go out 2.5 days without laundering though. I also made my own cloth wipes out of flannel. I use bumgenius and have had good luck with them so far. Mine are one size. If you decide to get fitteds I wouldn't get so many as you will have buy several in different sizes. For laundry soap I use charley's soap. It does great and we don't get any weird smells from them. Good luck with it. I love it!
  4. ECUBitzy

    ECUBitzy Well-Known Member

    Shortstackjo cloth diapers as well and loves sharing her how-to's. She's been trying to get me on board for awhile. ;) Maybe PM her?
  5. JMB

    JMB Active Member

    I use fuzzi bunz and love them! We have a mix of the one size and the sized. I've been using them since they were big enough for them (they were 34 weekers and about 5 lbs at birth) and used preemie prefolds before then. I've never counted, but I would guess we have about 45 and we do one load of diapers every other day, sometimes every third day but by that point we are getting pretty low. We use country save detergent and add a little vinegar to the rinse to make sure all the detergent is removed. Good luck!
  6. aquickworld

    aquickworld Well-Known Member

    Thanks! I used BG's with my son and have 12 of those and then 7 custome one sizes for a total of 19 diapers. I have everything else just needed some insight into how many other cloth diapering moms of twins were using.
  7. JoellePotter

    JoellePotter Well-Known Member

    48 diapers!? That sounds insane!

    We switched the boys around 6 months to cloth diapers. I had wanted to do it from the beginning, but couldn't get the hubby on board, then had them at 29 weeks and things got crazy.

    When we started we had 24 of the Bumgenius 3.0 One sizes and 24 cloth wipes. I hardly ever have to use more than one cloth wipe even for the messiest diapers I realized after I received them (I ordered a kit from Kelly's Closet) that I could of used wash clothes basically! Over time, I ended up with a couple others, but hardly ever use them unless it's laundry day (FB, custom, some others) :) The only way I could get my husband on board was to get a diaper sprayer so we have one of those. I started out using Bumgenius detergent, attempted to switch to Rockin' Green since I had heard soooo many rave about it, but my kids ended up with serious burns on their bums :( I now make my own detergent that I can use on cloth diapers as well as everything else in my house! No need for different types of detergent. Not to mention I make 5 gallons for less than a $1. I also use dryer balls (by Buddha Bunz) instead of dryer sheets so another thing I haven't had to buy in over a year.

    We went through awhile where we couldn't cloth diaper at night anymore because the boys kept waking up all red on the bum. Eventually we learned we had Rockin Green build up on the diapers causing it, so we stripped them and have since used my homemade detergent and also add a prefold for extra absorbency. We don't have to dread going into their room anymore and smell pee and have wet jammies from disposable diapers.

    I've even used them during camping, cross country road trips, moving from Hawaii to California, numerous plane trips, etc.

    We've definitely been perfectly okay with just 24 diapers total. It's also better if you wash more diapers at once so I don't recommend washing them every day. The more diapers = the more agitation and means cleaner diapers!
  8. E's 3

    E's 3 Well-Known Member

    I was going to say the same thing...48 sounds like a lot. I use prefolds (with Bummi Original covers) and I have 36 (got lots used from friends when I had the girls as I only had about 14 for DS) and at the moment go through 24ish between laundry loads. I use Nature Clean liquid detergent and have never had issues. I have also found the girls have been easier as we haven't had the night soaking issues I had with DS...I use the hemp doublers at night along with a regular prefold and they rarely ever soak though.
  9. scrappycindy

    scrappycindy Well-Known Member

    I have 28 FuzziBunz one size for my girls. I've been using them since they were 9 months old. I use disposies at night because my girls are heavy wetters and wake up soaked if I try cloth at night. I do a load every other day. Good luck. I've been very happy with cloth diapering.
  10. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    we had 42 diapers & did a load of laundry every 2 - 3 days.
  11. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    I haven't started using cloth for the twins yet but I did cloth diaper my two older girls at the same time. I have about twenty BG one size diapers and 12 Mother Ease and liners if I went through the BG. I like the mother ease for around the house and the BG for on the go. Of course my girls were a bit older 2 & 1 so I didn't use as many diapers per day as when they're younger. I like to wash every other day or every three days.
  12. rtj

    rtj Well-Known Member

    I only have 20 and wash every 2 days. However, I use disposables at night and sometimes when we go out for long stretches. I started at 3 weeks old and have gotten in a groove. Love Bum Genius AIO and Flip.
  13. Chrijodo

    Chrijodo Well-Known Member

    We use cloth for our girls. We use fitteds and wool. We have 24 fitteds right now I'd like another 12 or so. And a few pieces of wool that we use in rotation. We wash every other day or so.
  14. michelle_m

    michelle_m Well-Known Member

    I'm getting ready to make the switch over to cloth, too, so I appreciate all the comments. My girls were 3 1/2 and 4 lbs at birth so we've been using disposables, but now that they're 8 and 9 lbs, we're going to make the switch soon. I have ~20 fuzzibunz fitted smalls and then about 20 various brands' one-size. The one size diapers look so big...I think we might just try the fuzzibunz at first.

    I know Shortstackjo said Rockin' Green didn't work for her - any other detergent suggestions?
  15. ECUBitzy

    ECUBitzy Well-Known Member

    I just read a Bower Power post on washing cloth diapers this morning. It cracked me up, so enjoy!
    Bower Power
  16. JoellePotter

    JoellePotter Well-Known Member

    If you don't mind a little work, you could make your own. It just requires a bar of soap (I use whatever and have no issue), borax, washing soda (not baking soda), and water. It super easy to make 3 gallons at a time and lasts forever. 3 gallons will cost you less than $1.

    ETA: By a little work, I mean like 10 minutes. 3 gallons last us forever even using it for all laundry now.
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  17. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    You use it for ALL your wash? We spend SO much on laundry detergent. I would love to save some money in this area. Do you mind posting more details on how to make the detergent? Thanks!!! :)
  18. michelle_m

    michelle_m Well-Known Member

    Would love to know more!
  19. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'd like to learn more, too. :)
  20. travellingmum

    travellingmum Well-Known Member

    I've got about 40 cloth diapers total, plus about 12 covers in their current size. When they were smaller, I had about 20 covers, about 10 each because they were in different sizes. I have way too many.
  21. Loranda

    Loranda Member

    I have about 28 cloth diapers for my girls, half Fuzzibunz and half Bum Genius. I use disposables at night and was my cloth diapers every two days.
  22. Delo17e5

    Delo17e5 New Member

    If your baby is at home, cloth diaper is effective. And you may use disposable diapers while you were outside the house. Cloth diapers for us feels hotter for babies than using cloth diapers outside.
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