Clogged Tear Duct after 1?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by PoshTwinMama, Mar 21, 2008.

  1. PoshTwinMama

    PoshTwinMama Member

    My son has always had his one eye always tearing. Dr said they wouldn't do anything after age one. Well, he's 14 months almost. I'm sure they'll make us go to an optamologist (sp?).

    What do they do and is it painful as a parent to watch? we don't go to the Dr for another month so I'm sure he'll send us after that appt.
  2. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Meara has a clogged tear duct too. We are going to the ped opthamologist on april 24th. I'll let you know how it goes.
  3. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    They do some sort of scope. I had an appointment scheduled for Grace to have one, but the doctor had a long wait, and during the entire wait she never had an issue so I canceled and she's never had a clogged duct issue since. Her last one was just past a year old.
  4. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Amy had one the whole first year, and the ped never thought it was worth doing anything about. After 12 months, it did get significantly better, though she still has days when her eye tears up. It doesn't ever seem to get infected, and I asked the doctor about it at the 2 year checkup and he said not to worry about it.
  5. New Mom

    New Mom Well-Known Member

    Have you thought about a Chiropractor? I know a lot of people don't like them or won't go to them, but my Dad is one, and he has seen babies with this same problem. A little adjusting and he has fixed the problem. Just something to think about.
  6. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    My older DD had one since birth and at her 1 year appt I got a referral to a Pediatric Optho. He dilated and examined her eyes and determined that she would need to have surgery to unblock it. It was hard to have to hand her over for anesthesia but it was the best thing we did for her because once it got unblocked, she have never had another sinus infection and it took her about a year to get a cold. Before that she was sick all the time. I wish they would have let us correct it before she was one.
  7. leticiasnow

    leticiasnow Well-Known Member

    My son had one, but it cleared up before age one. But one of my twins had a blocked tear duct as well and when it didn't clear up at 14 months, we took her to the opthamologist, she said it would be best to do surgery. It was very quick and painless. I would definately get it looked at. There is only a small window that the surgery is effective between 1-2 if I remember.

    I woudn't worry about the surgery being too hard. You don't see anything except for them administering anestesia. It's an outpatient procedure and she will go home after an hour and will have drops.
  8. Soon2Bmotherof3

    Soon2Bmotherof3 Well-Known Member

    My Son had the surgery at 16 months. Hardest part is handing him over for anesthesia and watching him get "loopy" after they gave him the pre-anesthesia medicine. The surgery itself took about 15 minutes though so we were able to get back to see him pretty quickly. They basically take a wire and put it in their tear ducts to open any blockage. At first we didn't think it worked and were going to need phase 2 - a differnt surgery, but we decided to wait because we were pregnant with the twins. But now it seems to be okay - only gets really teary/goopy when he has a bad cold. We were told the first surgery should be done before 18 months, BTW, but that the second could be done anytime which is why we decided to wait. Now I am glad we did since it turns out he didn't really need it.
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