clogged duct - tried all the "regular" ways

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by jenniej, Mar 30, 2008.

  1. jenniej

    jenniej Well-Known Member

    So I woke in the middle of the night with my clogged duct again. In the past it was really a clogged nipple pore and hot showers/squeezing the clog plus lots of nursing got it taken care of right away.

    This time there is some milk coming out when I squeeze the clogged area so not sure if it is a pore issue again?

    I have been in the hot shower, hot pads, nursing that side with one baby and making the other nurse that one too plus trying to sqeeze to see if there is dried milk in there with no luck. I pumped/massaged a ton and was able to bring it down to managable size but it came back by the next feeding.

    I would ride it out but we are leaving in 4 days for 3 days without the babies. I am a horrible pumper so I know that I will not be able to drain myself the same as they do.

    Any odd/special/magic tricks to open this duct up?

    At what point should I get concerned?

    Would my doc have some other way of helping this out?

    Thanks jen
  2. Zabeta

    Zabeta Well-Known Member

    First, I would call an LC before your Doc, unless your Doc has shown her/himself to be amazingly educated on breastfeeding!

    Hopefully it will be gone by tomorrow, and all you'll have to think about is prevention: Do you take lecithin regularly already? Massage every day in the shower, massage before each pumping session, DO NOT be tempted to miss a pumping session - in fact you might want to add one for good measure. Use lanolin religiously to prevent clogged nipple pores. Relax as much as possible - is this a trip for fun? That might help.

    No magic tricks for getting rid of clogs here. But if you're wanting to try EVERYTHING, here are all the other things that you didn't mention but might already have tried: you might take a couple of ibuprofen, drink extra water, try the cabbage in the bra (usually for engorgement, but it can't hurt), stand on your head or do some downward dogs (seriously, working against the usual force of gravity can help), try nursing with the baby lying on her back and you on hands and knees over her (same idea - get gravity pulling in a different direction - though the one time I tried this T bit me and thought it was hilarious), just nurse in a different position than usual, and/or get DH or anyone to give you a good neck and shoulder rub.

    Sending you lots of good clog-loosening vibes (can't figure out which emoticon signifies those)!

    ETA: Be concerned if there's a red patch or streaks on the skin over the clog or if you have a fever or the area feels warm. After girls!'s experience, I wouldn't take any chances, but there's usually SOMETHING besides a clog if there's a bigger problem.
  3. jenniej

    jenniej Well-Known Member

    just nurse in a different position than usual, and/or get DH or anyone to give you a good neck and shoulder rub.

    Did anyone else finish this sentence in your head before you read it with something completely different than neck and shoulder rub? Wow - my mine went to a rather sick place :blink:

    girls! photo is why I am worried about what this clog plus 3 days minus babies will do. Girls! How the h--- did you deal with the pain for so long?

    Wish me luck - going to try all of those and any other that people send. I am sleeping with a hot pad tonight too.
  4. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    I would stick w/ what you are doing, massage it all the time, always put your stronger nurser on that side, pump after most feeds. Take HOT shower (or if you can sit in a hottub even better) and nurse right after, then pump. Always use heat before bfing/pumping. Take some lecithin.
    As pp said, try different nursing positions.
    I have had some pretty persistent clogs but I just stuck with it and they usually cleared in 3-4 days.

    Keep us posted!!!!
  5. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    This may sound strange, but I've heard that if you nurse with you over them (like you on all fours and them lying on the bed) that that will really help get rid of clogs! I haven't tried it myself, but maybe it would be worth a shot???

    This may sound strange, but I've heard that if you nurse with you over them (like you on all fours and them lying on the bed) that that will really help get rid of clogs! I haven't tried it myself, but maybe it would be worth a shot???
  6. bigeyes

    bigeyes Well-Known Member

    having DH suck on boob really helps me after i do all the "regular" stuff. it hurts like crap for about 10 minutes tell he is able to get the let down. like im screaming pain crap but it works. and tons of prayers +D always helps +D
    best of luck
  7. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(bigeyes @ Mar 30 2008, 11:09 PM) [snapback]695998[/snapback]
    having DH suck on boob really helps me after i do all the "regular" stuff. it hurts like crap for about 10 minutes tell he is able to get the let down. like im screaming pain crap but it works. and tons of prayers +D always helps +D
    best of luck

    Now that is one supportive DH!
  8. jenniej

    jenniej Well-Known Member

    having DH suck on boob

    So it wasn't crazy after all!

    I have a very supportive DH, I just talked to him and he said only if all else fails would he be willing to try this. I think it is just to strange. Funny though because he likes the girls otherwise and he even tried a sip of BM and Formula when I wasn't looking so what is the difference really?

    Thanks for the hints and good vibes. I slept with DS last night so I could be drained most of the night (plus the thunder storm freaked him out). Now it aches into my arm. I broke down and called the doctor - Girls! has be wigged out about letting this go on for too long.

  9. lbrooks

    lbrooks Well-Known Member

    Call your doc. I learned the hard way that sometimes a clog is actually mastitis. I let it go too long. I've been on the antibiotics for 6 days and I'm still not totally cleared up. Sorry this is happening.
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