
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by reeba1976, Nov 15, 2007.

  1. reeba1976

    reeba1976 Well-Known Member

    I thought that I would try this forum since my guys are ALMOST 1.

    My little Will was sick last week with an awful high fever (103.4). The ped said it was due to his wheezing from his touch of asthma....ANYWAY....Since being sick (which he is better now) he has been SOOO clingy!! Just to me! Not to anyone else! Yesterday I got home and he IMMEDIATELY runs to me and wants me to hold him. When I put him down he screams bloody murder. I tried my DH holding him so I could get dinner together.....NOPE! he wanted ME to hold him. I know that this is a phase (Please God let it be a phase), but how long should I expect this to last?
  2. guestd

    guestd Well-Known Member

    It is a phase. One of mine was super clingy too for several weeks. I would just try to divert his attention to something else. But that never lasted long. Mine are finally better about it, but get clingy once in a while.
  3. 4jsinPA

    4jsinPA Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine go through phases like this but its ten times worse when sick. I thought it was over but even at 2.5 Kenna is back to being SUPER clingy. I want to love it but sometimes its just too much!! There will always be a part of me loves that only mommy will do, but somedays its too much!
    Hopefully the phase will be over soon for you!
  4. girlsxtwo

    girlsxtwo Well-Known Member

    Mine are very clingy right now and it's driving me a little nuts. They won't let anyone do anything but ME!! I'm praying it is a phase because I am worn out. Sorry, I didn't really help, did I? I just basically wanted to let you know you're not alone!
  5. Crystal74

    Crystal74 Well-Known Member

    Both of my 1 year olds are super clingy TO ME right now. They constantly want me to hold them. It must be a phase, because I really can't remember it with Matt and Mia :)

  6. Lilpark

    Lilpark Well-Known Member

    My ds did that for a few weeks around that age.....but soon found better things to do.
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