Climbing stairs after a vaginal delivery

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by DoublyThrilled, Jul 11, 2008.

  1. DoublyThrilled

    DoublyThrilled Well-Known Member

    I am just curious...How long after a vaginal delivery should you restrict yourself from climbing up / down the stairs?
    Is there a specific timeframe?
    When can you get back to your routine life?
  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I was able to go about my normal routine immediately, or at least when I felt able. No restrictions when I left the hospital. I had some stitches. I did have some pain meds which really helped. If you are hurting, you are doing too much.
  3. wildblueberry

    wildblueberry Active Member

    With my singleton daughter, I was told to avoid the stairs for 2 weeks and not to carry anything heavier than the baby for 4 weeks. I carried her in an infant bucket seat up a flight of stairs just before 4 weeks postpartum, hemorrhaged, and almost wound up back in the hospital for blood loss. The risk of hemorrhage is greater with twins. I'd ask your doctor, and take it easy as long as you can. If something is feeling like too much - STOP. I really wish I had stopped on that flight of stairs, sat down the bucket seat, and called for someone to come rescue me!!
  4. melstofko

    melstofko Well-Known Member

    As long as i was comfortable I resumed my normal activities immediately. I was only advised against the, baths. That said, we don't have stairs and I only required a couple of stiches so I assume it is different based on your circumstances. try to take it easy as much as possible, your body has been through a lot in the past year :)
  5. Emily@Home

    Emily@Home Well-Known Member

    With my singletons, I had no restrictions, and nobody really said a thing to me about it this time. But after a great labor/delivery, I had a horrible postpartum repair experience which ended up with lots of blood loss and a transfusion and an OD on anesthesia. So when I went home, I was hardly able to walk from the car to the couch downstairs. Two weeks later, I was trying to be more active, I did the hemorrhage thing, ended up back at the hospital with "retained product" and had to have a D&C. Then I was weak again.

    I think you should take it easy. I'd only go up and down the stairs once a day if I had to do it again.
  6. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I don't remember being given any restrictions. I know I was walking up and down the stairs 3 days after I had my girls. Had to go up 7 stairs to get into my house, plus a flight to get to the bedrooms. But then again i was sitting with my legs crossed Indian sytle in the recovery room in the hospital before they moved me up to my room. The hospital that I had my girls in had the labor on the 2nd floor and the maternity and NICU was on the 4th.
  7. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

    I had no restrictions. I would recommend taking it easy though. Nine days or so after I got home from the hospital, I vacuumed and did general straightening up on our main floor for my sister's visit. My mistake! I totally forgot about letting housework go by the wayside for a while. I ended up bleeding heavy vaginally. Nothing further happened and I was okay. However, when I called my dr., she said, "you're probably overdoing it." So, don't overdue like that :rolleyes: .
  8. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    No restrictions like that here, I was able to do pretty much everything. And let me tell you going up/down stairs is nothing compared to getting in and out of a car :eek:
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