Climbing out of the crib

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by lizgoh1, Jul 23, 2010.

  1. lizgoh1

    lizgoh1 Member

    My 20 month old son can now jump out of his crib, so now his 7:30pm bedtime has been obliterated since I have no way of keeping him in and getting him to sleep! I don't know how many times I go in there to put him back to bed - but no matter how tired he is, he will continue to climb out and come to see us. I've heard now's the time to start them in toddler beds, since they no longer stay in the crib, but I'm afraid of the destruction he'll cause in the bedroom he shares with this sister - pulling stuff out of the drawers, trying to get out the window, etc. Does anyone have any suggestions?

  2. ssb2e

    ssb2e Well-Known Member

    I am looking forward to the responses because both of mine have realized they can do this also. I'm not sure what to do!! They also share a room. They sleep so good and I'm so afraid of what will happen when they can get up and freely run around. They haven't climbed out at night yet, only when they see me come in to get them, but I know it's soon. Mine are 21 months.
  3. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    I have two words for you... crib tent :laughing: The best purchase I have ever made! Mine started getting out about that same age and nothing I did kept him in it. He was a pro at getting out! I tried toddler beds for a full 7 days and they were just not ready. They totally destroyed the room and their sleep was still awful.
    I borrowed a friends crib tent (just to see) and yes the first night was rough but I put some toys in and it was wonderful!!! I think he even like the security of it. It was also nice because they couldn't throw out their blankets or books.
    Good luck, this is what worked for us.
  4. betha

    betha Well-Known Member

    Hi, we've been dealing with the same thing for the past few months. First my DD then my DS. They share a room and we have no way to separate them.

    Here is what we did...
    We put both of them back into sleep sacks. At first they weren't thrilled, but now they are fine with it and hold their arms out to help us put them on. My DS figured out how to climb out of the crib with his sleep sack on. We took off the bottom of his crib (the spring platform) and now his mattress is on the floor in the middle of the crib. He figured out how to get out that way too. Then we turned the crib around so the high part of the crib faces out into the room. For now, it's working and we are all getting sleep. Our next step is crib tents. I saw one or two on craig's list, but I'm putting it off for now to see if our current plan will work. GL!!
  5. lizgoh1

    lizgoh1 Member

    Thanks for your advice ladies! It never occurred to me to put their sleepsacks on again! They haven't been wearing them due to the summer but I'll turn up the air conditioner in their room. I hope this works! Thanks again.
  6. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    CRIB TENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You've got a long time til they are ready for beds. Get the crib tents and you will never be sorry :)
  7. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    Crib tent = best money I've ever spent!!
  8. mariakjor

    mariakjor Well-Known Member

    Ours climbed out at 20 months also. One night one did it, and the next the other joined him. ON the advice of the great ladies here, we put them in sleep sacks first. They also didn't like it at first, but adjusted. Then about 3 weeks later, they started climbing out (but more falling now) with them on! So we got the crib tents. The first night one of ours SCREAMED for a good 45 min before falling asleep. The next night it was 2 min, and the third night there wasn't any crying at all. They adjusted just fine, and importantly our great sleepers are still great sleepers. They absolutely were not ready for toddler beds. I'm happy to know they are safe and sound and they are sleeping well.

    DS 1 6
    DS 2 DS3 almost 2!
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