Climbing out of crib

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by TXCowboys, Feb 1, 2010.

  1. TXCowboys

    TXCowboys Member

    Well, my boys finally did it. They climbed out of their cribs sunday morning. It was so cute seeing them standing at the side of our bed. Anyways, I'm wondering what you all did when this happened.
    I'm thinking of making the cribs like daybeds, buying some toddler sheets/comforter with cool prints on them. I don't think they need a guard since the cribs are pretty low to the ground and I figure after one time of falling out they will get the idea.
    Just looking for other ideas from experienced parents.


  2. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    When my girls climbed out they went to Toddler beds. I was worried about on of them getting hurt from climbing out of the crib. Our transition was super easy! Good Luck!
  3. foppa2102

    foppa2102 Well-Known Member

    i've just gone through this transition a week ago. my girls are almost 20 months and both climbed out of their pnp's (we dont have cribs) on the same day. we got on craigslist and bought 2 adorable handmade wood painted toddler beds and mattresses, without rails of any kind, but i figured they were so close to the ground, that if they fell out they wouldn't be hurt. we put them each to bed in their own bed, and every morning they've been in the same bed, it's sooo cute! and no falls either. the only downside is that now they play for about an hour in their room before finally falling asleep. let me tell you though, the first 3 nights were really rough, lots of screaming and breaking my heart. but i stayed strong and now they're fine. good luck in your transition!
  4. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    If you don't have a drop down side crib, you could remove the mattress spring and put the mattress directly on the floor. That would give you a few more inches.

    I have not had to deal with it yet, but when it does happen, I plan on doing this. My hope is to keep them in their cribs until 3.
  5. Jenn G

    Jenn G Well-Known Member

    My boys have been climbing out of their cribs for months but I just don't think they're ready for big boy beds (or maybe I'm not ready for them, I don't know.) I found a crib tent on craigs list that worked great until Van broke the zipper this weekend. Finn hasn't been all that ambitious about climbing out, especially since his brother hasn't, until this weekend. Now, they're both climbing out and naps are in the crapper and bedtime is a disaster. At the end of the day, I love being able to put them to bed, close the door and say good night. I can't imagine that they would ever fall asleep if they had the room to themselves. All the posts that I've ever read on here have been so positive, though. I just think my boys are really too immature for this step. Am I wrong? Sorry, I don't mean to hijack the op's topic but I need help! For those with success- do you remove toys from their rooms so they're not up all night playing?
  6. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My DD is in a toddler bed (her crib converts and she kept climbing out) and my DS is still in a crib (he has no desire to leave it yet). In my DD's room, we put two quilts on the floor in case she fell out, the daybed is low enough that even if she did fall out, she wouldn't hurt herself. However, my DH is paranoid about the kids getting hurt, so that was our compromise.
    Jenn G- Initially my DD did not realize she could get out of bed and slept great! A few months later she started to be up later playing and playing during her nap, so I took the toys that she could reach and all of the blankets (other then two for her to sleep with) out of her room...and her sleep is starting to improve. You have to do what you feel comfortable with. Another Mom on here, when her girls started to climb out of the crib, she turned her cribs around so the high side was facing out and the side they were climbing out of was against the wall. I thought that was a really good idea for when you feel they are not quite ready for beds.
  7. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Only one of my kids ever climbed out of their cribs. When DD did it we moved her to a mattress on the floor for about a month and then put the bed together for her.
  8. *Sully*

    *Sully* Well-Known Member

    We've had some climbing incidents but have done some things to avoid moving out of cribs. I just don't think that they (or we) are ready. We had their cribs end-to-end for the longest time. First DD learned to climb across the end of her crib into his. The solution for this was to swap cribs (they have different styles). It worked for months. She couldn't climb out of the other crib and he couldn't climb out of hers.

    We went along like this for some time until they were just keeping each other up too much. So about a month ago we put the cribs on opposite walls. That is when DS decided to climb out the front of the crib. When he did it we went in and told him "No no, we do not climb out of our bed" and put him back. It happened 3 times and has not happened since.

    Now we do have issues with jumping in bed and banging on the walls so we have instituted a policy of no jumping, climbing, yelling or hitting walls (please tell me I'm not the only one with kids who bang on the walls :FIFblush: ). They get one warning without threat, then a warning with threat of losing lovies and the third offense they lose their lovies. We usually take them away and they cry and we let it go on for about 3-4 minutes. Then we go back in and offer to give their lovies back if they lay down in bed and go nite nite. We tell them that they can talk to their sister/brother and/or sing songs, but if they jump/climb/bang/yell they are losing lovies again. So far we have not had to take them away more than the one time.

    I guess if you can reason with them about other things, I would give it a shot with staying in the crib too. You will have to do the same thing if you move to toddler beds.

    Good luck. If the darn tents weren't so expensive we probably would have gone that route, but I'm glad we've held out on the switch and intend to do so for as long as possible.
  9. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    mine are excellent climbers and it happened early, as i knew it would! we put big pillows down below but asked them to call for us when they woke up instead of climbing... which they mostly did. but we got them into twin beds about two months later, just in case.

  10. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    We went with crib tents and they moved from their crib to their bed at age 3 with no issues.
  11. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    All it takes is one fall to end up with a broken arm or leg. There are a number of posters on TS who have had it happen to their kids. Your kids aren't even 2, I would invest in crib tents. They are great for everyone's peace of mind, and resell really well if you need to do that.
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