Class Parties and Teacher gifts

Discussion in 'Childhood and Beyond (4+)' started by MarchI, Oct 11, 2012.

  1. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    Forgive me because I think we had a non-standard first grade year and this year it seems like school is completely different. Do you guys receive a note from the class moms requesting money for parties and teacher gifts? Is there a set amount? Do you mind sharing? I had no idea this was "normal" at our school until i asked another mom. Is this normal at most schools?
  2. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    At my girls school, the beginning of the year $15 a child is collected for class parties. (i think 5th grade might be $20), and that is supposed to cover all t he parties for the year. This way when there is a party you don't have the class parents asking people to bring in stuff. (doesn't always work out that way). We also collect a $10 suggested donations for the class basket for the PTA fundraiser. That goes to the PTA paying for the assemblies that take place at school.
    Then $10 for the teach and $5 for the aide is collected for the holiday gift and the end of year gift.
  3. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Nope not here, at the beginning of the year most teachers have a sign up sheet at either the Meet and Greet, or Open House. You sign up for a party or two, to bring stuff in. We haven't ever done a class teacher gift, I usually buy them all something small for Christmas and the end of the year.
  4. Katheros

    Katheros Well-Known Member

    My two have been to 2 schools in 2 states and I've never encountered this.
  5. two.heartbeats

    two.heartbeats Well-Known Member

    I am a class mom (third year doing it!) and our school does do this. You don't have to send it in, but it is nice because I always end up spending my own $ (along with the other class mom; there is 2 per class). It can get a little expensive sometimes, but I like to put together nice parties for the kids. So I don't mind it terribly. I think of it as a price to pay to be able to see my kids during their parties and enjoy it with them, which is really nice :good: Our school asks for $7 for the year...We usually get about half to 3/4 of the class sending it in. (Believe me, the $7 isn't nearly enough...I don't even know why the school thought of that amount!) The parents can also check off whether or not they can be contacted for future help for parties (bringing in juice, a baked good, etc.) Some parents check it off, which is always a big help!! :ibiggrin: We don't do the teacher gift donation, though. That is a separate thing...Usually parents just do it themselves if they want to. I do it myself for the holidays (Christmas, if the teacher celebrates) and end of the year.
  6. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    Yes, we get one...I send back $5.00-$10.00 to help cover the costs of the party.
  7. 4jsinPA

    4jsinPA Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    No, we do not pay anything. I was co mom in one of the classes last year. I know we spent a bit out of pocket for parties and then for teacher gift we asked for sometimes a $1-$2 or we said to bring in a gift starting with a certain letter or something like that. Some kids couldn't afford to bring anything in so we bought for those kids.

    For parties I sign up to bring food in at the beginning of the year and the class mom calls me to tell me what to bring in.
  8. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    We were asked to pay $5 for class parties throughout the year. The class mom will collect for a gift for the holidays, and again for teacher appreciation week, but they don't suggest an amount for either of those. I usually give $10 to the group each time, and also we do somehing on our own.
  9. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    So we were asked to contribute $25 per child. That is to cover 3 parties along with gifts. Broken out it seems reasonable ($5 per event), I was just shocked because in first grade, we were not asked for any money.
  10. 2 Munchkins

    2 Munchkins Well-Known Member

    My 6th year as a Homeroom Mom, and we do collect money to buy meaningful gifts for the teacher for b-day, christmas and end of year, and/or wedding or baby shower. Parents give anywhere from $25 - $100, times approx. 20 kids = the teachers at our school are well taken care off. And any classroom related items (markers, whiteboards for the kids, magazines, etc.) goes on a wishlist and parents buy as needed. And class party supplies are bought by the HR Moms, separately.
  11. two.heartbeats

    two.heartbeats Well-Known Member

    Wow, this being my 3rd year being the class mom, I wish I could say the parents are more proactive here! I think I would fall over if someone ever offered up even $25, nevermind $100! Most barely give their $7 they are supposed to send in for the year for the parties. This year, 10 kids out of the 20 sent in the $7 so far. And we are "not allowed" to collect for teacher gifts anymore starting last year. The Halloween party alone this year will eat up the $70 and me and the other class mom will be flying mostly solo (or should I say, duo!) for the rest of the parties. Only 3 or 4 parents checked the box on our form to be contacted for extra help during the year for parties only. I love to put on good parties, too :) I don't mind too much as I LOVE to be there with my kids for the parties. :ibiggrin:
  12. sulik110202

    sulik110202 Well-Known Member

    Mine are in Kindergarten, but I just got letters from each of the class mom's on Friday requesting a $10 donation for party supplies and teacher gifts.
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