Circumcisions at 11 months

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by noahandjacobsmom, Jun 7, 2007.

  1. noahandjacobsmom

    noahandjacobsmom Well-Known Member

    My Noah is having a circumcison on June 18th. Has anyone ever had a circ done after the child is a few weeks old. He is having it done later because he has webbing (extra tissue) at the scrotum where it attachs to the wee wee. He had to wait until this age. (Also, before anyone responds does he REALLY need he doesn't medically but, his twin was done at birth and we want them to be the same.)

    I am just curious what the healing time is like. Also, how did the child cope with surgery and recovery?

  2. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    I am thinking it will definitely be quite a bit more painful than it would have been at birth. I am sure the DR will provide a list of things for you to do concerning taking care of it while it is healing. I say, be sure and give tylenol and motrin for the pain.
  3. twinduckmom

    twinduckmom Well-Known Member

    on the bright side, when babies are older they are offered more pain meds than when they are traditionally done at birth...

    godd luck and God speed with healing!
  4. twiceblessedin06

    twiceblessedin06 Well-Known Member

    Mine were a few months old and it was done in the pedi office. We were told that they no longer do it in the hospital because it hinders them from taking to BFing or eating in general.
  5. stbmo4

    stbmo4 Well-Known Member

    No experience myself, but my best friend had to have her 3rd son "redone". She said the hardest part was the no food/drink after midnight before the surgery. She actually woke him up and fed him cereal around 11pm, but since he was still bf-ing he was a bit mad at her the morning of the surgery.

    She said he didn't seem to be in much pain after the surgery; just a few doses of Motrin the night after and next day. He had a quick, easy recovery and she is very glad that she did it.
  6. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    :hug99: I hope it goes well!
  7. noahandjacobsmom

    noahandjacobsmom Well-Known Member

    Thank you for your responses. My DH is more concerned about the lack of food for the little guy. The uruologist also says that 95 % of his work is repairing circs that are done by pedi's when they should not be done. SO, I am glad that my pedi had the sense not to just do it to do it.

  8. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    Melony, I hope it goes well. :hug99: Poor little guy. :(
  9. AmyD

    AmyD Well-Known Member

    My guys both had their circs at 8 1/2 months because they also had penile chordees (crooked wee wees!!) corrected at the same time. The 2 surgeries were very different experiences, and I think it all had to do with the bandage the doc used. Cameron went first and had an ace bandage looking thing wrapped around his entire ***** except the tip. He seemed to be in a lot of pain, and we had to give him the pain medicine for several days. It was also painful and bloody for the doctor to take off. When he did Chase's surgery, he used a bandage that wrapped around everything except the tip, but it looked like saran-wrap. It was worse to look at because you could see the blood through it. It didn't seem to bother Chase at all though. I removed the bandage myself at home a few days after surgery, and it bothered him for a few hours, and that was it. I would talk with your doctor about what type of wrap they will put on. Since it's just a circ, it may be something very simple which I don't think will bother him much at all. When they come out of the surgery, they can be upset because they are disoriented. As soon as I had them in my arms (we did the surgeries on different days) and gave them a bottle of pedialyte, they were okay. They do have a weird cry and sound very hoarse after surgery, so be prepared for that.

    We could give formula until 8 hours before surgery and clear liquids (breast milk, pedialyte, juice) up until 4 hours before. We went ahead and woke them up at those time to give them something to drink, and we didn't have any problems with them acting hungry once we got to the hospital. We made sure we brought their favorite toys with us to the hospital and a blanket we could lay down on the ground, so they didn't have to be held the entire time we waited for them to go back. I think because they were in a different environment and really intrigued with everything, they didn't focus on being hungry.

    Good luck. I hope everything goes well!
  10. Colette+2

    Colette+2 Well-Known Member

    Mine had it done at 6 months at the hospital, but it was out patient. It was HORRIBLE when he first woke up, but after that it wasn't bad at all. I was sooo worried. But a little tylenol the next day and then after that he didn't need a thing. The entire thing wasn't nearly as bad as I thought, except for when they wheeled him away... he was smiling and laughing at the nurses and I lost it.

    Best wishes to your little one,
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