CIO when they share a room, but separate cribs

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by marchbabies, May 27, 2010.

  1. marchbabies

    marchbabies New Member

    We have two darlings by day, and at least one terror by night. They are 15months old, sharing a room yet separate cribs. Any suggestions /experience with CIO when they are in the same room? It seems just as one quiets down to sleep, the other one starts wailing. The one wailing then gets lovingly "plugged up" with the pacifier. I have "broken" both of them of the pacifier 3 times in lasts since age 1, with back rubs, story time and white noise, and then my husband and I seem to lose our way. So, how do you get two girls to sleep without pacifier by 8pm, at the latest, without driving yourself mad until 9:30 at night?
  2. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I hope someone has a suggestion... I was just going to say that we kept pacis until just before 24 months. I wanted to avoid the thumb sucking ways... and figured I could throw out a paci. (Though tonight I saw my ds sucking his thumb pretty hard... UGH!) I say that just to say that pacis aren't the worst things in the world. I really only broke them of it at 24 months b/c we are going on a trip nexxt month and they had started losing the pacis and fussing to get them back. They truly are doing fine w/o them... though it takes quite a bit longer to fall asleep... SO maybe yours would fall asleep easier with it...

    its always the lesser of the evils that you have to choose between!

    OH, and sometimes one will stay asleep while the other is crying... but not always, then you're dealing w/two fussies!
  3. orangeyaglad

    orangeyaglad Well-Known Member

    It's really hard to break the paci habit at this age. You either have to do it around 6 months or at 2 years. Our pedi suggested ditching it at 2 years because they can understand a bit better, but we plan on trying at 18 month because they catch on quick, but aren't ready right now. Ours use theirs only at bedtime. I don't see a problem with it if they are only using them to fall asleep. My girls always end up spitting them out during the night anyway. They just need it to fall asleep. Your only other option is to let them CIO even if the other one wakes. GL!
  4. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    My 2 cents :)

    I'm not sure what there schedule is but our bedtime here is never later then 7p and at that age mine were closer to 6:30p and slept till about 7am. Now it's from 7-7.
    As for the pacifier, I am of no help, my dd has hers and I'm not looking to take it away for at least a couple more months.
    We did cio with ours (same room, seperate cribs) and it worked wonders! Yes the first couple nights were rough but the key is consistency. If you're going to do cio, then do it and don't go back. With my dd and her pacifier we just threw a couple of them in her crib and if she didn't find them or she threw them out then she didn't have one and had to cio that night. She's learned and never throws it out and now will tell us when she's lost it.
    Good luck, this is such a hard time and it amazed me how they could sleep through the other one crying but they did. :hug:
  5. katzmeaow

    katzmeaow Well-Known Member

    I look forward to answers about sleeping without the paci. Ours have been using the paci only to go to sleep now and I take it away as soon as they are up in the a.m. and drink their cup of milk. Our kids have always shared a room and had separate cribs. We did CIO some time around 12 months or so, I can't even remember now. All I know is that we were consistent, as hard as it was to hear them crying. Magically, after a few days, they learned to go to sleep on their own. It is still amazing to me how one can whine while the other is out cold and they can sleep through each other's noises. I wish I had just let them work things out on their own a LONG time ago. We used to get them to sleep separately, then put them in their cribs because we were afraid one would wake up the other. Aghhh! We wasted so much time and sleep worrying about it, but we just didn't know!
  6. marchbabies

    marchbabies New Member

    Thanks everyone for the input, really appreciate the prompt replies; we're sticking with the paci's for now at bedtime. It's not worth dragging the bedtime routine out over hours... We'll cross that bridge in a few months.

    It's been a few nights (3?) of CIO, and they already seem to be adapting... Maybe 10-15 minutes of crying now, and then they're both down for the night.

    Thanks again!
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