CIO naptime new to cribs help please!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by brooke78, Jul 12, 2007.

  1. brooke78

    brooke78 Well-Known Member

    :eek: My 2 little ones who usually sleep in bassinettes, on floor, in car , at others homes are in their cribs for their first nap right now screaming. My heart hurts but I am ot sure if I am doing it right. And it is the 1st time for CIO for me. I went in and pattedthem every 2 mins for 20 mins. bu the screaming is like nothing I have ever heard from them I put on the music from their bassinettes that they are used to.

    I had to try this CIO without DH so I decided to do it for today's naps. He would pick them up right away.

    Matthew keeps rolling over and scootching to the end of the crib. Amy just screams. I don;t know what tot do!

    help, am I doing the rght thing ? should I gicve up go pick them upa dn hugg them? will they hate me?
  2. brooke78

    brooke78 Well-Known Member

    MWS thanks I will try the water.
    Matty has rolled over is is sucking his thumb on his tummy
    I ususalluy avoid the tummy for sleeping but he is not screamoing.

    should i roll him over? I feel so horrble but not as bad as I thought i would.

    why did you choose to wait til 10 months? did it just happen that way?
  3. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I would start by giving them about 10 min. to settle down (or whatever time limit you are comfortable with). Then, as they get around 6 mos. or so you can have a longer time and you probably won't need it anymore. They won't hate you, or even remember it! :hug99: You can wait till 6 mos. to start if you are more comfortable!
  4. kendraplus2

    kendraplus2 Well-Known Member

    I had to do the same thing right around 5 months as well - I had them sleep in one crib at night and in the swings for naps ... the swings had to go for naptime (they were getting too heavy) and they started rolling into one another in the one crib so we had to go to 2 at night. The first 2 or 3 days can be rough but after that it got easier and now they typically go down like pros.

    They will cry because it's not what they are used to, but they just need to learn that the crib is for sleeping and it will take a little time. Remember, they can't talk to you and the only way they know how to express anything is to cry, so try not to take it personally! I also had to do it while DH was out of town, and I was so proud because I single-handedly got them to nap in cribs over a 4-day weekend. You definitley can do it! Did they have anything that they would take to nap with them, like a stuffed animal, blanket, anything like that? Mine would go in swings with a blanket and stuffed bunny and swing music ... what I did was move the swings to the nursery so they got used to being carried into the nursery for naps, did that for a few days, and changed the swing music to the crib mobile music so they got used to falling alseep to that ... then I made the move, putting on crib music, laying them down with their blanket and bunny. It helps if they have somewhat of a routine going on, where you know that around 11am or whatever they need a nap, so they know that it is naptime no matter where they go, but even if that isn't the case, when you can see that they are tired, just put them down. I would walk away, leave them to cry for a few minutes, then go back in, give them their nuks, pat their backs, try to ignore the pleading looks on their faces, and walk out again. Let it go a few minutes and then go back in. I never picked them up once I laid them down for naps. It took a few days (and one time of Chase wailing for about 45 minutes) but they got the hang of it. You can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You just have to stick to your guns, keep putting them in the crib for naps, and don't pick them up. It will be rough but now it is so nice to lay them down and watch them turn over and go to sleep!!!!!
  5. brooke78

    brooke78 Well-Known Member

    The scrreaming is so sad. AMy is not crying but whimpering and screaming. She sounds so sad. But she does seem closer to sleeping....the next problem is that it's almost feeding time. ....t I think...but my brain is so fried roght now I am lucky I can remember how to spell.

    SOhould I do this for this afternoon's nap? Should I pick up Amy so she doesn't associate screaming with new crib.
  6. BreezyDays

    BreezyDays Well-Known Member

    Try using wedges, rolled blankets or towels for them to sleep between. It makes them feel cozy. I took a soft blanket and rolled both ends and made my own wedge. I just transitioned my 5 monthers from car seat sleeping to crib doing that. It worked the first night surprisingly. You can also control a little better the position they sleep in (more so with reg wedges tho) I also raised the mattress up some and seperated them so they wouldnt disturb each other.

    I let mine cry and fuss just for a little while. When the serious cries start I get them.

    Good luck, its just takes time and a whole lot of patience
  7. kendraplus2

    kendraplus2 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(brooke78 @ Jul 12 2007, 04:04 PM) [snapback]327828[/snapback]
    The scrreaming is so sad. AMy is not crying but whimpering and screaming. She sounds so sad. But she does seem closer to sleeping....the next problem is that it's almost feeding time. ....t I think...but my brain is so fried roght now I am lucky I can remember how to spell.

    SOhould I do this for this afternoon's nap? Should I pick up Amy so she doesn't associate screaming with new crib.

    In our case, the whimpering/sad crying was their way of winding down to sleep. It really does only last a few days and you have to keep in mind that you are doing this for thier good, and it's OK for them to cry, and believe me, they won't be mad at you. They'll wake up from their nap with big smiles on and it will make you feel much better.
    I'd definitley do it for the afternoon nap and NOT pick her up, she needs to learn that the crib is for naptime and if you pick her up, or don't do it for some naps but do it for others, you'll just confuse her. If you've decided that cribs are for naps, you just have to stick to it, bear the crying, and hang in there for a few days. They will get the hang of it, believe me.
    I understand about the crying ... I started bawling the other night when they were crying, I knew they were SOOOOO tired, overtired, and crying, but they were not feeling well too, and DH was telling me to just let them cry for a few minutes ... but I couldn't. I told him it's like a physical pull on your heart, you want so bad to go in there. Needless to say I gave it 4 minutes and then went in and got my baby!!! But he was sick so I just couldn't let him lie there and cry.

  8. littletwinmom

    littletwinmom Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the post and all these responses. I need to hear this right now. I've almost given up on crib's SOOOOO hard!
  9. brooke78

    brooke78 Well-Known Member

    thanks , everyone.

    I am so confused now. Matty fell asleep on his tummy. Amy stopped crying...i brought up the bassinette just to play the music.She looked fine but wide awake. She was looking around the room, moving arms and legs calmly and slowly but now she is all out screaming. I am up to waiting like 10 mins. Should I stay at 10 mins? increase the time? decrease?


    plus it's 12:30 NY time and she is due for a bottle at 1-1:30

    Is a bottle legitimate for picking up? duh? but if I do P/U now can I give her the bottle a little early as if to say that's why Mommy gave up and picked you up?

    MIND GAMES OR WHAT? is that hat this is all about?
  10. BreezyDays

    BreezyDays Well-Known Member

    If she falls asleep and is napping during bottle time dont worry. What I do is place my pinky knuckle to the lips to see if its hunger. If the boys go at it then I know their hungry. If she doesnt act hungry give it some more time.
  11. brooke78

    brooke78 Well-Known Member

    She seems like she is almost there..but is too stubborn to follow through wiht just keeping her eys closed. She sounds sao sad.

    Question? DO I keep going in and patting her or stay out. I feel like each time she sees me she gets all upset again.

    I can't believe this is so hard. And I feel guilty, eating my lunch and typing to you guys.

    But because I have learned so much from you all ove the last months I don't feel as bad as I thought I would. I feel like whimpering and picking her up but now like I should be crying. Guilt stinks.

    stay ou or continue to go in?
  12. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    Hi there. I know how stressful it can be getting your little ones to sleep in their cribs for naps. Did you go cold turkey? I transitioned my gradually. James was fine, but Evan needed some extra help. First I put him in his swing beside the crib for naps - I've heard of some people putting the babies in the car seat/bouncy chair (wherever they usually sleep) and then putting the whole car seat in the crib for a few naps. This way they get used to the darkness of the room, etc. without actually being in the big, wide-open, scary crib.

    I started out with one nap a day in the cribs (the first morning nap - the easiest) and added another nap every few days.

    I haven't done CIO.

    Good luck!

    QUOTE(brooke78 @ Jul 12 2007, 11:49 AM) [snapback]327791[/snapback]
    :eek: My 2 little ones who usually sleep in bassinettes, on floor, in car , at others homes are in their cribs for their first nap right now screaming. My heart hurts but I am ot sure if I am doing it right. And it is the 1st time for CIO for me. I went in and pattedthem every 2 mins for 20 mins. bu the screaming is like nothing I have ever heard from them I put on the music from their bassinettes that they are used to.

    I had to try this CIO without DH so I decided to do it for today's naps. He would pick them up right away.

    Matthew keeps rolling over and scootching to the end of the crib. Amy just screams. I don;t know what tot do!
    help, am I doing the rght thing ? should I gicve up go pick them upa dn hugg them? will they hate me?
  13. brooke78

    brooke78 Well-Known Member

    I have had them i the room for morning feeds, laying in the crib a few time s yesterday and today. But not trying to get them to stay alone or sleep.
  14. brooke78

    brooke78 Well-Known Member

    Now Amy is asleep.

    BUT SHE IS MAKING SOME FUNNY SOUNDS WHEN SHE BREATHES> it's lik a hiccup and a big sniffle and it happens every 7 breaths or so . she is to=otally asleep but her whole body moves like a child whimpering but not crying.

    It's scary bec. we jsut had 1 hour of off and on crying( mostly ON)

    She is brathing and doesn't seem to be stopping. She usually isn't a long napper but has never made these sounds before. She has been asleep for abotu 10 mins.
  15. BreezyDays

    BreezyDays Well-Known Member

    Sounds like a similar sound Ty makes when he sleeps. Possibly just some mucous behind her nose. Just keep an eye on her. I understand your feelings.
    Im not new to the mom scene but the twin scene is a different road. Its been so long I forget a lot of things lol my others are 13 and 16.
  16. kendraplus2

    kendraplus2 Well-Known Member

    Glad they are both asleep!!! I remember when first putting them in cribs, Con would roll over to his tummy, which he really didn't do before, now he sleeps on his tummy all the time.

    Hang in there, you're doing a great job. :)
  17. vweaver

    vweaver Well-Known Member

    I am new to twins - mine are just 2 weeks old - but I did let my older two CIO as infants. They would go through stages where they would sleep great and then they would have a couple of days of CIO. Even though I would feel guilty while they were crying I knew it was better for everyone since we had a great morning -afternoon-and evening if the girls got their naps. Plus, they knew they had to go to sleep when it was nap or bedtime.

    I always found nighttime worked best for CIO since they are so exhausted by that point. My oldest daughter a blankie and music was the key to nap time and a bedtime story. My next daughter it was the Fisher Price aquarium with the bubbles turned on!

    Good Luck! I am dreading going through this phase with the twins, but I know I will do it again since it does work. I always needed my hubby there with me for support telling me I was doing the right thing and not to go get them and give them a big hug - he told me to save it for when they woke up/

    Take care and good luck!!!
  18. brooke78

    brooke78 Well-Known Member

    O K Amy slept for 15 mins--not to odd for her in the day time. I was hoping that all that screaming would tire her out. But she was all smiles. Matthew slept for 1 hour--typical.

    Fir this afternoon's nap Amy started to fall asleep in her cousin's arms so I rushed her up and put her in the crib. She slept for 20 mins. I let her cry agin and did the pat and sush and leave. Then I realized it was 3 hours past her last feeding....sssrrggghh 2 times a day she needs bottle 3 hours and 2 times 4 hours. NOt easy but we are working on 4 hours every time.

    Matthew's second nap went well eith his bassinette music and 1 minute of crying..typical. So taht was a breeze.

    Now Amy is eating ( her wonderful cousin comes over and helps out!) and I am getting myself ready for the next round. I hope it goes well before tonight's DH time. HE will not go along with me.

    Thanks, for all your support today. It has been so much easier going through al of this with you wonderful people!
  19. BreezyDays

    BreezyDays Well-Known Member

    Brooke, are you demand feeding or trying to go with a schedule? Just curious. I still demand feed mine the bottle.
  20. brooke78

    brooke78 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(BreezyDays @ Jul 13 2007, 12:39 AM) [snapback]328696[/snapback]
    Brooke, are you demand feeding or trying to go with a schedule? Just curious. I still demand feed mine the bottle.

    I guess you'd call it demand feeding. I never made Matthew go to 4 hours . He just did it. I do feed Amy whenever she needs/ wants it. I do how ever try to stall her in harmless little ways to try to get the last 2 bottles to be 4 hours. But that usuaally means taking her into the kitchen to watch me make her bottle and wassh 1 or 2 things.....nothing like making her cry for the last hour.
  21. brooke78

    brooke78 Well-Known Member

    oh my goodness!!!

    Day 2 of CIO new to cribs and they went to sleep after literally 2 mins in the crib. // no jinx no jinx no jinx// hope it helps to say it 3 times

    I am in shock. Thank you all for running through it with me yesterday. I helped to read all your posts with suggestions and encouragement.

    Last night I put Ay's bassinettte in her crib...that helped but today she is daytime napping without the bassinette.

    Matthew woke up crying with his poor little leg all the way through the crib slats but all in all it seems to be working // no jinx no jinx no jinx//

    yyaaahhhooooooeeee what can I do will they sleep? no, don't say laundry.....LOL
  22. kendraplus2

    kendraplus2 Well-Known Member

    Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :a_smil09:
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